UCSF Advanced Practice Providers June 2023 Newsletter

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APP Spotlight

Mercy Vigil, MSN, CRNA retires after 16 years of clinical service in the Department of Anesthesia and 2 years of leadership.

"We serve each other" is a phrase that Mercy embraced whether she was guest lecturing at Samuel Merritt University, delivering care to patients as a CRNA at UCSF, or managing a team of 79 CRNAs across the 3 UCSF campuses.

Mercy's career is highlighted by being one of the first CRNAs at UCSF Parnassus, developing and chairing a mentorship program for newly hired CRNAs and delivering and facilitating an airway management hands on simulation lab series for Emergency Department APPs. In 2021, as manager of the team of CRNAs, Mercy aligned the CRNA cost center budget with expenditures and created CRNA leadership structure with leads and a supervisor, including Amanda Fulton, CRNA who started as interim manager on May 1, 2023. Mercy looks forward to enjoying spending more time with her three grandchildren during retirement. There will be celebration of Mercy's retirement on June 30th 5-8pm UCSF Health Science West S-30. Drop in as you are able, light snacks will be provided. RSVPs are encouraged.

Diana Dawson, MS, PNP retires after 39 years years of service at UCSF Health. Diana started as a bedside/charge nurse then joined the Pediatric Pulmonary team as a CNS. She followed infants and children diagnosed with cystic fibrosis (CF) throughout their years in the pediatric CF center. While being a mother of twin girls, she received her post master's PNP certificate. Due to so many medical advances during the early 2000s and also as an NP (and eventual NP3), she was privileged and honored to be allowed into the lives of the patients and families. Diana expresses continuous awe of all that her peers do to deliver the best patient care practices as providers, educators and leaders in the UCSF community. Congratulations Diana!

Nick Carvelli, MSN, APRN, FNP-C has been promoted to Associate Director of Outpatient Prepare. In this newly created role, he will coordinate the expanding outpatient Ambulatory Surgery Center (ASC) Prepare activity including current ASC, Orthopedic Institute (OI) and Parnassus Outpatient Surgery Center. Nick first joined Orthopaedic Surgery Department 10 years ago then assumed many leadership roles as Lead NP for Ambulatory PREPARE for OI and Parnassus outpatient surgery, NPIII, committee member for ambulatory Clinic leadership Committee and volunteer clinical faculty for UCSF FNP program.

Courtney Gordon, DNP, MSN, GNP-BC, ACHPN is a geriatric and palliative care nurse practitioner who helps to keep geriatric San Francisco citizens in their homes by providing direct primary care to them at their residence through the UCSF's Care at Home Program. Read her editorial article published in Generations Today, an American Society on Aging publication. Read more.

Cap and Gown For These NPIIIs

Jennifer Viner, NP in the Neuro Oncology Division Metastasis Program and Annika Erhlich, FNP-C, AQH, CNRN in the UCSF Headache Center are the most recent NPIII to walk across the stage on June 12, 2023 and be awarded their Doctor of Nursing Practice Degree through the UCSF School of Nursing. This DNP program is the first of its kind for the UC system and is a hybrid seven-quarter online learning with select in-person immersions.

Read more about the UCSF School of Nursing DNP degree program.

Call for Exceptional APP Award Nominations

It’s time to recognize your APP colleagues with the 2023 Exceptional APP Awards. Awards will be presented in a virtual event on September 28, 2023 during Advanced Practice Provider Appreciation WeekRecipients will be chosen for their demonstration of UCSF Health’s PRIDE Values: Professionalism, Respect, Integrity, Diversity and Excellence in demonstrating excellence in one or more of the following areas: clinician, educator, scientist, leader, DEI/Social Justice/Removing Barriers and Financial Stewardship. There will be 6 awardees this year.


All nominations must be submitted by 5pm, Friday June 30th 2023.Submission form is here. For more info.

Congratulations to the Newest Cohort of NPIII

Megan Del Vecchio, NP Liver Transplant

Rubi Hickson, NP Critical Care

Sarah Kabatt, NP Pediatric Cardiac ICU

Claudia Cuevas, NP Critical Care Medicine

Christine Smith, NP Neonatal ICU

Diana Jakoubeck, NP Liver Transplant

Kristen Lewis, NP General Surgery

Alexandria Ludlow, NP Womens Health

Emilie Menard, NP Pediatric ICU

Jennifer Schwarz, NP Adult ICU

Joanne Zou, NP Orthopaedic Trauma Institute

To learn more about the NP3 eligibility criteria, click here.

APP Education News

Pediatric Grand Rounds--West Bay

Every Thursday 12-1pm. Full schedule

Click here for zoom link and more information

Thursday, June 15, 2023

QI projects in Resident Clinics at UCSF Pediatric Primary Care West Bay:

Improving MyChart access for Limited English Proficiency Patients

Presented by: Drs. Liu, Molineaux, Overall, Webb.

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Early Recognition, Consistent Messaging and Functional Rehabilitation: Strategies for Managing Pediatric Somatization.

Presented by: Drs. Penwill and Brahmbhatt

Pediatric Grand Rounds--East Bay

Every Tuesday 8-9am

For Zoom login information, contact: Cristina Fernandez crfernandez@ucsf.edu, 510-428-3885 ext 4343. Full schedule and archived videos (Password: CHRCO)

Tuesday, June 13, 2023 TODAY

"Pediatric Neuromuscular Disorders in the Age of Disease Modifying Therapies"

Presented by Drs. Hovig Artinian and Jena Krueger

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

"An Update on Pediatric Lupus Nephritis"

Presented by: Dr. Beatrice Goilav

APP Grand Rounds

Tuesday, June13, 2023 12noon-1PM TODAY

"Care of Transgender and Gender Diverse Patients Across Disciplines" Speaker: Bennett Lareau-Meredith, NP

2 Steps to Register in Advance:  

1.Point your camera to QR code above or click here

2. To claim 1-hour CEU for RN/NP/CRNA/CNM , Preregister at Nursing Connect: Click here

Search by title: Care of Transgender and Gender Diverse Patients Across Disciplines

Category 2 CME for PA, no additional registration required 

Archived APP Grand Rounds can be accessed here.

Journal Club

Tuesday June 13, 2023 4-5pm TODAY

"2023 updated Guidelines for Management of Patients with Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage"

Presented by: Dr. Nerissa Ko, co-author of updated guidelines and UCSF Neurocritical Care Intensivist.

Facilitated by Critical Care APPs Emily Kelly, Rubi Hickson and Laurie Nguyen

Location: Parnassus Campus M286 Conference Room (down the hallway from Peet's Cafe on 2nd floor) or virtual zoom meeting ID 945 7254 0066

Password 858787

APP Standards & Compliance News

Ambulatory In-Basket Tips and Tricks

Please take advantage of the wonderful presentation and slides recently presented to Department of Medicine Medical Directors with a treasure trove of Ambulatory In-Basket Tips and Tricks from Dr. Katie Grouse, Medical Director of Ambulatory Informatics at UCSF Health.

Ongoing APEX Training Program for APPs

Last year 198 APPs completed the Net Electronic Health Record Experience Survey. 59% felt ongoing APeX training was insufficient, which is the lowest 7th percentile for Epic organizations. From this feedback the Office of Advanced Practice Providers developed an ongoing APeX training program specific to APPs.



  1. Implement efficiency tips designed to improve workflows
  2. Utilize APeX personalization features
  3. Curriculum tailored to your practice needs


Via zoom over 4-week period

Three 1-hour courses scheduled at your convenience (individual)

One 2-hour personalization and optimization meeting (small group)

3 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits included


Please discuss with your manager before enrolling. If you are interested in participating contact Roseanne.Krauter@ucsf.edu

New Requirements for Nurse Practitioners in California

AB 890 Title 16 Notice to Consumers 1487

Except when working in facilities under the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, a nurse practitioner engaged in providing healthcare services shall do all of the following:

(a) Prominently post a notice, in at least 48-point Arial font, in a conspicuous location accessible to public view on the premises where the nurse practitioner provides the healthcare services, containing the following information:


Nurse practitioners are licensed and regulated

by the Board of Registered Nursing

(916) 322-3350


(b) Verbally inform all new patients in a language understandable to the patient that a nurse practitioner is not a physician and surgeon. For purposes of Spanish language speakers, the nurse practitioner shall use the standardized phrases “enfermera especializada” or “enfermero especializado.”

(c) Advise patients that they have the right to see a physician and surgeon on request and the circumstances under which they must be referred to see a physician and surgeon.

What is UCSF doing about following this new law?

Click here for slide deck and recording of APP Town Hall.

What can you do to advocate for our profession? Click here for more info.

APP Time Study Module

UCSF and BCH Oakland advanced practice providers are required to complete monthly Time Studies for hospital reimbursement. A mandatory 

UC Learning Module has been created to train you on accurate Time Study submission. Thank you to everyone (80% of APPs) who completed the module on time! The module will take approximately 20-30 minutes to complete.


APP Time Study (monthly)

-Oakland APPs will continue to complete monthly Time Studies via Qualtrics.

-UCSF APPs will continue to complete monthly Time Studies - 8 months per year via Qualtrics and 4 months per year via paper form. June will be the paper form.


Time Studies are a federal requirement for hospital reimbursement and will take place on a rotating week each month. Please reference the 

Office of Advanced Practice Providers Website for additional information. If questions, emaiAdvancedPractice@ucsf.edu 

Justice, Equity and Inclusion News

Language Concordance and Professional Interpreters

Contributed by Dr. Michael Rabow

UCSF's own Leah Karliner co-authored an important paper entitled 'Exploring the Impact of Language Concordance on Cancer Communication"

From Dr. Karliner’s work and that of others, we recognize that language discordance is a significant social determinant of health. There are about 65 million people in the US that speak a language other than English, with 38% of them speaking English “less than very well”—what we label as Low English Proficiency (LEP).

 As Dr. Karliner and colleagues summarize: evidence suggests that because of communication challenges, our patients with LEP get lower quality care and suffer worse clinical outcomes. Because of communication challenges, there is less satisfaction, understanding of care goals, and treatment adherence. In cancer care specifically, patients with LEP tend to have poorer knowledge of their cancer diagnosis, get delayed cancer treatment, and are excluded from clinical trials. Even oncologists themselves feel they provide less patient-centered treatment discussions in these situations.

Read more.

Call for members: UCSF Committee on Disability Inclusion

The Office of Diversity and Outreach Committee on Disability Inclusion is currently recruiting new members for the 2023-24 year. Committee member actively participate in workgroups and participate in event planning to further enhance the climate at UCSF for constituents with disabilities. Apply by June 20, 2023 and read for more info.

Pride 2023 Events

Click here for more detailed registration or downloading information

UCSF Pride Month Virtual Backgrounds

June 15: Together We Rise: Celebrating AAPI and LGBTQ Reslience

June 19: Juneteenth x Pride Film Screening

June 25: San Francisco Pride Parade - UCSF Contingent

UCSF Health News

Adrienne Green is the next CEO at the Jewish Home

After 25 years of service at UCSF, Adrienne Green, MD, SFHM, FACP is the next CEO of the San Francisco Campus for Jewish Living, the Jewish Home. Read about Dr. Green and her many accomplishments as UCSF Chief Medical Officer, Adult Services, VP Regulatory and Medical Affairs. More

Lived Name

Action is needed for UCSF employees whose lived name differs from your legal name--this is in response to a UC Path system upgrade. To ensure your identity is not impacted by the upgrade take these action steps by Thursday June 15.

New APPs Who Joined UCSF Health

Please extend a warm welcome to our newly hired APPs

Jennifer Warren, NP Adult ICU

Jennifer Fries, NP Pediatric/Neonatal ICU

Vivian Chow, NP Hematology Oncology

Quality and Safety

UCSF Cdiff Rate Is Worse Than Average

Every year, 1 out of every 31 patients develops an infection while in the hospital--an infection that didn't have to happen. How does UCSF compare to other hospitals? Click here for UCSF scores for Cdiff infection, MRSA infection, urinary tract infections and more.

Can you name the 7 types of stool? What is the clinical definition of diarrhea?

When should you send the stool to rule out CDiff infection? Click here for more information and to review UCSF's Diarrhea Decision Tree.

Safety has to do with lack of harm, focuses on bad events, makes it less likely that mistakes happen. Quality has to do with efficient, effective purposeful care that gets the job done at the right time, focuses on doing things well and raises the ceiling so the overall care experience is a better one.

Want to get involved in Cdiff or UTI committee? Email alisa.yee@ucsf.edu.

Incident/Event Reporting

In current state, BCH-Oak and West Bay (Adult and BCH-SF) have separate incident/event reporting systems. There will now be a synergized platform between BCH-Oak, BCHSF and Adult entities. Post launch BCH-Oak users will have access to an enhanced instance with new functionalities including benchmarking with each other and other UCs. Go Live for Oakland users to submit incidents to West Bay instance June 13, 2023. Click here for more information.

Wellness News

Relaxation and Pain Relief Techniques From the Comfort of Home

UCSF Magazine

Read more on a few approaches you can try at home to children's pain

Hypnosis Meditation and Guided Imagery

Deep Breathing

Progressive Muscle Relaxation

Acupressure for Infants

Ear Seed Acupressure

Newsletter Feedback

Do you have comments about the content and delivery of this newsletter?

Please take this 2-minute survey


APP Town Hall

Tuesday June 13th, 2023 4-5PM TODAY

Topic: Updates in Diabetes Management by Esther Rov-Ikpah, Clinical Diabetes Specialist

Topic: Improvements in Sustainability at UCSF by Dr. Seema Ghandi

Meeting ID: 984 5085 8723

Password: 736165

We are seeking your input on time/date/topic for future Town Halls. Click here to complete a short qualtrics survey.

Office Hours: Office of Advanced Practice Providers

Meeting ID: 912 4155 9875

Password: 503138

Tuesday, June 13, 2023 12-1PM TODAY

Host: Ivette Becerra-Ortiz, DNP, MPH, NP, RN, NEA-BC, PNP Chief of Advanced Practice Providers

Wednesday, June 28, 2023, 8-9AM

Host: Roseanne Krauter, FNP-BC, CORLN Director of Informatics and Clinical Systems

The Office of Advanced Practice Providers is here to support you.

Email us at advancedpractice@ucsf.edu

Visit the UCSF APP website

Ivette Becerra-Ortiz, DNP, MPH, NP, RN, NEA-BC, C-PNP Chief of Advanced Practice Providers

Kurstan Del Rosario Senior Operations Analyst

Tara Valcarcel, MSN, RN, CPNP-PC Director, Pediatric Operations Advanced Practice Providers 

Roseanne "Rosie" Krauter, FNP-BC, CORLN Director of Clinical Systems

Brandon Sessler MMS,PA-C

Director of Professional Practice Fellowship Coordinator

Alisa Yee, MSN, ACNP-BC

Director, Adult Operations Advanced Practice Providers

UCSF Health PRIDE Values Professionalism • Respect • Integrity • Diversity • Excellence

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