The February 2019 MusicAppraisals.com Newsletter
The chilly winds and rain of February will soon give way to the conflicting mix of Spring weather drawing near. That means you can start seriously thinking about how to manage your collection or archive. Will you be expanding? Redefining? De-acquisitioning? Large or small, rare or common, the collection you love, learn from, and share deserves consideration as part of your legacy. Photographs, music, posters, instruments, scores, documents, even trading cards and tee-shirts - These things matter to the future. The future cares about the past, even the past that just passed. Really. Consequently, my one piece of advice for you now has a great resonance through time: Don't assume anything. Don't make assumptions about what is valuable and what is not. Don't ignore anything that you might consider "trivial" or "unimportant." Sometimes even the smallest, flimsiest piece of paper is the most desirable item of all.
Stephen M.H. Braitman, ASA
I don't expect many readers to book their passage to see this little exhibition at the Ruth Hill Elementary School in Newman, Georgia. But there are music collectors everywhere; even the principal of this school has an impressive collection of autographs and memorabilia. Let this be a lesson to you that no collection is too small to warrant a public display somewhere!
A Baylor professor, along with a dedicated team, is taking on the ambitious undertaking of locating and digitizing records from the Golden Age of Black Gospel Music - a collection of music believed to be lost forever.
The awareness of a world market for rare and collectible records continues to grow. Local and regional music scenes slowly reveal their secrets. Here's a look at a record store and collectors in Ankara, where it pays to be educated about Turkish artists like Zeki Muren, but also how locally-produced records by David Bowie, Flaming Lips, Sex Pistols, and Queen can often be more desirable than their original editions.
New Rules Of The Game for Appraisers
The education and training of an appraiser never stops. In fact, every two years, the main tool that directs our research and reporting gets a major overhaul and we've got to take another class (or two, or three) to keep up with all the changes.
The Appraisal Foundation in Washington D.C. is the body responsible for maintaining the methodology we affectionately call "USPAP" - use-pap - Otherwise known as the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice. The Foundation is currently working on the next edition of these standards, to be released as the 2020-2021 edition. To that end, they issue what are called "exposure drafts," lists of proposed changes open to comments and feedback from all appraisers. They're about ready to "expose" Draft Number Four. You can read about proposals in the previous Draft Number Three here:
I'm sure you're just as excited as I am in knowing what the final rules will be.
Are you passionate about music? Do you have a music collection?
MusicAppraisals.Com can help you with any appraisal needs including insurance coverage, donating for tax credit, selling or auctioning off your material, assisting in legal issues involving property settlement and other litigation ... or simply just finding out what your collection is worth.
Schedule a free consultation today and get a better idea of what your collection is worth.
About Stephen M.H. Braitman, ASA
Stephen M. H. Braitman has been involved with records and music most of his life. His widely acknowledged expertise in the marketplace makes his appraisal service an important component of estate planning, court and arbitration expert testimony, and insurance coverage and claims.
Stephen is an Accredited Senior Appraiser as a member of the American Society of Appraisers, active in the Northern California chapter. He is the ONLY senior appraiser with a focus on music recordings and memorabilia. He is also a member of the Association of Recorded Sound Collections (ARSC).