M u s t a n g  N e w s l e t t e r

In This Issue
Dates to Remember
Fri., 12/5, 8 am - 3 pm:
Professional Development Day, School Closed for Students 

Tues, 12/9 at 9:30 am:
Shepherd Open House Tour

Fri, 12/12, 6 pm - 7:30 pm:
SES International Festival

Mon, 12/15, 8 am - 3 pm:
Last Day: Loose Change Fundraiser

SES Winter Holiday Concert

12/22/14 - 1/2/2015:
Winter Break, School Closed

Family Dinner Night at Franklin's

School Re-Opens after Winter Break

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Come One . . . 
           Come All . . . 

The Mustang is looking for a few good writers to serve as contributors to the Student's Scoop, a student-written column that will appear in every Mustang.  

Keep your schoolmates up to date on what's happening at Shepherd from a student's-eye view!

If you are interested, please send an email to 
Subject: Student Writer

We want your voice in the Mustang!

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Content Submissions
The Mustang is the biweekly newsletter for Shepherd Elementary and community.  


We welcome community-relevant submissions of announcements (100-200 words) or articles (300-500 words) to add to the newsletter.  


The Mustang is published on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month; please submit items two weeks in advance in order to be included in the next Mustang.



The Mustang staff reserves the right to edit announcements and articles for space and content, and to decline submissions of inappropriate subject matter.  Advertisements and solicitations are not permitted.

Submit Content to Mustang

Stay Connected

Like us on Facebook      
December 1, 2014 

Welcome to the Mustang e-Newsletter!  

Look for a new publication every 1st and 3rd Monday to stay connected with Shepherd school and community news.    

The Quick View

As we zoom toward the winter holidays, please be reminded of important activities and dates for Shepherd Elementary families:


1. The Student Scoop, a Mustang newsletter column written by Shepherd students, is looking for student journalists!  See announcement in left column for more information.


2. Shepherd's International Festival is scheduled Friday, December 12th.  Please confirm your participation this week with Ms. Brooks.  Additional details below.


3. Shepherd's Holiday "Winter" Concert is scheduled Wednesday, December 17th.  Additional details below.


4.School is CLOSED for students Friday, December 5th.


5. The last 2014 distribution of the MUSTANG NEWSLETTER will be Monday, December 15th. The Mustang will return from winter break on Monday, January 12, 2015.     

A Message from the PTA
We still need your help! Please see volunteer opportunities below and contact the PTA to sign-up (info@shepherd-elementary.org).

180 Fund Coordinator - Promote the 180 Fund with Shepherd Families that supports PTA activities like equipment for the school and supplies for teachers.


Teacher Wish List Coordinator - Each year the PTA allots funding for teachers to purchase some classroom supplies.   This year, we are piloting using Amazon for teachers to create Teacher Wish Lists.  We need a volunteer to help coordinate this process and serve as a resource for the teachers.


Photographer - Capture images of the Shepherd community in action at Shepherd events. 


Water for PTA meetings - Volunteer to pick up cases of water for PTA meetings.  Expense reimbursable by the PTA.


School Supplies Coordinator - At the end of the school year, teachers in each grade create a list of supplies that students will need at the start of the next school year.  We need a volunteer to coordinate with teachers to develop lists and order supplies at the end of the year as well as coordinate distribution at the start of next year.


Fall Fest Coordinator - Volunteer to coordinate next year's Fall Fest.  Participate in the wrap-up of this year's Fall Fest so you will be ready to go for next year!

News and Announcements
SES International Festival: 
December 12, 2014


Calling all Shepherd Families!



Showcase your culture with displays, food, and/or talent at the Shepherd Elementary International Festival!



Friday, December 12 from 

6:00 - 7:30 pm



Shepherd Elementary School 



Parents please submit your name, your child's name and class, country, and contact information to Ms. Brooks no later than 12/2/14. Download the Sign-up Form on the Shepherd website! 


Holiday "Winter" Concert:
December 17, 2014


Students pre-school through 5th grade



Start your holidays with a special song and dance musical tribute starring our very own Shepherd Elementary School Students.  



Wednesday, December 17 at 6:00 pm




Shepherd Elementary School


Making Change
  with Loose Change


The PTA Loose Change Fundraiser


Please bring quarters, dimes, nickels and pennies to school and fill up the loose change bag in your classroom. We also accept bills ($20; $10; $5; $1)!



Wednesday, November 19 - Monday, December 15  



Proceeds benefit a needy family for Christmas as well as support needed changes at our school.


Join the loose change challenge . . .  a special PIZZA PARTY prize for the class that collects the most!



There's Still Time . . .
Ends December 15, 2014

Save the Date!
Family Dinner Night
December 23, 2014

Plan to join fellow SES families for Family Dinner Night during the winter break.  Look for more details in the next edition of The Mustang or check the Shepherd website.  



5123 Baltimore Avenue  ~ Bladensburg, MD  20710

(301) 927-2740

shepherd elementary | (202) 734-8201 | carabiddle@me.com | http://www.shepherd-elementary.org/
7800 14th Street NW
Washington, DC 20012