April 2024

Important Dates

3/25-29 Spring Break, no school

4/1 Classes resume

4/2 Spring Election

4/4 End of Quarter 3

4/8 1/2 day of school Early Release at 10:40am

4/9 PTG meeting 6:30 online https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88105135570

4/11 Evening Conferences

4/12 Elementary only No School for Conferences

4/15 no school - Staff only day

4/18 5th grade Transition Night at O'Keeffe

4/19 Pajama day all school celebration

4/19 Marquette Family Brunch

5/9 5th grade Strings Concert in the cafeteria

5/10 Rainbow Day All school Celebration

5/24 No School - Staff only

5/27 Memorial day No school

5/30 Marquette Field Day

5/6 5th grade Bridging ceremony at Tenney Park 10:30am

5/6 Last Day of school, release at 2:35pm.

Start back strong after Spring Break https://www.madison.k12.wi.us/about/news/article/~board/publication/post/5-tips-for-a-smooth-start-transitioning-back-to-school-after-a-break


Marquette Neighborhood Association for a generous grant.

Lapham-Marquette Parent Teacher Group and all the families and community members that donated an amazing amount of snacks to our students and scholars.

Lapham-Marquette Parent Teacher Group for providing Staff dinner during conferences.


Second Annual Marquette Family Brunch. 

April 19th

Families are invited to join their students for brunch catered by MMSD Food Service. 

4th grade brunch is from 10-10:30 am. 

3rd grade brunch is from 10:30-11am.

5th grade brunch is from 11-11:30am.

Suggested donation $5 per guest. Student meals will be charged as a school lunch.

Please return the RSVP by Friday April 5th. 

We hope you can join us for this exciting family event.

Volunteers are also needed. If interested in helping, contact kpaul@madison.k12.wi.us

Library, Media and Technology - Ms. Erickson

Thank you to the Talbot family who generously donated a new dot bot for our makerspace! 

Scratch Club

We are hoping to bring scratch club back in the fall as an afterschool program offered to 4th and 5th grade students. We are in need of a volunteer to help manage students. UW students come and teach students about scratch so that is not part of your volunteer responsibilities. We are hoping to run the club either Tuesdays, Wednesdays, or Thursdays from 2:40-3:40 starting the week of September 23rd. It will run for about 12 weeks. Please reach out to Mrs. Erickson if you’re interested in helping support this club. 


3rd Grade

During the month of April, 3rd graders will continue to work on story telling by creating books  and animated drawings. They will also make connections to their EL water unit through a STEAM water cycle project. 

4th Grade

During the month of April, 4th graders will finish up their stop motion videos and ozobot work. We will have a day where we showcase everyone's stop motion videos! Toward the end of the month we will move into a research project and database study. 

5th grade 

During the month of April, students will start our 3-D printing grade level project. The grade level will be creating a sustainable city and every student will get to make their own building using tinkercad app and our 3D printer. 

PBIS - Ms. Zhang and Ms. Hawthorne

In the month of February, our Marquette community engaged in all school learning about a Black musician, poet, and Madison community leader and uplifted Black excellence. At the end of the month, we came together in assembly to share what we learned through creative presentations. 

3rd grade presented a storybook on Milele Chakasa Anana.

4th grade presented on Maya Angelou in a slide show.

5th grade presented on John Coltrane with a poster.

Lapham-Marquette Parent Teacher Group (PTG)

Join us for our April Meeting! Tuesday, 4/9, at 6:30pm over Zoom: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88105135570

Save the date: Tuesday, 5/28, for an end of the year celebration at the Madison Mallards home opener! All students will receive vouchers for 2 tickets to the game.

Looking for other ways to get involved? Check out our website. All of our families at Lapham-Marquette are part of the Parent Teacher Group and we welcome all of you.

Thank you for your partnership in enriching our students' school experiences and we look forward to seeing you soon! Passionate about gardening? Join the Lapham-Marquette Green Team to keep our school gardens thriving. Email grace.vanberkel@gmail.com

* Want to learn more about potentially joining the PTG Board for the '24/25 school year? Email grace.vanberkel@gmail.com

* Check out our upcoming events!

The more the merrier https://www.lapham-marquette-ptg.org/events-1

Advanced Learning - Kari Augustine

Links for Summer 2024 Learning Opportunities


MMSD will discontinue using the online Web Attendance after the 2023-2024 school year, instead parents and families can enter absences online through the Parent Portal. Starting January 29, 2024 you can use your Parent Portal to submit absences.  

Entering an absence request is quick and easy, and can be done using your desktop computer or the Parent Portal app on your mobile device. Follow these simple steps:

  1. Log in to your Infinite Campus Parent Portal account.
  2. Select More from the Navigation area.
  3. Select Absence Requests.
  4. Fill in the required information, including the date and reason for the absence.
  5. Submit your request.

Winter Recess

All students go outside for a 30 minute lunch recess.

If the windchill is less than -10, students will have indoor recess.

All 3rd graders must wear snow pants or stay on the black top when snow is present.

Marquette has a very limited supply of extra snowpants. We can not guarantee that a pair of snow pants will be available for your child. Your child will still be required to go outside with their class.

Please make sure your child has

a coat, snow pants, boots,

mittens/gloves and a hat


to your child's teacher or the Office
BEFORE 2pm (12:30 on Mondays)
We often have to hold the bus and the childcare van
to assure everyone has a way home.
Early Pick Up If you must pick your student up early, please follow the guidelines below: 
  • Pick up before 12:40 on Mondays/ 2:10 Tuesday thru Friday.
  • Call 608-204-3225 and tell us what time you will be picking your child up.
  • Use the buzzer at Door 5. The buzzer is at the far right door.
  • There is a Sign Out binder on the cart. Please sign your child out.
  • Parents/guardians should wait by the door. Students will come to the office, and staff will bring the students to the door.
  • If you pick up your child for an appointment and plan to return them to school, tell the staff an approximate return time.
We encourage every family to make a School Cafe account. 
You will need your child’s student ID number. Ask your student or call the Office 608-204-3225
In this account you can:
  • view menus, 
  • see when your child takes a meal, 
  • view your account balance, 
  • make payments 
  • Apply for Free and Reduced Meals (income based) DEADLINE is Oct 1, 2022.  

If you need assistance with the application for Free and Reduced Meals
call 608-204-3225
MMSD Elementary School Policies

Many families have opted out of receiving a paper copy our our district policy guides and the behavior education plan during the online enrollment process. The links below are electronic versions that you can refer to. .

Marquette hours:

Office: 7:00am - 3:15

Breakfast: 7:25-7:35

School: 7:35-2:35Monday Dismissal 1:10

Tuesday- Friday Dismissal 2:35

School: 204-3220

Main Office: 204-3225

Attendance/Safe Arrival: 204-3233

Fax: 204-0467 

Marquette Elementary
1501 Jenifer St Madison, WI 53703

Dr. Becky Peterson, Principal rlpeterson@madison.k12.wi.us

Monica Piper, Administrative Assistant