April 2017
In This Issue
Choral Evensong
Cincinnati Men's Chorus Concert
Music Live@Lunch
Bach's St. Matthew Passion
Holy Week and Easter
Cathedral Choir Easter Concert
Cathedral Choir Auditions
High School Choral Scholar Program
Chapel Organ Update: A Gentle Whisper
Sunday Eucharist 
8:00 & 10:00 am

Choral Evensong
Most first Sundays 
October through May 
6:00 pm
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Choral Evensong
Sunday, April 2 | 6:00 pm
Candle The Christ Church Cathedral Choir will be joined by the Parish Choir of St. Thomas Episcopal Church (Terrace Park) to sing Choral Evensong for the Fifth Sunday in Lent. Music will include canticles by Gabriel Jackson (the Truro Service), "The Altar" by Roland E. Martin, and organ works of Johannes Brahms and Herbert Howells. Reception following.    
Cincinnati Men's Chorus Concert
Spring Concert: One Hit Wonders
Saturday, April 1 | 8:00 pm
Sunday, April 2 | 2:00 pm
School for Creative and Performing Arts (SCPA)
108 West Central Parkway, Cincinnati, OH 45202
These artists were the next big thing...until they weren't. The road to stardom is littered with bands that struck gold with a top hit, only to fade away into obscurity. The Cincinnati Men's Chorus, an ensemble-in-residence at Christ Church Cathedral, is bringing back the best of those one-hit wonders with a show at the School for Creative and Performing Arts that will have you singing along. Ticket information

Music Live@Lunch
Weekly September through May
Tuesdays | 12:10 pm
April 4  | Vox Regina: Women's choir
April 11  |  Christ Church Cathedral Choir sings Thomas Tallis'
Lamentations of Jeremiah  and other music for Holy Week
April 18  | Della Enns (piano), Jacquie Fennell (violin)
April 25 | Rookwood Chamber Players: Dona Wiedmann (violin), Jessica Madsen (piano)

Music Live Plus+ with the CSO
Select Mondays
In addition to our regular Music Live@Lunch series, we are pleased to present Music Live+ Plus on select Mondays, compliments of the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra! The CSO is comprised of some of the most talented musicians in the nation. Members of the CSO will play solos and chamber works from the Baroque era through the 20th century.
Monday, April 24 | Chika Kato Kinderman (violin)

Chika Kato Kinderman

Bring your own lunch or purchase one at the cathedral.

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Bach's St. Matthew Passion
Sunday, April 9 | 3:00 pm
This  staged presentation of J. S. Bach's monumental  St. Matthew Passion for soloists, double choir, and double orchestra, tells the story of Jesus' suffering and death using passages of Scripture and poetry. Begin your Holy Week with this masterpiece, brought to life in a unique staged performance under the direction of Earl Rivers, Director of Choral Studies at UC College-Conservatory of Music. Ticket information: online or 513-556-4183.

Holy Week & Easter

The Sunday of the Passion:
Palm Sunday | April 9
Liturgy of the Palms & Holy Eucharist
8:00 am & 10:00 am+*
Tuesday in Holy Week | April 11
Music Live at Lunch
12:10 pm
The Cathedral Choir sings music for Holy Week

Wednesday in Holy Week | April 12
Holy Eucharist
12:10 pm
Maundy Thursday | April 13
Maundy Thursday Liturgy with Foot-washing+
7:00 pm
Vigil at the Altar of Repose
9:00 pm - 11:30 am
Sign up for a specific time
Good Friday | April 14
Good Friday Liturgy with Veneration of the Cross and Holy Communion
12:00 noon
Choral Evensong+
7:00 pm
Holy Saturday | April 15
Holy Saturday Liturgy
10:00 am
The Great Vigil of Easter with Holy Baptism
8:16 pm (sunset)+
You are invited to bring a bell to ring when Christ is proclaimed risen!
Easter Day | April 16
Holy Eucharist
8:00 am & 10:00 am+ *
This service will include festive music for brass and percussion
Easter Egg Hunt
11:30 am in Cathedral Library
+ Incense will be used
* Nursery care provided

Cathedral Choir Easter Concert
Sunday, April 30 | 4:00 pm
The Church of Our Saviour ( La Iglesia de Nuestro Salvador)
65 E. Hollister St.
Cincinnati, OH 45219
null The Cathedral Choir will sing a diverse program of English, French, German, and American masterpieces in celebration of Easter at The Church of Our Saviour/La Iglesia de Nuestro Salvador. No admission charge. Freewill offering in support of COS/LIN's historic Hook and Hastings Pipe Organ Restoration Fund.
Cathedral Choir Auditions
Monday - Friday | July 24-28
or earlier by appointment
Do you love to sing? Consider joining the Christ Church Cathedral Choir for the 2017-18 season! As a chorister, you will sing at weekly Sunday morning services, monthly Evensong services, and other major liturgical observances in the church year. Positions are open for paid and volunteer choristers, as well as substitute choristers.  
Find out more information and audition requirements. Contact Stephan Casurella to schedule an audition time.
College students are especially encouraged to audition early - before the summer break begins!
High School Choral Scholar Program
Application deadline | June 15
choral scholars 2 Our High School Choral Scholar Program provides Cincinnati area high school students an opportunity to join the Cathedral Choir as apprentices. Successful applicants will receive intensive training in the art of fine choral singing so that they may begin the process of learning to perform at a professional level. They study a wide range of repertoire, such as works by Tallis, Brahms and Howells, as well as spirituals and music of other cultures. For their efforts, they are compensated with a monthly stipend throughout the academic year.
Chapel Organ Update
A Gentle Whisper
by Harold Byers, Chair, Christ Church Cathedral Music Committee
The Lord said, "Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the Lord, for the Lord is about to pass by." Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper. When Elijah heard it, he pulled his cloak over his face and went out and stood at the mouth of the cave. Then a voice said to him, "What are you doing here, Elijah?" (1 Kings 19:11-13, NIV)
In the passage about Elijah, the Lord was not in the wind which tore the mountains apart; He was not in the earthquake nor was He in the fire. "After the fire came a gentle whisper" and it was that whisper to which Elijah responded. The Chapel organ, C.B. Fisk Op. 148, is like this gentle whisper; it is the exquisite gentleness and intimacy of children's voices, the subtle and mysterious qualities which can be heard in perfect quietness, in prayerfulness. Intruding noises can cover and destroy the intimate presence of the voice. That voice is vulnerable. Op. 148 can become the instrument through which we hear that "gentle whisper."
This is not to say the sound is always small. It can be full and robust. But the most special character, that gives this organ the possibility of being a landmark instrument, is in its subtle detailed beauty. Today loud noises abound and much of the music heard has become louder and louder through the passing years, sometimes causing ear damage. When sounds become very loud, subtlety and beauty are lost to the point that the only quality remaining is loudness. The greatest instruments are not particularly loud, but have a wide range of color, depth and dynamic shadings. And the sound has a marvelous carrying quality to the furthest reaches of the room. These great instruments have distinctive voices, never generic or common.
The use of low wind pressure in the Italian tradition is part of the reason for the special sound qualities of Op. 148. Attention to many other details is also critical. These include the careful control of metal content, selection of the best woods and consummate artistic craftsmanship, all created through the talent and passion of the very best people working today. In addition, all elements in the room must work together to enable that "gentle whisper" to be heard, for the room is part of the instrument too. When it is heard, that "gentle whisper" can change the world.

2016-17 Music Brochure
Now available online!
You can now view online  or download  our brochure of music offerings for the entire 2016-17 program year. You may also pick up print copies at the cathedral. Feel free to be generous in sharing these. Help us spread the work about the cathedral's excellent music offerings - most of them offered at no charge! If you wish to receive a print copy by U.S. mail and have not received one by September 1, please contact Crystal Jones . The brochure includes listings of all Music Live@Lunch performances, special concerts, services of Choral Evensong, Christmas offerings, special services and more.

Friends  of Music
For almost two centuries, Christ Church Cathedral has brought outstanding musical offerings - in worship and in concert­­ - to the city of Cincinnati. You can be part of this great tradition by becoming a Friend of Music at Christ Church Cathedral.


Your contribution will be dedicated exclusively for special concerts, commissioned works, and other music projects that would not otherwise be possible. Make your contribution online, or mail your check, payable to Christ Church Cathedral (please write Friends of Music on the memo line), to: Christ Church Cathedral, Attn: Friends of Music, 318 East Fourth Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202.


The Queen City Square Garage is now open for parking for all cathedral services and events. You may enter the garage from Fourth or Sycamore street. (The garage located at 303 Broadway is connected, so you may also enter the Queen City garage from Broadway street.)