M u s t a n g  N e w s l e t t e r
In This Issue
Dates to Remember
Tuesday, 11/10:
Pre-Kindergarten 3 and 4 students will visit the Kids Euro Festival

Wednesday, 11/11:
Veterans Day - No school for students, teachers, and staff

Friday, 11/13:
Report cards will be sent home

Tuesday. 11/17:
GeoPlunge Tournament

Wednesday, 11/18:
PTA Bake Sale
3:15 - 6:00 PM

Wednesday, 11/18:
SIT Meeting, 4:30 PM

PTA Meeting,  6:30 PM

Friday, 11/20:
Make-Up Day for school pictures

Wednesday, 11/25:
Star Achievers Pizza and Movie Day

Thursday, 11/26 and Friday, 11/27:
Thanksgiving Holiday - No school for students, teachers, and staff

Wednesday, 12/2:
Shepherd Spring Gala Kick-Off Planning Meeting
6:30 PM
Don't Forget!

Shop for Shepherd!

Did you know that many local stores like Giant and Safeway will donate a percentage of your purchases to Shepherd?

Visit the PTA website to find out how:   Shop for Shepherd!

IB Learner Profile

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Dress Code

Shepherd Elementary is a uniform school. The uniform consists of a white top and navy blue bottoms. All students are expected to adhere to the uniform policy.

Spirit Day

Every Friday is Spirit Day! Everyone is encouraged to show their Mustang Pride by wearing the school colors, gold and green along with any other Shepherd apparel.

Star Achievers
Greetings Star Achievers Families!

November is full of great activities for our students!
Mr. Langrock has joined aftercare on Fridays so all K-5 th students will be using the lower field on Fridays for games while the weather is great.

Our dance teacher, Nyla Johnson, will be with us November 18th.

There will be a Dance in the multi-purpose room on November 20th from 3:30-5:00. Our very own Mr. Gonzalez will be  the DJ! 

Wednesday, November 25th is Pizza and a Movie Day!

In addition to the scheduled events above, we will be taking advantage of the mild weather as much as we can. Please make sure that your child is dressed appropriately for the changing temperature.
Stay tuned for more activities as we schedule them, and visit sesstarachievers.com
Enjoy -
Claire Riley
Program Director

November 9, 2015 
A Message from Principal Brawley
Dear Shepherd Community,

From the bottom of my heart, I would like to thank everyone for the calls, cards, emails, hugs and all other kind expressions of sympathy. 

Likewise, I am incredibly humbled by all of the people who worked diligently and collaboratively to make sure that our students' needs were met in my absence.
With heartfelt appreciation,

Jade L. Brawley

The Shepherd Lost and Found is growing!!!

Please look through our lost and found in the main office and in the hallway near the main entrance for any items that your child(ren) may be missing before Wednesday, November 25th.

Beginning this month, any items left in the lost and found will be donated to a  local charity on the last Friday of the month.

Student Recognition

The following students were recognized at our Awards Assembly on October 30th:

Unit Assessment - Math
Michael Abebe, Kayla Bethea, Tsitsi Shabazz, Brianna Royall, Travis Parker, Claudia Goletiani, Noah Denning, Grace Kao, Bianca Popa, Natnale Ayalew, Zora Pauk, Rashad Biddle, and Dina Johannes.
Ruadhan Keller-Mcleeer, Lee Bruner, Chyna Holloway, Sarah Rice, Gus Wells, Eva Doomes, Truth Woods


Louis Elliott, Harper Titherington, Dalia Bolanos, Gabrielle Lewis, Addison Alston, Coruan Nunn, Silas Wells, Maiya Harrison, Kai Smith, Alexandre Ritter, Joyce Kao, Samara Rouse, Lee Bruner, Tobias Lindo, Eva Doomes, Truth Woods, and Tais Moore

Perfect Attendance
Timothy Crandall, William Master, Charles Morgan, Khalil Dominique, Parker Faulman, Samuel Ghermay, Morgan Grate, Aasha Roca, Jeremiah Ndjeulo-Yimkoua, Xavier Alexander, Chloe Francois, Corey Jones, Amanuel Laike, Amina Medati, Daniel Messing, Sydney Mack, Jacob Matthews, Zoey Mbaye, Clarence Stovall, Timaya Snow, Kezia Ndjeulo-Anaba, Naima Williams, Yisehak Wondwosen, Samuel Wells, Nadia Hughes, Yadonai Lemma, Siena Lenerz, Sydney-Grace Ntim, Kameron Paige, Chris-Wise Bedtad, Lazaro Alvarez, Kaylee  Barrett, Nathan Bovelle, Miles Gross, Eric Sanborn-Cardenas, Lyla Kramar, Timothy Snow, Maedot Kiros, Trinity Adams, Addison Alston, Tewodros Ayalew, Indira Best, Christian Goletiani, Erik Lindo, Emanda Nessro, Isaiah Ricks, Freeman Snoody, Zora White, Jemima Ndjeulo-Mbiengom, Karen Daniel, Avari Moore, Cifani Dakka, Jade Curry, Aaliyah Purnell-Snowden, Elijah Retamoza, Love Reynolds-Gordon, Aminata Sissoko, Mercer Jackson, Derek Marcus, Silas Wells, Lailah Purnell-Snowden, Nabi Yemane, Alexander Poole, Maiya Harrison, Jessica Roane, Miles Johnson Dean, Nia Dunham, Frances Coulibaly, Bereket Kiros, Alexander Yemane, Taylor Joiner, Andrea Bolanos, Michael Abebe, Zion Banks, Autumn Cowsert, Joyce Kao, Ruadhan Keller-Mcleer, Jacob Lotter, David Mcdowell, Alexandre Ritter, Eden Sileshi, Damari Smith, Kai Smith, Ethan Swann, Justin Williams, Joshua Blackburn, Lee Bruner, Micah Charles, Kennedy Mack, Malchiah Marable, Kristian Swanson, Aidan Alston, Kayla Bethea, Alexander Carter, Tobias, Lindo, Joshua Ndjeulo-Atangna, Sean Reece, Sarah rice, Joseph Wells, Carlos Blunt, Nicolaus Carter, Lattera Dakka, Sean Holmes, Makayla Kennedy, Renata Mills, Dai'ahmir Morgan Fleming, Robel Nessro, Dylan Santiago, Micah Stovall, Mia Saunders, Savannah Alexander, Natnale Ayalew, Alex Edwards, Stephen Levine, and Senay Yemane.

Terrific Kids and Bringing Up Grades (BUG)

Terrific Kids
Corrine Pearson, Morgan Grate, Zyiion Askew, Messiah Askew, Siena Lenerz, Ryan Boyce, Carter Alston, Christian Goletiani, Cifani Dakka, Imani Akers, Alexander Poole, Addyson Tyler-Lynch, and Zo'mora Martin. 

Anthony Hodo, Sharon Chirambo, Alex Carter, Micah Stovall, Jaala Taylor, Casey Ross and Makayla Belmar

Terrific Kids
Isaac Retamoza, Marleigh McDuffie, Xavier Alexander, Ellison Doomes, Kameron Paige, Damon Watkins, Hailey Gramajo, Jean-Vieve Joyeux, Alexander Anagnostopoulos, Raya Bing, Allyson Freely, Frances Coulibaly, and Ruadhan Keller-Mcleer. 

Emma Laudadio, Sean Reece. Claudia Goletiani, Roman Carter, Mia Saunders and Jalen Campbell.

Loose Change Fundraiser

The annual Shepherd Loose Change Fundraiser will run from November 3rd - December 1st. Proceeds benefit a family in need for Christmas and support needed changes at our school. 

Students are encouraged to bring pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters to school to fill up the loose change bag in their classrooms.  Bills accepted too!

Pizza party for the class that collects the most money in the Loose Change Fundraiser

Click here for a flyer about the Loose Change fundraiser.

2015-2016 Boys Basketball Team

Aidan Alston                        Anthony Hodo
Kahini Austin                       Stephen Levine
Carlos Blunt                        Logan Lewis
Lee Burner                          Malchiah Marable
Micah Charles                     Sean Reece
Hasim Coward                    Dillon Santiago
Alex Edward                        Eyan White

Letters About Literature 2015 Contest
Letters About Literature is a reading and writing contest put on each year by the Center for the Book in the Library of Congress. This contest is for students in grades 4-12. 

Students read a book, poem or speech and write to that author (living or dead) about how the piece affected them personally. Letters are judged on state and national levels. Please consider talking with your child to see if he/she is interested in participating. 

If your child chooses to write a letter to an author, you may mail their entry individually or drop it off to Ms. Tiffany in the library by Friday, January 8, 2016. Guidelines and the entry form can be found  here . Please feel free to contact Ms. Tiffany at  christina.tiffany@dc.gov  or stop by the library after school until 3:30 p.m. if you have any questions about the contest.
A Message from the PTA
Shepherd Spring Gala Committee

Believe it or not, it's time to start preparing for the annual Shepherd Spring Gala.  We will hold our initial planning meeting on Wednesday, December 2nd @ 6:30 PM.  Volunteers are needed for the following committees:
-   Event Planning - food, drinks, decorations, etc.
-   Auction Logistics - auction software, coordination
-   Fundraising - silent auction donations, corporate sponsorship
-   Shepherd History - help put together info about the history of Shepherd ES

Please send an email to anne.mcleer@gmail.com to volunteer for a gala committee.  We look forward to seeing you at the kick-off meeting!

PTA Bake Sale - Wednesday November 18th

Back by popular demand - Ms. Beverly's sweet potato pies.  If you missed them at Fall Fest 2015, now is your chance!  Visit the PTA Bake Sale on Wednesday, November 18th from 3:15 - 6:00 PM.

Additional bakers needed.  Watch for an email from the PTA with more information and a link to a Sign-Up Genius to volunteer to make your best home-made treats.


Shepherd Elementary | (202) 576-6140 | mustangshepherd2@gmail.com 
7800 14th Street NW
Washington, DC 20012