We excitedly announce a new grant initiative in honor of our 25th anniversary and our commitment to deepening our support of MN girls. The inaugural 2022 Ann Bancroft Foundation Trailblazer Fellowship allows previous ABF grantees (Trailblazers) who are currently in 9th to 12th grade to apply for a new grant for up to $2500 to fund a dream as a head start on their road to independence, college, and career.

The Trailblazer Fellowship prepares participants to dream bolder as they prepare for the next stage after high school, deepening significant gains in their ability to succeed. The experience allows Trailblazers to thrive through connection, confidence, creativity, individuality, risk-taking, and courage. Learn more here.
In partnership with NAMI Minnesota, ABF invites you to gather virtually to learn skills to avoid burnout, manage stress, and practice self-compassion. This workshop will provide practical information on where anxiety and stress come from, healthy and unhealthy coping strategies, and highlight when anxiety may be an anxiety disorder and where to get help. This workshop is open to Ann Bancroft Foundation Trailblazers (grantees), youth girls, gender-expansive youth, and their advocates (parents, mentors, etc.). Register here
BRAVE WOMEN CULTIVATING BRAVE GIRLS: In October's edition of the Minneapolis-St. Paul Magazine, Founder Ann Bancroft, and Executive Director Ethelind Kaba discuss the history of the Foundation and the importance of nurturing the beliefs and dreams of young girls. Pick up an issue from your favorite newsstand or grocery line.
October 11, 2022 is the first-ever Give to Women and Girls Day! The Women’s Philanthropy Institute (WPI) is launching a national awareness campaign to increase funding for women’s and girls’ organizations that will culminate on October 11, 2022, the International Day of the Girl. Give to Women and Girls Day is a groundbreaking collaborative effort bringing together hundreds of women’s and girls’ nonprofit organizations to raise awareness and galvanize philanthropic support for women and girls.
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