October, 2021
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if this occurs. The newsletter is not complete until you see the Chamber's address line.
News You Can Use
Small business loan approval rates at big banks increased from 13.9% in August 2021 to 14% in September. Approvals from small banks also rose from 19.3% in August to 19.5% in September. The data comes from the latest Biz2Credit Small Business Lending Index. Read More

What Economics Is Not
The most common misunderstanding about economics is that it is only about money and commerce. The next step is easy: I care about more than money, and so should everyone, so let’s leave economics to stock jobbers and money managers and otherwise dispense with its teachings. This is a fateful error, because, as Mises says, economics concerns everyone and everything. It is the very pith of civilization. Read More

Expanded Wisconsin Fast Forward Program Grant Announcement:
Technical Education Equipment Grants
The Department of Workforce Development (DWD) - Office of Skills Development (OSD) has released a new Technical Education Equipment Grant Program Announcement (GPA). Under the Expanded Wisconsin Fast Forward (WFF) program, up to $1 million in grant funds is available to Wisconsin school districts to train students for careers in advanced manufacturing.

The purpose of the grant is to reimburse school districts for the purchase and installation costs of technical education equipment used in vocational training and technical education in advanced manufacturing fields, including costs for equipment operation software and instructional materials to train students. Applications are due by 3 p.m. CST on Monday, December 6, 2021. For additional information, or to download an application, please consult the Grant Program Announcement and related grant program materials at http://wisconsinfastforward.com/wff_standard.htm

How to Edit a PDF
Portable Document Format (PDF) is one of the most popular mediums for sharing electronic information. It was designed by Adobe Systems in the early 90s to be the equivalent of digital paper, and PDF has since been used to share content of many types. Read More
Muskego Area Chamber of Commerce 2022-2024 Strategic Plan

The Chamber's role within the community is defined by numerous external influences and requires diligent attention to the ever-changing business climate. The Muskego Chamber is poised to address the current business opportunities and challenges we face in society while fostering positive interaction between our members and the community at large. We are a gateway of information for the citizens and visitors of our community. We also organize several local events to enhance the relationship between businesses and citizens in our service area. 
Interested in participating in our Strategic Plan? We are looking for business-focused, community-minded individuals who wish to volunteer on a Strike Force, Task Force, or Committee/Council (see below).
Business Promotion &
Focus on Business
Volunteer Opportunities
Business Growth Task Force
Event Strike Force
Small Business Council
Website Task Force

Action Items
~Business of the Month Spotlights
~Plan Shop Local Promotions
~Plan Buy Chamber Promotions
~Upgrade Chamber Website
~Create Chamber Mobile App
~Develop Roundtable Discussion
Program for Specific Industries
Member Engagement &
Focus on Business
Volunteer Opportunities
Ambassador Team
Board of Directors
Membership Growth Committee
Membership Task Force
Women's Business Connections
Action Items
~Identify Needs & Priorities for
Chamber businesses
~Develop Value Proposition
~Clarify Mission and Values
~Share Achievements and
Success Stories of Members
Economic Development
Volunteer Opportunities
Economic Development Committee

Action Items
~Actively Support Muskego's
Economic Development
~Identify and Leverage
Opportunities to Promote
~Identify Needs and Explore
Solutions in Current Efforts

Volunteer Opportunities
Committee Strike Force
Policies Task Force
Action Items
~Develop Committee Structure to Support Goals
~Seek mutually beneficial, business-focused
Opportunities to Collaborate with Other Entities
~Update Policies and Procedures
Workforce Shortages
Volunteer Opportunities
Education & Mentoring Committee
Workforce Shortage Task Force
Action Items
~Develop Strategies to Address Shortages
~Support and Expand Partnership with MHS
Connect Academy
~Promote Technical Training, Career Exploration,
and Workforce Experience
~Inform Business Community of Workforce
Development Programs
~Leverage Chamber's Digital Presence to Share
Workforce Opportunities
Consumer Alert: DATCP Sees Rise in Antivirus Subscriptions Email Scams
Contact: Ti Gauger, Public Information Officer, (608) 224-5007

MADISON, Wisc. –Wisconsin consumers are receiving an increasing number of fake antivirus emails from scammers. In the past year, the Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) received three times the number of complaints from consumers who have lost money to this scam as in the prior year. Read Entire Press Release
Welcome New Chamber Members
The Muskego Chamber's Annual Membership Drive finishes this Sunday, October 31. Our Ambassador Team and Board of Directors have been busy connecting with potential new business members.

We are excited to welcome the following new members to the Muskego Chamber of Commerce:
We are always looking for news nuggets from our members. Has your business or organization recently...

  • Won an award?
  • Had a special activity or event that helps our community?
  • Hired a new face or promoted someone?
  • Had a newsworthy item that you would like to let other chamber members know?
If so, send the info (pictures are nice, also) to executivedirector@muskego.org.

Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) Regional Leadership Conference

Although Muskego High School is not the host school this year, our neighboring community of Oak Creek is and we are seeking judges to assist on Saturday, February 5, 2022.

If you or other professional colleagues are available, please use the following Google Form to register.
Fall is here and it is time to think about Holiday specials. Our chamber supports and promotes our members during the Holiday season by promoting your specials, discounts, and events.

Be sure to use your benefits and post these to our Events Calendar and Hot Deals.

Also plan for Small Business Saturday and our December Holiday promotions. We will be emailing you to see what your business is planning. Let's think and shop local!
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if this occurs. The newsletter is not complete until you see the Chamber's address line.
Are you hiring? Have an event? Offering a deal or discount?

Use your chamber benefits to your best advantage. Post your info on the Chamber's webpage.

Click here for Quick Facts on how to post.
View Chamber's Local Jobs Page
View Chamber's Hot Deals Page
View Chamber's Events Page
Upcoming Events