Dear Families,
We hope your school year is off to a great start and we appreciate collaborating with you and your students in advanced learning development and opportunities. The Madison Metropolitan School District’s Advanced Learning (AL) Department recognizes the necessity of supporting and developing strengths and talents in our students. In this regard, the AL Department wants to ensure you are aware of the identification process of AL students and the assurance that once a student is identified, they continue to have student needs met as needed in our K-8 setting. We are equally focused on our equity goals and truly hope to continue to focus on talent development and potential in all learners.
Advanced Learning includes the domains of specific academics which includes Literacy, Mathematics, Social Studies and Science, and also Leadership, Creativity and the Visual and Performing Arts. Advanced Learning provides learning opportunities that broaden, deepen, and stretch beyond grade level expectations when students are ready for additional challenges through push in services, pull out services or support in the core content classroom.Students identified to receive these supports show high capabilities or the potential for high performance. In addition, due to the size of some schools and the split allocation of AL Specialists, some services may be offered across schools via Zoom or in non-traditional ways.
Services your student may receive:
Tier I-Differentiated Instruction in Core Setting (co-planning, co-teaching, and collaboration with AL staff and teachers)
- Differentiation: tailoring classroom instruction to meet a student’s learning needs by adjusting what is learned and how it is learned (e.g. more challenging topics for similar tasks; more challenging tasks for same topic). This occurs when ALS collaborate and plan with core teachers in planning or push into classroom instruction to share.
- Talent development: differentiation provided with support to nurture more intense motivation and higher achievement or activities like competitions or Center for Advanced Academics.
Tier II-Small Group Intervention- push into the classroom
Tier III- Subject or Whole Grade Acceleration- student is grade accelerated for instructional services
What is new in Advanced Learning?
- The Advanced Learning strategic plan focuses on Equity, Talent Development, and monitoring Achievement goals.
- Advanced Learning Specialists review school data regularly. This is the first step in identifying students who may benefit from Advanced Learning support. Your school’s Advanced Learning Specialist will reach out to gather more information about your student if school data sources indicate that Advanced Learning services and supports might be a good fit.
- New Naglieri Non-Verbal Intelligence Assessments at grade 2
- New Creativity focus through the P.E.T.S (Primary Education Thinking Skills) curriculum
Join the Advanced Learning Advisory Committee (ALAC)
Our committee is open to all parents/guardians and staff. We value your support and feedback on the current plan, as well as future Advanced Learning plan development and programming. Meetings will be held quarterly during the 2023-24 school year. Dates and locations will be posted on our website: Applications for the AL Task Force will be shared in the Fall to assist in the development of the AL 3 year plan.
Want to learn more?
If I can be of any assistance, please email: We hope to have systemic processes in place that make those contacts something you can expect and anticipate.
Your Advanced Learning Specialist should always be your initial contact for questions and concerns, but we hope this letter continues to share what you should be expecting and seeing for your student learner.
Have a fantastic school year!
Dr. Sharon Y. Alexander
Advanced Learning Director
Madison Metropolitan School District
Your schools ALS:
Kari Augustine
Advanced Learning Specialist