Music Learning Band Inclement Weather Policy
Dear Band Students and Parents,
With the possibility of inclement weather this week, we wanted to remind you of our inclement weather policy.
Music Learning will generally follow your school's decision regarding cancelling classes. If your band meets before school, Music Learning may cancel classes even if your school is open. This decision will be made as early as possible, but no later than 6:00 AM and will be announced on our website, Facebook page, via text alert, and reported to CBS 11.
Please use your best judgement regarding travel to band classes. Your child will not be penalized for missing a band class due to weather and/or road conditions.
If your school is closed, band classes will not meet.
For before school classes, if your school has a delayed start, band will not meet.
For after school classes, if your school closes early, band will not meet.
Music Learning does not plan to implement remote learning unless schools remain closed for more than 3 consecutive days.
Saturday Band classes may be cancelled depending on school and road conditions. We will communicate this through a separate announcement via email, Facebook, our website, and Channel 11 by Friday evening no later than 10:00 PM. Once a cancellation is announced, it will not be rescinded.
Music Learning Band
(972) 499-0831
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