M u s t a n g  N e w s l e t t e r
In This Issue
Dates to Remember
Wednesday, 3/2
Read Across America Day and Dr. Seuss' Birthday 

Friday, 3/4
Black History Assembly

IB Learner Profile 

Don't Forget!

Any items left in the lost and found will be donated to a  local charity on the last Friday of the month.

Shop for Shepherd!

Did you know that many local stores like Giant and Safeway will donate a percentage of your purchases to Shepherd?

Visit the PTA website to find out how:   Shop for Shepherd!

Dress Code

Shepherd Elementary is a uniform school. The uniform consists of a white top and navy blue bottoms. All students are expected to adhere to the uniform policy.

Spirit Day

Every Friday is Spirit Day! Everyone is encouraged to show their Mustang Pride by wearing the school colors, gold and green along with any other Shepherd apparel.

Star Achievers
Happy Winter Star Achievers - 

Star Achievers Families:

We are still in the midst of hiring new administrative staff - stay turned for official announcements!

You are invited to watch your actors in action - Imagination Stage Staff will show you what your children have been doing in aftercare, please join us for a demonstration (not a full performance):

PK3 - Kindergarten: Friday, March 18, 4 - 5pm

First Grade: Wednesday, March 9,  4 - 5pm

Second and Third Grades: Tuesday March 8, 4 - 5pm

Fourth and Fifth Grades:  Thursday, March 10,   4 - 5pm

Please check out a sample lesson on BrainPop - a computer-based class we are trying out in 3rd grade for Science and hope to expand to K - 5th soon.

As always, please pay your tuition.  To use the service all families must pay outstanding balances.

Mr. Langrock will soon be taking us outside and to the lower field - Please dress your children warmly.

Good Bye February, we hope for brighter days in March.

As always, if you have any questions or comments please check the website sesstarachievers.com or email me at sesstarachievers@gail.com

Thanks for your support -

Claire Riley
Program Director
February 29, 2016 
A Message from Principal Brawley

Dear Shepherd Community,

What a week!

I met a handful of influential African Americans in the PreKindergarten celebration of Black History Month and I watched twelve brave first and second graders compete for first place in this year's primary grades Spelling Bee. I also watched our  third graders create windmills after reading, The Boy Who Harnessed The Wind .

I am certainly looking forward to this week!


Jade L. Brawley

CapsCare and Shepherd in the News
In case you missed it, check out our fifth graders, former Capitals player, Alan May and representatives from the Washington Capitals:

Primary Spelling Bee Winners: 
Aminata, Raya and Salim

Science Fair Winners:
Eva, Makayla and Zora

Read Across America/Dr. Seuss' Birthday
Shepherd will be celebrating Read Across America Day and Dr. Seuss' Birthday this Wednesday, March 2nd. 

Black History Month
We hope you will be able to join us for our Black History Month Program this Friday, March 4th.  

SY15-16 Basketball Season

Shepherd v. Hearst 

Browne Education Campus
850 26th Street, NE
(Near Benning Road and Oklahoma Ave)

Support our Mustangs as we compete for the title for the second year in a row!!!

Star Achievers Open House

Shepherd ES Star Achiever's Program will be hosting an OPEN HOUSE on Wednesday March 16 from 4:30 to 6:30pm.  

Meet members of the Star Achiever's Board and see what Aftercare has to offer.  Consider becoming a Star Achievers Board Member next year.

Stay for the pizza and the PTA meeting at 6:30pm

DC Public Library Programs
Meet Baseball Legend Cal Ripken, Jr.
Thursday, March 3, 2016, 6 p.m.
Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library
901 G St. NW
Washington,  D.C.  20001

Meet baseball legend and author Cal Ripken, Jr. and hear him talk about his new children's book, The Closer.

-Books will be available for purchase at the event from Politics & Prose Book Store.
-Customers must purchase a book to enter the signing line.
-Limit one signature per customer.
-The signing line will be limited to the first 150 customers.

Questions? Call DC Public Library at 202-727-1248

Books from Birth
DC Public Library wants to make reading with your child fun and easy for parents and guardians in the District. The library just launched  Books from Birth , a program that mails all children in Washington D.C. a free book each month from 
birth until they turn five.We always encourage families to read with their children because it develops the critical skills children need to be successful in school. Start building your child's own personal library for FREE today. 
Sign up here:

Have questions? Click here for an extensive FAQ or email booksfrombirth@dc.gov.

FREE Summer Enrichment Program

Free Summer Enrichment Program for Advanced Rising Middle Schoolers
The Advanced and Enriched Instruction Division is excited to announce that they will be offering the Summer Enrichment Program for the third year! This four-week summer program for highly motivated and precocious rising middle school students (those currently in grades 5, 6, 7) are invited to apply for a spot at Burrville ES, Hardy MS, or Stuart-Hobson MS. The program runs from 7/5-7/29, from 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. daily and is free for DCPS students. Students will work in small groups of no more than 15 on topics directly related to their areas of academic interest as well as go on several exciting field trips. For questions, contact Angela.Novak@dc.gov

FREE STEM Summer Program
FREE STEM Summer Program for 3rd-5th Grade Students
The Summer Engineering Experience for Kids (SEEK) program is one of the National Society of Black Engineers' (NSBE) contributions to increasing the representation of black students in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and math. This three-week program is designed to expose children to STEM fields as early as the 3rd grade.  Students participate from 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. daily. This year the program will take place at John Burroughs EC from 7/8-8/5. To register click here. For questions, contact Lauren Allen.

A Message from the PTA
Thank you to everyone who contributed to make Jazz Night a success!

Election Nominating Committee

The PT A is looking for a few interested parents or school staff members for a short-term, but very important PTA assignment--the Nominating Committee.

The Nominating Committee will be elected at the March PTA Meeting.  From March to April, the Committee will recruit parents interested in running for PTA officer positions.  (Sometimes it's as simple as putting out a call for volunteers.)  The Committee will makes its nominations at the April meeting and will then help get candidate statements published in the 
Mustang before the May meeting.  At the May meeting, the Nominating Committee will conduct the officer elections.

If you're interested in serving on the PTA Nominating Committee, please contact Laura Levine at  L3Seven7@aol.com.  Note that you cannot serve on the Nominating Committee if you or a member of your household are interested in running for office for next year--so it's a good time to start thinking about that as well.  

For more information about the role of the Nominating Committee and the PTA Officer elections, please review the  PTA bylaws on our website.

Shepherd Elementary | (202) 576-6140 | mustangshepherd2@gmail.com 
7800 14th Street NW
Washington, DC 20012