M u s t a n g  N e w s l e t t e r

In This Issue
Dates to Remember
Monday, 9/7:
Labor Day - No School

Wednesday, 9/16:
Back-to-School Night
6:00 - 8:00

Don't Forget!

Shop for Shepherd!

Did you know that many local stores like Giant and Safeway will donate a percentage of your purchases to Shepherd?

Visit the PTA website to find out how:   Shop for Shepherd!

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IB Learner Profile

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Dress Code

Shepherd Elementary is a uniform school. The uniform consists of a white top and navy blue bottoms. All students are expected to adhere to the uniform policy.

Spirit Day
Every Friday is Spirit Day! Everyone is encouraged to show their Mustang Pride by wearing the school colors, gold and green along with any other Shepherd apparel.

Star Achievers
Star Achievers has a new website.
PLEASE visit our new virtual space at sesstarachievers.com

BEFORE CARE has a new outside entrance. Please enter the building between 7:30 and 8:20am up the auditorium stairs, the single door facing 14th street.

This year, Star Achievers will feature a more detailed schedule for the younger grades. Older students will be using the lower field, and we will all practice writing our letters (early childhood classes) and writing in cursive (older students).

There will be PE, Imagination Stage, Art, Dance and Buddy Days for reading and fun projects.

Construction and Modernization

2015/2016 Shepherd Parent Handbooks

The 2015/2016 Shepherd Parent Handbook and the Shepherd Handbook on Food Allergies are now available on the Shepherd Elementary School website.

Click  here to review the Parent Handbook.

Click  here to review the Handbook on Food Allergies.

August 30, 2015 

A Message from Principal Brawley
Dear Shepherd Families and Friends,

We had a great first week of school and everyone is excited to be back.

The Mustang
This year, the Mustang will be published weekly in order to keep families and our community abreast of what is going on at Shepherd. Please look to the Mustang each week for important information regarding what is happening in and around Shepherd Elementary.

New Morning Arrival Pilot 
Last week, morning arrival went smoothly, with the exception of a few minor incidents. We will continue to pilot this new arrival procedure. 
Look for a survey at the end of September to share your thoughts. 

Entering The Building
Students who are not in Before Care are admitted into the building at 8:20, which is also the time that breakfast begins.

Monday, August 31st
ALL students report to school and enter the building through their specific entrance.

Grade Level Entrance
Pre-Kindergarten 3 and 4 Pre-Kindergarten Wing
Kindergarten thru Grade 3 Auditorium
Grade 4 and Grade 5 Main Entrance

Nut-Free Zone

Shepherd ES is a nut-free school, including but not limited to the following:
Brazil nuts
Beech nuts
Macaedemia nuts
Pine nuts 

Peanut butter
Granola Bars with nuts

Children and adults can react to an allergen by eating or touching a food they are allergic to. They can also react to something that has traces of that food on it. If they have traces of food on their hands and put their hands in their mouth, they can have a life-threatening reaction.

A Word About Safety
Due to construction, it is imperative that we strive to maintain a safe and orderly drop-off and pick-up. To this end, we need your support and cooperation. Please adhere to the following:
  • The area designated by the cones is the morning drop-off/afternoon car pool pick-up zone. Please do not park and leave your vehicle. If you need to enter the building, please find an alternate parking space.
  • When arriving, please drop your students off on the side of the street closest to the school building. 
  • When dropping off on the opposite side of the street, please have students walk to the crosswalk so that drivers and staff members can ensure their safety. Avoid allowing children to cross in the middle of the street in between cars.
  • Please steer clear of making u-turns in the middle of 14th Street.
  • Remind students to look both ways when crossing the street and follow the directions of the crossing guard (when available).
Outdoor Recess
Recess is an important part of an elementary student's day. Research suggests that 'children need to have downtime between cognitive challenges.' 

However, some sports and activities, specifically contact sports, pose challenges to ensuring the physical and emotional safety of our students.

Therefore, in the coming weeks, students will be allowed to play soccer during recess, among other activities, instead of football. Please do not allow your child to bring their football to school.

The International Baccalaureate PYP at Shepherd
During the school year, students will take part in a captivating trip with Passport to Peace as they learn about, develop and apply the twelve IB Attitudes to their daily lives. This trip will help our students develop as caring, peaceful and responsible citizens. Next week, students will begin with the attitude of Confidence. Please look out for the Family reflection activity coming home in week three where you can talk and reflect on this attitude with your child.
Classes have begun working on their first Unit of Inquiry:  
  • Kindergarten - Who we Are - Making Friends
  • First Grade - Who we Are - Life Lessons
  • Second Grade - Sharing the Planet - Plants are Everywhere
  • Third Grade - Where we Are in Place and Time - Communities Over Time
  • Fourth Grade - How we Express Ourselves - The Facts Behind the Fiction
  • Fifth Grade - How the World Works - Eureka! Let's Get   Physical
  Each unit will be taught for six weeks and students may be involved in conducting inquiry and investigation activities at school and at home. Please guide, support and encourage your child to seek the answers to their questions on their own, so they can develop their inquiry skills.

A Message from the PTA

Hello and a warm welcome from the Shepherd PTA!

This is a year of new beginnings at Shepherd.  We welcome new principal Jade Brawley and a number of new Shepherd teachers and staff.  School modernization work at Shepherd is ongoing, and we look forward to a bright and welcoming school atrium in 2016.

Families, teachers, and staff are the backbone of our strong and supportive community at Shepherd.  Family involvement is a long tradition at our school and one of its greatest strengths.  The more you engage with the school community, the more rewarding your experience at Shepherd will be.  We encourage you to look for opportunities to volunteer and share your experience and talents.  Small or big time commitment - there is a place for you!

Our first PTA meeting of the year will be a brief meeting at Back to School Night on Wednesday, September 16th.  Beginning in October, the PTA will meet monthly on the third Wednesday of the month @ 6:30 PM.  PTA meetings are a great place to meet and connect with other families and to support ongoing PTA initiatives and priorities.

The PTA welcomes the participation of all parents, grandparents, and guardians - all of the wonderful folks who care for and about Shepherd students.  To support the school and become a voting member of the PTA, we ask that families pay PTA dues of $20 this year.  In addition, for families who are able to make an additional monetary donation, we ask that you contribute to our 180 fund.  The 180 fund represents a $1 contribution for each school day in the academic year, but contributions at any level are greatly appreciated!

Please don't hesitate to reach out to us or the other PTA officers with any questions, suggestions or to volunteer in any way that you can! Have a great school year, and we hope to see you at Back to School Night in September!

Jasmine Riley & Cara Biddle                        
PTA Co-Presidents  

Shepherd Elementary | (202) 576-6140 | mustangshepherd2@gmail.com 
7800 14th Street NW
Washington, DC 20012