M u s t a n g  N e w s l e t t e r

In This Issue
Dates to Remember
AM Parent Academy Meeting

Scholastic Book Fair

Family Dinner Night

Shepherd's Spirit Week

End of Term, Students Dismissed at 12:15 pm

Shepherd Park Community Association 
Halloween Parade
Shepherd Field

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October 20, 2014 

Welcome to the new Mustang e-Newsletter!  

Look for a new publication every 1st and 3rd Monday to stay connected with Shepherd school and community news.    

Shepherd's Fall Fest - Saturday, October 25
The Shepherd Elementary School PTA and you!

A community-wide family fun day filled with food, games, arts, and crafts, moon bounces, and other activities
Saturday, October 25
Noon - 5:00 pm

Shepherd Elementary School
7800 14th Street NW

With your help - we need volunteers! Please register at Fall Fest Volunteers or contact Sherilyn at sheriz6849@aol.com.

A Word from Principal Miles 

Greetings Shepherd Family,

I hope you are well.  Time continues to pass by quickly as our students continue to grow and learn daily.  We appreciate you and all that you do. 


Focus on Instruction

This past week students engaged in the Shared Inquiry method using the Junior Great Books materials.   Students had an opportunity to engage in rich discussion around a piece of literature.  Teachers served as the facilitator/session leader as students learned how to interpret text and learn from their classmates.  This week our students will continue with another rich discussion using the Junior Great materials before moving on to a new complex piece of literature.    Please take a moment to ask your student what Junior Great story they read and what they learned from the discussion. 


In math, teachers are exploring the Upside Down Teaching method.  Teaching upside down involves the teacher presenting students with a problem and allowing the students to grapple with the problem as the teacher monitors students' progress.  After some time, the teacher begins to interact with the students, asking them questions to challenge their thinking before solidifying the rules and mathematical procedure. 


Students also recently learned their reading level and worked with their teachers to set academic goals.  Please ask your student their reading level and what they plan to do to reach their goals.


By now you should have received a progress report from your students' teacher along with the grade level newsletter for the month of October.   If you have not received these items, please contact your child's teacher.

Lost and Found

Our lost and found area is overflowing.  At the end of the week, all unclaimed and unmarked item will be donated.  If your child is missing any items, please stop by the main office and check our lost and found area.  


Bully Awareness Month

This month is Bully Awareness month.  Students have engaged in a discussion with their teachers about bullying and have participated in an activity called Above the Line/Below the Line.   Students worked to identify the types of words and actions that are positive "Above the Line" and words and actions that are negative "Below the Line".   Starting this week and continuing throughout the year, we will look for and recognize students who exhibit "Above the Line" behaviors.  


Spirit Fridays

Please do not forget that every Friday is spirit Friday. Students may wear any combination of the colors: green and gold.   The online store where you can go to purchase spirit wear is still closed.  However, I am working with the vendor to have it reopened very soon.  


Have a great week!

Jamie Miles


News and Announcements
The Shepherd/TI Tutoring 

For 17 years, the Shepherd/TI  Tutoring Program has provided free weekly tutoring for Shepherd Elementary students.  This year's program is now open for tutees! 

The program meets every Sunday 
(except holiday weekends) from 5 to 6 pm at Tifereth Israel, a synagogue at the corner of 16th and Juniper Streets. If you would like your child to participate, please email Susan Catler, liaison for the program, 

For more information, visit  Tutoringon the Shepherd Elementary website. 
Family Dinner Night

Skip the cooking, grab your family and friends, and join us at Pete's. Just say"I'm with Shepherd" when you place your order, and 25% of your purchase will be donated to the Shepherd Elementary PTA!!

October 27th
5:00 pm - 10:00 pm


Pete's New Haven Style Pizza

962 Wayne Ave 

Silver Spring, MD


Shepherd's Spirit Week: October 27-31

Next week is the first Spirit Week of the year! Encourage your child or children to share their school spirit throughout the week.

Monday: Pajama Day

Tuesday: Sports Day

Wednesday: Wacky Tacky Day

Thursday: Twin Day

Friday: Character Day