Friday Newsletter
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Western Alaska storm
Gale-force winds are in the Gulf, and places like Adak, Sand Point, Nome, and Bethel are battening down for an historic storm. Keep an eye on the website to track the progress of what looks like the first big storm of fall. And it's a biggie.

For readers on the coast, stay safe, batten down that loose lumber, charge up your devices, and know that we are thinking about you today! (Send your Storm photos to MRAK.)

Murkowski tells podcaster Halcro: Republicans should be trusting of FBI regarding raid of Mar-a-Lago
Maybe she knows something we don't know about the FBI ... but we sort of remember what they did to Alaskans Ted Stevens and Marilyn Hueper, to name two. Trust the FBI? What is she thinking? Read more here.

Begich appears in person, Palin is on big screen, and Peltola blows off Southeast Conference
Notes from the candidate forum in Ketchikan. Read more here.

Department of Education 'loses' over 160,000 public comments on gender-bending rewrite of Title IX
The feds say it was a clerical error. Read more here.

Double-cross: Navigation center for homeless was approved by Assembly long ago
Now the leftist majority won't pay the bill for the site work done. Read more here.

Adam Trombley steps up to be mayor's chief of staff
Alexis Johnson appointed homeless coordinator. Lance Wilbur gets promoted. Read more here.

No transparency: Anchorage Assembly cuts video recording of public comments
We obtained the notes from one of the audience members who spoke but whose comments were mysteriously deleted. Read more here.

Pelosi gift to Peltola: Seat on Natural Resources committee
This is just the start of the Democrats giving Peltola good things to make her electable in a red state. Read more here.

Fact check: Abortion pusher Les Gara says population of the state is dropping -- and it's Dunleavy's fault because he opposes abortion
You cannot make this stuff up, but Gara is a lawyer, so perhaps he's entitled to his own facts. Read more here.

Savage: Ron DeSantis flies illegal immigrants to Martha's Vineyard
And Gov. Abbott sends busloads to Kamala Harris' house. Read more here.

Pollster: Biden's 'semi-fascism' remarks are starting to skew polling as Republicans stop answering surveys
Predicting results is harder, with Trump supporters fearing federal retribution. Read more here.

AARP: Dunleavy is looking like a solid win with older Alaskans, while Murkowski-Tshibaka are tied
And in this poll of 500 Alaskans, Peltola is ahead of Palin. Read more here.


Jamie Allard: Leaders motivate people to do what's right. Read more here.

Allen West: The dangers of a woke U.S. military
Believe it or not, the women soldiers are now showering with the men. Read more here.

Matt Barth: Rank the Red or lost the seat in Congress
There's only one way forward for conservatives -- work together. Read more here.

Donna Celia: Cynical view of Palin's loss and what we voters can do about it
Palin has no path, the data shows, but will she drop out? Read more here.

Carol Carman: Polls and data show Palin doesn't win against Peltola, but Begich would
It's not likely Palin will drop out for the good of the state, but she is about to ensure a Democrat victory in November if she doesn't. Read more here.

Tim Barto: Ichiro and El Hombre had work ethic that kept them at the top of their game for decades
They are both destined for Baseball Hall of Fame. Read more here.

Win Gruening: Chasing 'free money' for electric buses
Juneau’s first municipally operated battery electric bus was put into service in 2021. Funded by a grant, the 40-foot bus, manufactured by Proterra, soon experienced problems and couldn’t hold battery charges long enough to complete an entire route during cold winter weather. Read more here.


Podcast with candidate Teea Winger for Kenai City Mayor, at this link.

Podcast with Sen. Shelley Hughes, at this link.

Podcast with Senate candidate Kelly Tshibaka, at this link.

Podcast with former OMB Director Donna Arduin, at this link.

Podcast with Fairbanks Mayor Jim Matherly, at this link.

Podcast with Charlie Pierce, mayor of the Kenai Borough, at this link.
Pierce talks about his pending resignation to focus on campaign.

Podcast with Pastor Ron Hoffman, Anchorage Baptist Temple, at this link.

Podcast with Muni Manager Amy Demboski at this link.

Podcast with District House candidate Kathy Henslee at this link.

Find our podcasts on all the other podcast providers, including Spotify, Apple iTune Podcasts, Google Play, Amazon Alexa, Pandora, and more!

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Henry Hub Gas: $9.11
Alaska Pipeline Barrels: 467,207
Alaska Permanent Fund: $76,011,700,000
Earnings Reserve Account: $12.7 billion
Uncommitted ERA: $3.5 billion