Francophonie Day
Wilson PTSO Meeting at Shepherd
6:30 PM
Wednesday, 3/16
Star Achievers Open House
4:30 PM
Shepherd PTA Meeting
6:30 PM
Thursday, 3/17
Early Childhood Education St. Patrick's Day Breakfast
Thursday, 3/24
Parent Workshop on Bullying
Friday, 3/25
Kite Day
Monday, 3/28 - Friday, 4/1
Spring Break
Saturday, 5/21
Annual Shepherd Spring Gala
6:00 PM - Midnight
Shop for Shepherd!
Did you know that many local stores like Giant and Safeway will donate a percentage of your purchases to Shepherd?
Stay Connected
Follow Us on Twitter @ShepherdDCPS
Shepherd Elementary is a uniform school. The uniform consists of a white top and navy blue bottoms. All students are expected to adhere to the uniform policy.
Every Friday is Spirit Day! Everyone is encouraged to show their Mustang Pride by wearing the school colors, gold and green along with any other Shepherd apparel.
Greetings Star Achievers Families,
More Great News!
Mr. Byron Greene will be joining Star Achievers as part-time Program Director. Mr. Greene has extensive business experience and is also a teacher in PG County. Mr. Greene will officially take over Director duties April 1, however, he will be meeting the Star Achievers staff and the community during aftercare hours in these last weeks of March. We look forward to making great strides in advancing the program under his leadership.
Please meet and greet Mr. Greene - along with the new Operations Manager Ms. Jasper - at the Star Achievers Open House
Wednesday March 16 from 4:30 to 6:30pm. Then stay for pizza and the PTA meeting. Hope to see you there.
Please note: If your child is not going to participate in aftercare on a regular basis, please let us know the dates s/he will not be attending by emailing
If students do not come to aftercare and are not counted on our attendance rolls, but are in the building or on the playground/lower field, we will contact you to make sure they have permission.
Thanks for your cooperation -
Claire Riley
Program Director
A Message from Principal Brawley
Dear Shepherd Community,
Please join us for any of the activities going on this week, including the Star Achievers Open House, PreK3 and PreK4's celebration of St. Patrick's Day or the second Anti-Bullying workshop for parents on Friday.
We are looking forward to seeing you!
Jade L. Brawley
Nurse Roberts is here on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays until further notice. In her absence, Mrs. Brooks is responsible for administering medication and contacting parents when students are feeling ill or injured.
First in Math
March Math Madness is going strong and Shepherd advanced to the Sweet Sixteen!
Please continue to encourage your child to practice their math facts on First in Math and Shepherd could advance to the Elite Eight!
Star Achievers Open House
Shepherd ES Star Achiever's Program will be hosting an OPEN HOUSE on Wednesday March 16 from 4:30 to 6:30pm.
Meet members of the Star Achiever's Board and see what Aftercare has to offer. Consider becoming a Star Achievers Board Member next year.
Stay for the pizza and the PTA meeting at 6:30pm
Charles Sumner Museum Open House
The Historic Charles Sumner School Museum and Archives Open House Celebrating Women's History Month (3/19)
The Charles Sumner School Museum and Archives is hosting its monthly open house on Saturday, March, 19 from 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. In celebration of Women's History Month, the museum will collaborate with the Delta Kappa Gamma Society International for a release of their latest publication, the second edition of 200 Years of Public Education in the Nation's Capital 1804-2014: 500 Profiles of Key Women Educators. Students can also earn community service hours by serving as hosts, facilitators and museum docents. To register schools/students to participate, contact or 202-730-1420. The Charles Sumner School Museum and Archives is the official museum and repository for public education in the District of Columbia. The open house will also feature activities for children and adults, along with light refreshments. The event is free and open to the public. The Charles Sumner School Museum and Archives Museum is located at 1201 17th Street, NW, three blocks north of the Farragut North Metro Station, Red Line.
Black Girls Code: Build a Game in a Day!
The DC Chapter of Black Girls CODE presents Build a Game in a Day!, a workshop for girls ages 7-17. This workshop will focus on an introduction to game design and development. All BGC workshops are geared towards introducing participants to the technological universe and encouraging them to pursue careers as tech creators and entrepreneurs. No prior computing experience is necessary. The workshop will take place at Capital City Public Charter School on March 19, 10AM - 4PM. Register
by March 14
. Limited scholarships
are also available.
DC Public Library Programs
DC Public Library wants to make reading with your child fun and easy for parents and guardians in the District. The library just launched
Books from Birth
, a program that mails all children in Washington D.C. a free book each month from
birth until they turn five.We always encourage families to read with their children because it develops the critical skills children need to be successful in school. Start building your child's own personal library for FREE today.
Sign up here:
FREE Summer Enrichment Program
Free Summer Enrichment Program for Advanced Rising Middle Schoolers
The Advanced and Enriched Instruction Division is excited to announce that they will be offering the Summer Enrichment Program for the third year! This four-week summer program for highly motivated and precocious rising middle school students (those currently in grades 5, 6, 7) are invited to apply for a spot at Burrville ES, Hardy MS, or Stuart-Hobson MS. The program runs from 7/5-7/29, from 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. daily and is free for DCPS students. Students will work in small groups of no more than 15 on topics directly related to their areas of academic interest as well as go on several exciting field trips. For questions, contact
FREE STEM Summer Program for 3rd-5th Grade Students
The Summer Engineering Experience for Kids (SEEK) program is one of the National Society of Black Engineers' (NSBE) contributions to increasing the representation of black students in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and math. This three-week program is designed to expose children to STEM fields as early as the 3rd grade. Students participate from 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. daily. This year the program will take place at John Burroughs EC from 7/8-8/5. To register click here. For questions, contact Lauren Allen.
The Shepherd PTA and Gala Committee are pleased to announce that our Annual Spring Gala will be held Saturday, May 21, 2016, from 6:00 p.m. until midnight at the historic Mayflower Hotel in downtown Washington, DC. The theme for this year's very exciting event is "Casino Royale" and Ward 4's own DC Councilmember Brandon Todd will serve as honorary chairman. Proceeds will support "STEAM" education initiatives at Shepherd.
Pre-sale tickets are now available for $75. Get yours soon, before the price goes up to $90 on April 4. Tickets can be purchased online through the Shepherd website from now until the event. Committee volunteers will be on hand to sell tickets at the PTA Meeting on Wednesday, March 16 and periodically throughout the coming weeks. A limited number of tickets will also be sold onsite at the Gala for $125.
Shepherd's Spring Gala is the PTA's biggest and most anticipated fundraising event of the year. Your ticket includes drinks and hors d'oeuvres, with a hosted bar from 6:00 - 7:00 p.m.; music; a sit down dinner with an awards program; plus special guest speaker and former NASA Astronaut Leland Melvin. The event will also include live and silent auctions and an array of casino night games.
Watch the website, Facebook page, e-mail, and your child's backpack for announcements and more information about the 2016 Gala. Hire a sitter, put on your party clothes, and plan to join Shepherd parents, alumni, staff, and community this year at Casino Royale!