Our Mission: "We are an inclusive Open and Affirming faith community reaching out with love, compassion, and justice."
This Sunday, May 15, we will celebrate the incredible gift of music from our Covenant Choir, Celebration Ringers and various musicians and soloists. We will also belatedly celebrate the installation of Rev. Erin Beardemphl as Honorary Minister of Arts and Worship.
Sunday's Scripture
Psalm 150
Prelude: Who’ll Be a Witness? by Sondra Tucker ..............Celebration Ringers
Welcome and Announcements:..............................Rev. Dr. Jill Kirchner-Rose
Call to Worship:.........................................................................Sondra Hodson
Opening Hymn: 561 When in Our Music God is Glorified (vs, 1,3,4)
..........................................................................................Steve Morics,Trumpet
Opening Prayer: .......................................................................Sondra Hodson
Prayer Response: In Thee is Gladness by Sondra Tucker... Celebration Ringers
Childrens' Circle:........................................................................Giulia Bratosin
Community Joys and Concerns:..........................................Dr. Kirchner-Rose
Silent and Pastoral Prayer:...................................................Dr. Kirchner-Rose
Lord's Prayer
Scripture:...................................................................................Sondra Hodson
Musical Message:
What if I Could Tell You by Heather Sorenson.....Giulia Bratosin, vocals, ...................................................................................... .Covenant Choir
Shall We Gather At the River by Earlene Rentz.............Covenant Choir,
...........................................................................................Sophia Huang, Violin
Unexpected Places by Heather Sorenson ............Sophia Huang, Violin, ................................................................................Andrea Morics, Cello
- Concerto No. 6, Op. 3, L’estro Armonico RV 356, Movement 3, Presto
............by Antonio Vivaldi, arr. for Trumpet and Violin by Jan Leonstky,
...............Sophia Huang, Violin; Sophia Ohanian, Piano; Steve Morics, Trumpet
Installation of the Rev. Erin Beardemphl as Minister of Arts and Worship
Offertory: In the Hall of the Mountain King by Edvard Grieg
................................................................Sophia Ohanian & Lara Urrutia, Piano
Doxology:.................................................................................,Sophia Ohanian
Prayer of Dedication: ...............................................................Sondra Hodson
Closing Hymn: # 476 (vs,1,3 & 4) My Life Flows on in Endless Song
........................................................................................Steve Morics, Trumpet
Benediction: ..........................................................................Dr. Kirchner-Rose
Time of Reflection: Build on a Rock by Marc A. Hafso Paul Welch, vocals, ...................................................................................................Covenant Choir
- Leah Parker and Christine Reece were welcomed as covenanting members last Sunday.
- Prayers for the family and friends of founding member Bill Witmer who passed from life to Life May 4. The service will be held on Saturday May 28 at 11 a.m. at RUCC.
- Prayers for Carole Wesson who has moved from Plymouth Village to Pacific Pines on Grove St.
- Prayers for the sister of Connie Roener, Diane Reading, who has been diagnosed with cancer.
- Jayne Miller requests prayers for her dear friend Richard, who is in chemo treatment for aggressive and rare cancer.
- Jayne Miller requests prayers for Loreta who is in ongoing rigorous treatment at City of Hope for ovarian cancer.
- Carla Becerril requests prayers for her family. Carla's cousin passed from life to Life.
- Prayers for Gary Johnson, brother of Nan Root, who has been placed under hospice care.
- Jennie Haney requests prayers for her mother, Mary Lou, who is facing ongoing health issues.
- Maegan Hill requests prayers for her father, Lon, who is recovering from a heart procedure.
- Rosemary Touhy requests prayers for her niece Teresa who is preparing for her final exam for her Master's degree.
- Loring Fiske-Phillips requests prayers for Bev Ching who is undergoing Chemotherapy.
- Prayers for Nan Root and her family. Richard Johnson, her older brother in Minnesota, passed from life to Life.
- Paul Hodson and Charlie Wheeler ask for prayers for their friend Jerry Linkhart, who had a stroke recently.
- Eliza Ames requests prayers for Jennifer, Nicole, and Brody who are struggling with a changing reality.
- Floyd Orr requests prayers for Zelda Faye Smith who is facing health challenges.
- Caroline McAllister requests prayers for Mark.
- We continue to hold in our prayers the people of Ukraine.
- Prayers for Dick Ault who broke his femur and is recuperating at home.
- Rosemary Tuohy requests prayers for her neighbor, Lorenzo and his family. Lorenzo’s house burned downrecently.
Prayers for Cid Breyer who fell and broke her femur in several places. She would welcome calls and cards! You may send cards to her home.
- Jennifer Brainerd requests prayers for her father, Gary, who is in the hospital with extreme confusion and agitation. Cause unknown.
- Kenneth Lee requests prayers for his mother, Melinda, who has had complications following surgery.
- Debra Van Engelen and Mark Janz request prayers for grandson, Johnathan, who is in the army stationed in Germany during this time of Russian build-up outside Ukraine.
- Prayers for Cynthia McGuigan who faces complications with her chemotherapy treatments. Cynthia and medical staff are determining next steps.
- Jolene Barrow requests prayers for her mother, Karen Barrow, who is facing continued health challenges.
- Rosemary Tuohy requests prayers for her friend Holly, who is recovering from surgery.
Prayers for Eleanor Kemp who broke her hip and is recuperating at Mission Commons.
- Cid Breyer requests prayers for her sister in law, Karen, who is going through chemo and radiation for blood / bone cancer.
- Prayers for Eber, brother of Lara Urrutia, who is undergoing tests for a mass in his neck.
- Prayers for Lisa, friend of Beth Welsh, who is recovering from emergency surgery.
- Eliza Ames requests prayers for her brother Coyne who is hospitalized and is very ill.
- Beth Welsh requests prayers for her brother, Michael, who is recovering from surgery following a work accident.
Ongoing Concerns:
Joe Adcock, family member of Mary Mortensen
Anden, nephew of Michelle McNevin
Jerry Andrews
Jeff Bonadiman
Les Budai
Burt, family member of Johanna Ballard
Diane Campbell
Diane, Sister-in-Law of Heather King
Dave, brother of Johanna Ballard
Carol Chaney
Caroline, mother of Karen Blad
Claudine, grandmother of Paul & Dantae Welsh
Precia Gwenhwyfer Courtney-Hveen
Cousin of Rick Cruz
Norma Erickson
Michael Flores
Emma Grimauld
Katia Hage
Beki Hill
Jody Hoelle
Harriet Holt, Beki Hill's mother
Mark Alan Johnson, friend of Nancy Hotaling
Susi Jacobsen
Kim Johnson, friend of Gretchen Andrews
Jenny, Sister of Jules Rattray
Emily Jones
Hank Kirchner
Amber McGuigan
Sara Montez
Bill McIntyre
Maria Montano
Carmen & Jim Neafsey
Ryan and Evan Paul
Rick Peetz, Sr.
Kristin Farmer Preslica
Nancy Rojas
Adolph Romero
Joan Roth
Spencer, friend of Stacey Greene
Miguel Sewer
Doris Stockton, Kathi Roth's Grandmother
Heather Tee
Arika Torres
Rosemary Tuohy
Vasquez Family
Special note regarding the Prayer List: Please review the list for any prayer requests you made that are outdated or that may be removed. Please notify both TheView@redlandsucc.org and Office@redlandsucc.org of any changes that are needed. Thank you.
Dedicating Flowers for Worship
If you would like to make a floral dedication, please select a date and contact DeeDee Seek either by telephone (951-534-3438) or by email (Dee_sparkie10@yahoo.com) . DeeDee will then reserve the date on her calendar, and if you wish, you may add your date selection on the flower calendar at the church.
Closer to your selected date, DeeDee will contact you with questions regarding the colors and type of flowers desired as well as the Words of Dedication to be printed in the Sunday Bulletin. Please keep in mind that due to supply chain issues, although the florist will make every effort to secure your floral requests, orders may vary slightly from what was requested.
The current cost for floral dedication is $75.00, which is paid to the church. You can pay either online, by mail or by placing a check or money order in the offering plate prior to the service date. In the memo, please note that the payment is for flowers and include the family name.
Emmit Gooden, left, mayor of Mason, Tenn., talks with attorney Terry Clayton after a hearing in Davidson County Chancery Court. on Wednesday, Clayton is representing the town leaders of Mason, a small town facing a takeover of its finances by the state comptroller.
Reflection of the Week from the Racial Justice Team
After alleging that Tennessee’s top leaders were placing unfair scrutiny over a predominantly Black town’s finances, the small town of Mason reached a deal halting the threat of a state takeover. Town officials argued the state was treating Mason’s majority-Black leaders differently than they have white administrators who also struggled with finances.
From the Environmental Justice Team
Some good news from the San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District
“[D]ue to the current drought, its initial SWP allocation for 2022 will be zero, the lowest initial allocation ever recorded, highlighting the severity of current drought conditions in Northern California. Despite this dismal projection, Valley District is not panicked.
“Our region has been actively preparing for droughts like this,” stated Bob Tincher, Chief Water Resources Officer for Valley District. “Our primary strategy is to store water during wet years, when it is plentiful, and then rely on that stored water during times of drought, like the one we find ourselves in this year.”
"Storage is not the only tool available to reduce the local impacts of the current drought. The region has also been stretching its supplies in recent years by using water more efficiently. Although the region’s population has increased over the past decade, water use has actually decreased.”
Let’s keep up the good work!
May 22 Special Congregational Meeting Reminder
All covenanting members were recently notified of a special congregational meeting to finalize the commission of the Organ Committee to select and purchase an organ for the church that meets the established criteria. That meeting is scheduled for Sunday, May 22. In accordance with our bylaws, absentee ballots have been made available to be used by members unable to attend the meeting.
Youth Group Bowling this Sunday, May 15
We’ll be meeting at Empire Bowl at 1 p.m., and we have our lanes until 2:30.
Youth Group is open to anyone who is entering 6th grade this Fall—so if you’re finishing 5th grade this year, that includes you!
Calling all RUCC Musicians!
We need instrumentalists of all ages to join the RUCC Joyful Noise Orchestra! We get together periodically for fun and to perform during Sunday worship service.
If you play any band or orchestra instrument at a level of about 8th grade or higher, we need you!
If you're interested, please contact Andrea Morics at admorics@mac.com. Indicate which instrument you play.
Unpack your instruments and get ready to join us!
Women of Faith Continue Work with Refugee Families
Dear Women of Faith and Friends,
Here is our newest list of the TOP TEN MOST NEEDED ITEMS needed for our refugee welcome kits. Most links are to Amazon and provided only for convenience. Comparable items anywhere else (including from home for some items) are fine and may cost less.
If you’d like to order online, you may choose to have your gift shipped directly to:
Women of Faith Interfaith Service Community
31838 Florida Avenue
Mentone, CA 92359
If you add your name after Women of Faith… , I can let you know when your gift arrives.
Many thanks, as usual!
7. Shaving cream – full size
8. Toothpaste – full size
It's Time to Register for Summer Camp at Pilgrim Pines! Early Registration Ends Friday, May 13!
We are very lucky to have the beautiful Pilgrim Pines Camp and Conference Center right in our own backyard!
Please follow this link to find information about this year's fabulous Summer Camp opportunities for kids of all ages, which will take place in July:
This year’s Summer Camp theme is JOY!
Also, we are OVERJOYED to remind you once again that all RUCC members’ kids and grandkids can use our Campership Scholarships to receive 50% off their Pilgrim Pines tuition.
You can find all about our Campership Scholarships here:
Don’t miss this year’s Summer of Joy in the Mountains!
The early registration deadline is Friday, May 13
Party Time after RUCC Special Congregational Meeting on May 22
The Abushanabs will host a potluck/concert Sunday, May 22, following the Special Congregational Meeting. You don't want to miss this!
We will gather in the backyard after the activities at RUCC are finished. Bring a meal item to share or just come as you are. We will share some food and then have a bit of music. If you are interested in sharing a musical gift, let us know and we will add you to the afternoon program. Bring a bathing suit if it is warm and cool off in the pool!!
Next Discussion of the 1619 Project on Monday, May 23
Please join us for our next discussion session of the 1619 Project on Monday, May 23 at 5 p.m. The discussion will be online.
RUCC's own Patty Little, Professor of Sociology at CSUSB, will be leading our next discussion session of the 1619 Project.
Please join us!
Monday May 23 at 5PM (online)
Our topic—Chapter 2: Race.
Gearing Up for Pentecost Sunday on June 5
On Pentecost Sunday, it is traditional to wear red to symbolize the "tongues of fire" that descended on the apostles. Please plan to wear red, orange or other fiery colors that day to join in the celebration.
Because the "tongues of fire" also symbolize the apostles' ability to communicate and understand different languages, we're looking for folks who speak a language other than English to participate in a portion of the service. If you can volunteer, please contact Pastor Jill or Worship Co-Chairs Patty Little or Carol Robb. Thank you in advance!
Strengthen the Church Special Offering Will be Received June 5
The Strengthen the Church offering supports the expansion of ministry and growth of UCC local congregations. Your support of this offering will help the UCC fulfill its commitment to creating a just world for all by investing in new ministries and practices that meet the emerging needs of local communities.
As God calls our congregations to be the church in new ways, your generosity will plant new churches, awaken new ideas in existing churches and develop the spiritual life in our youth and young adults. We will receive the STC offering on Pentecost Sunday, June 5, 2022.
All-Church Picnic - Sunday, June 5
On this day of Pentecost, let’s celebrate the church with good food, fun games, joyful music, and warm fellowship. Please bring a side dish. Hamburgers, hot dogs, veggie burgers, and drinks will be provided. All are welcome.
This year's picnic will be held on the back patio.
Recognizing our Graduates on June 19
We will celebrate our Graduates on Sunday, June 19. Please let us know if you or someone in your family is graduating this year (High School and above.)
Please make sure that all names are submitted by Tuesday, June 24 to both the church office office@redlandsucc.org and Carol Robb carolrobb@redlandsucc.org so that we can have the information in time for the service, and to place the names in The View.
Cynthia Needs Our Help Now
Cynthia McGuigan has spent her life fighting and advocating for others, and now it is our turn to help Cindy fight for her life. In late 2021 Cindy was diagnosed with advanced small cell lung cancer. Cindy has endured countless treatments, appointments, hospital visits, and huge medical costs since her diagnosis. At this time, Cindy is hoping to pursue a new, potentially life saving treatment that is not covered by health insurance.
Cindy is the founder and executive director of Steps 4 Life Community Services, a transitional supportive housing program here in Redlands, and she has also performed outreach and service with countless other agencies that help the community. Cynthia has dedicated decades of her life solely to helping others; it's our turn to help her. Please hit the "Help Cindy" button below to be directed to her Go Fund Me page.
May 12 - Staff Meeting
May 12 - Tai Chi
May 17 - 7:00 p.m. Board
May 22 - Special Congregational Meeting
May 23 - Discussion of Chapter 2 of 1619 Project
June 5 - Pentecost Sunday and Strengthen the Church Special Offering
June 5 - Book Group
June 5 - All Church Picnic at RUCC - see article above for details
June 10 - 11 - SCNC Annual Gathering
June 19 - Recognition of Graduates
Sunday, May 15 - Musical Sunday
9:15 a.m. Seekers
9:30 a.m. Virtual and in-person - Kids' Zone
- 10:30 a.m. - Worship Service & Sunday School
11:30 a.m. Youth Group
11:30 a.m. Fellowship on the Patio
12 p.m. Maj Jongg on Sundays
Monday, May 16
Tuesday, May 17
Wednesday, May 18
- Noon "- The Pastor is In" Zoom gathering.
- 1:30 p.m. Wednesday Mah Jongg
Thursday May 19
Friday, May 20
- 7 p.m. Closed women's AA meeting in the Founders' Room.
Saturday, May 21
Sunday, May 22 - SPECIAL CONGREGATIONAL ..............................MEETING
9:15 a.m. Seekers
9:30 a.m. Virtual and in-person - Kids' Zone
- 10:30 a.m. - Worship Service & Sunday School
11:30 a.m. Youth Group
11:30 a.m. Special meeting in sanctuary
12 p.m. Maj Jongg on Sundays
- Potluck/concert at the Abushanab's
RUCC Staff
Senior Pastor: Rev. Dr. Jill Kirchner-Rose
Honorary Minister of Arts and Worship: Rev. Erin Beardemphl
Music Director: Jim Tong
Accompanist: Sophia Ohanian
Children's Education Director: Susi Jacobsen
Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries: Vacant
Office and Facilities Manager: Karen Hester
Child Care: Joette Orman
Phone: (909) 793-3520
Staff and Other Emails
pastorjill@redlandsucc.org office@redlandsucc.org
musicdirector@redlandsucc.org youth@redlandsucc.org
childrenseducation@redlandsucc.org weddings@redlandsucc.org