Thursday, 3/24
Anti-Bullying Workshop, 6:00 PM
Thursday 3/24 and Friday, 3/25
Kite Day
Monday, 3/28 - Friday, 4/1
Spring Break - NO SCHOOL
Thursday, 4/7
Picture Day
Friday, 4/8
Early Dismissal, 12:15
Monday, 4/11 - 5/11
PARCC Testing for grades 3-5
Tuesday, 4/12
Deal Night with Principal Albright, 6:30
Friday, 4/15
Emancipation Day - NO SCHOOL
Friday, 4/22
Earth Day
Monday, 5/2 - Friday, 5/6
Teacher Appreciation Week
Saturday, 5/21
Annual Shepherd Spring Gala
6:00 PM - Midnight
Historic Mayflower Hotel
Shop for Shepherd!
Did you know that many local stores like Giant and Safeway will donate a percentage of your purchases to Shepherd?
Shepherd Elementary is a uniform school. The uniform consists of a white top and navy blue bottoms. All students are expected to adhere to the uniform policy.
Every Friday is Spirit Day! Everyone is encouraged to show their Mustang Pride by wearing the school colors, gold and green along with any other Shepherd apparel.
Greetings Star Achievers Families,
Thank you for joining us for our Star Achievers Open House to meet Mr. Greene and Ms. Jasper.
We look forward to making great strides in advancing the program under their leadership.
Please note: If your child is not going to participate in aftercare on a regular basis, please let us know the dates s/he will not be attending by emailing
If students do not come to aftercare and are not counted on our attendance rolls, but are in the building or on the playground/lower field, we will contact you to make sure they have permission.
Thanks for your cooperation -
Claire Riley
Program Director
A Message from Principal Brawley
Dear Shepherd Community,
March comes in like a lion, and out like a lamb.
While this phrase may apply to the weather, it certainly doesn't apply to the learning experiences happening in and around Shepherd this month, including this last week leading up to Spring Break
Jade L. Brawley
Spring Sports
Mr. Walcott will be at the school on Monday afternoon to sign students up for flag football, kickball as well as track and field events.
Kite Day
We will be taking advantage of March's blustery winds this Thursday and Friday.
Kindergarten, first, fourth and fifth grade will fly kites on Thursday and PreK-3, PreK-4, second and third grade will fly kites on Friday. A more detailed schedule will be sent home at the beginning of the week.
Construction has begun on the Jonquil Street side of the building, as designated by the fencing. Please refrain from allowing students to use the stairs nearest to the cafeteria in order to gain access to the building through the multi-purpose room doors.
March is Social Work Month
In celebration of Social Work Month, we are fortunate to have Michelle Browne, LICSW, supporting the Shepherd community.
4th Annual Toiletry Drive
The 4th Annual Toiletry Drive to support homeless women and children will end this Friday. Please turn in all donations, including soap, lotion, toothpaste, deodorant, and other hygiene products, to your child's classroom OR the main office. Thank you for your support.
Shepherd on Social Media
Follow us on Twitter:
Nurse Roberts
Nurse Roberts is here on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays until further notice. In her absence, Mrs. Brooks is responsible for administering medication and contacting parents when students are feeling ill or injured.
First in Math
Thank you for supporting Shepherd in our bid for the March Math Madness Championship!
Anti-Bullying Parent Workshop
This Thursday, we will have our second parent workshop on bullying. We hope that you will be able to join us 6:00pm in the multi-purpose room.
On Thursday, March 24 at 6:30 Deal Middle School will host a thought-provoking event for current and prospective parents, faculty and staff that will begin to facilitate an understanding of cultural competence in our community; of teaching themselves and our children the importance of learning how to live with difference. We are calling it "Talking Across the Lines" and it is our hope that we will develop a model that other schools in the area can learn from.
The evening will include a performance by the Deal Dance Ensemble, an interactive panel discussion on diversity and its significance in education, and an interactive cultural competency activity. Our panelists for the evening will include:
- host Michel Martin (NPR, All Things Considered (weekend)),
- Chancellor Kaya Henderson (DCPS)
- Roland Martin, (host, News One Now) and
- Maria Cardona, (political commentator, CNN/CNN En Espanol).
For more information, call (202) 939-2010 or visit
Shepherd Students are Heart Heroes!
Parents, we kicked off Jump Rope/Hoops
for Heart in February!
Your student is becoming a Heart Hero by
taking care of their own heart, spreading
the message of the American Heart
and raising funds for life saving research
and education. Have your student jump
online at
to ask for donations.
Click on our team link to sign up online
online donation), MARTINA N. MUTLEY (raise $85 dollars online)
Thank you for helping the American Heart Association save lives!
DC Public Library Programs
DC Public Library wants to make reading with your child fun and easy for parents and guardians in the District. The library just launched
Books from Birth
, a program that mails all children in Washington D.C. a free book each month from
birth until they turn five.We always encourage families to read with their children because it develops the critical skills children need to be successful in school. Start building your child's own personal library for FREE today.
Sign up here:
Annual Spring Gala
It's time to purchase your tickets for the 2016 Shepherd Spring Gala and Auction! Get your tickets at the pre-sale rate of $75 before Spring Break. Please stop by the PTA table in the auditorium during morning drop-off and after school pick-up this week or
click here to purchase tickets.
The homeroom class that raises the most pre-sale ticket revenue will win a splash party (when the weather gets warmer) courtesy of the PTA! To help your child(ren)'s class win, be sure to list your teacher's name when ordering your tickets online. If you have more than one Shepherd student, your purchase - including guest tickets - can be split among the classes.
Volunteers and donations are needed for the Auction committee. Have access to theater or sports tickets? Have a vacation home? Own your own business or willing to approach your favorite businesses for auction donations or sponsorships? We need you! Please contact Tina Moss at with donations (include brief description of the service/item, any restrictions, and the fair market value) or to volunteer for the auction sub-committee. You can also enter donations via the auction website. Visit the
auction website for more information and a donation solicitation letter.
Helping Shepherd Families Stay Connected:
Launching a Digital Directory at Shepherd Elementary School
School projects, birthday parties and playdates . . . spring, summer and winter breaks - in collaboration with A to Z Directories, Shepherd will take the parent and student directory digital to help you stay connected year round.
A to Z Directories has worked with several DC Public Schools to simplify the way schools create directories. The online database of student names and parent contact information is exclusively available to parents with students enrolled at Shepherd Elementary School.
We still need your help to officially launch Shepherd's first online directory. Please take note of the information below and take action!
- Opting Out: Parents have the final say on being included in the directory. Last week, students came home with a paper form for parents to opt out of the directory or exclude specific information. If there is any information that you want excluded from the directory, you MUST complete, sign, and return this form to your child's teacher by April 6th, 2016. Copies of the form are also available from Mrs. Brooks in the main office.
Emails to Verify Contact Information: Parents with email addresses registered with the school were sent a web link to
verify and
select contact information that will be included in the directory. This online verification takes less than 3 minutes to complete and is a necessary step for parents to decide what information to include and/or remove.
Protecting Your Information: The online directory is protected with a customized login and password for each user. Access to the directory, or the information it contains, is never sold to an outside party.
Our goal is to make the online directory available in April. Should you have any additional questions, please contact parent volunteers and Shepherd Elementary Directory Administrators Jamal Madati ( or Velicia D. Woods (