Musings from Pastor Mary Beth
March 5 2020

Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.
Psalm 119:105

As you might imagine in a household with two ordained United Methodist pastors, we have a LOT of Bibles on our shelves. I took a moment to count how many; between the two of us, we have 31 Bibles.  We've got our third grade Bibles and the Bibles we bought during our grad school days.

We have two Hebrew Bibles and two Greek New Testaments. There are some Bibles that are especially precious to me, like my third grade Bible, the Bible gifted to us by Bishop Bill and Marilyn Oden when we got married, and the Bible I carried in my backpack through five years in seminary.

I am blessed to have such easy access to the sacred texts of my faith, and I am grateful.  I am also grateful for organizations who have a mission to get Bibles in the hands and hearts of those who don't have access.

For more than 70 years, Wycliffe Bible Translators has been helping people all over the world translate the Bible into their own language. For more than 100 years, Gideons International has been placing Bibles in strategic locations, such as hotels and hospitals.   

As we continue our Lent worship focus on The Walk this Sunday, we'll look at the second essential spiritual practice, Study: Growing in God's Word.  You may be someone who regularly participates in Bible study and who, like me, has several different translations of the Bible in your possession. Or perhaps you are someone who has never owned a Bible: you wouldn't know where to get a Bible or how to begin to read it. Or maybe you know someone like that.

We can help you. We'll have Bibles available for anyone who wants one, and we'll give some guidance in worship for how to start reading the Bible.

I look forward to seeing you in worship this Sunday.  If you're traveling for spring break, blessings on your travel and your time away.

I'm praying for you.  I hope you're praying for me!


Pastor Mary Beth
P.S. Don't forget to SPRING FORWARD this Sunday! 

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The Walk
Worship & Prayer: A Living Hallelujah