M u s t a n g  N e w s l e t t e r
In This Issue
Dates to Remember
Monday, 10/5
Discovery Theatre will perform for Pre-K - Grade 1

Tuesday, 10/6
Cartoonist Matt Davies will visit Shepherd

Wednesday, 10/7:
Walk to School Day

Third Graders visit the Dumbarton House

Thursday, 10/8
Progress reports will be sent home

Friday, 10/9:
Professional Development Day - No school for students

Monday, 10/12:
Columbus Day - No school for students or teachers

Wednesday, 10/12
Pre-Kindergarten students visit Green Meadows Farm

Saturday, 10/17
Fall Fest - Shepherd Park Lower Field
Book Fair - Shepherd ES
3:00 - 6:00 PM

Monday, 10/19
Parent-Teacher Conferences - No School for students

Wednesday, 10/21:
Shepherd PTA Meeting
6:30 PM

Don't Forget!

Shop for Shepherd!

Did you know that many local stores like Giant and Safeway will donate a percentage of your purchases to Shepherd?

Visit the PTA website to find out how:   Shop for Shepherd!

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IB Learner Profile

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Dress Code

Shepherd Elementary is a uniform school. The uniform consists of a white top and navy blue bottoms. All students are expected to adhere to the uniform policy.

Spirit Day

Every Friday is Spirit Day! Everyone is encouraged to show their Mustang Pride by wearing the school colors, gold and green along with any other Shepherd apparel.

Star Achievers
New Activities!!!

Mad Science will be added once a week for grades 
1 - 5 later in October.

Pre-K 3 and Pre-K 4 will be constructing a "thankful" tree.

Kindergarteners are now using the Computer Lab.

5 th  graders will have chess provided by Chess Challenge  DC each Monday and Wednesday from 3:45 to 5:15p m.  This is a great non-profit which also sponsors district-wide chess tournaments open to all students. For more information,  go to: chesschallengeindc.org  

Reminder - Tuition is due the first of each month and must be paid by the 5 th of the month.  Please see the website for details:  sesstarachievers.com
September 28, 2015 
A Message from Principal Brawley

Dear Shepherd Families and Friends,

Last week was quite eventful!

Students in grades Kindergarten through fifth have begun to work on their Cornerstones. Cornerstones are a part of an initiative to ensure that all students across the city have access to hands-on enrichment lessons and activities, such as creating a brochure and participating in a socratic seminar.

On Thursday, Brian Pick, Chief of Teaching and Learning for DCPS, toured our building and observed our fourth graders learning about Cesar Chavez and our fifth graders learning about inventions and innovations that have had a positive impact on the way we live.

Teachers are also wrapping up the beginning of the year (BOY) assessments that will inform small group instruction in reading and math.

We are looking forward to another great week of teaching and learning as well!


Jade L. Brawley


National Bullying Awareness Prevention Month 
October is National Bullying Prevention Month and we have a number of activities planned for our students. Throughout the month, students will listen to stories, watch videos and participate in role-playing activities about bullying and how to address it. There will be a poster competition as well as an opportunity for our third through fifth graders to create an anti- bullying plan or write an essay about bullying. At the end of the month, our students will take a pledge against bullying. More information about our activities will be forthcoming.

Hispanic Heritage Activities
We are excited to have a number of activities to commemorate Hispanic Heritage Month. On Monday, October 5th, Discovery Theatre will perform for our Pre-Kindergarten through first graders. Later on this month, our second through fifth grade students will have the opportunity to experience a performance by their peers who have been learning to play percussion instruments with Mr. Gonzalez along with presentations about various Latin writers, artists and sports legends.

isiting Cartoonist

Matt Davies, a PulitzerPrize winning editorial cartoonist, will be joining us on October 6 to share his new book  Nerdy Birdy. Nerdy Birdy is a children's book about Ned, a bright little bird who gets teased for being different from everyone else in his class. One bully in particular, Billy, makes life hard for Ned - trying to bring him down whenever he can.

New Morning Arrival Pilot Survey 
It is not too late to share your thoughts regarding Shepherd's new  morning arrival procedures using the link below:
The results of the survey will be shared in next week's edition of the Mustang.
Visiting Classrooms
Parents are encouraged to contact your child's teacher in order to arrange a classroom visit. In addition, all visitors must sign in at the front desk and obtain a visitor's pass from Mrs. Brooks (or a staff member in the main office).
A Word About Safety
Due to construction, it is imperative that we strive to maintain a safe and orderly drop-off and pick-up. To this end, we need your support and cooperation. Please adhere to the following:
  • The area designated by the cones is the morning drop-off/afternoon car pool pick-up zone. Please do not park and leave your vehicle. If you need to enter the building, please find an alternate parking space.
  • When arriving, please drop your students off on the side of the street closest to the school building. 
  • When dropping off on the opposite side of the street, please have students walk to the crosswalk so that drivers and staff members can ensure their safety. Avoid allowing children to cross in the middle of the street in between cars.
  • Please steer clear of making u-turns in the middle of 14th Street.
  • Remind students to look both ways when crossing the street and follow the directions of the crossing guard (when available).
Internatinal Baccalaureate PYP Update

During the month of October, we are Inquirers. An inquirer is someone who is curious about the world around them.  Inquirers acquire the skills necessary to conduct inquiry and research. Best of all, inquirers learn with enthusiasm and sustain a love of learning throughout life.
Throughout the month, encourage your child/children to challenge themselves in:

  • Language Arts- by asking questions and actively participating in class discussions
  • Mathematics - by exploring the patterns and properties of numbers and shapes
  • Science & Technology - by finding out how things work and using the scientific process to conduct purposeful inquiries
  • Social Studies - by inquiring about society and culture.
A Message from the PTA
Shepherd Fall Fest

Shepherd's annual Fall Fest celebration is Saturday, October 17th from 3:00 - 6:00 PM.  Fall Fest is a great opportunity to meet or reconnect with other Shepherd families as well as members of the Shepherd Park community.   

This year, Fall Fest will be held on the Shepherd Lower Field and Playground due to construction and changes in the DC permit process.  Look forward to lots of fun activities sponsored by our children's classrooms as well as food and fall festivities.  A big thank you to the room parents who are helping to coordinate the activities.

A successful Fall Fest needs your help!  Please respond to requests from your room parents for contributions to support the activities and volunteer your time to staff your class or grade's table. We will also need volunteers for general Fall Fest activities like grilling food and staffing the food, welcome, and first aid tables.  

More info to come - watch for a special Fall Fest email blast with information on ticket purchase, activities, and t-shirt and sweatshirt sales plus a link to sign up to volunteer for general Fall Fest activities or to bring your grill or cooler for the day.

Be sure to visit the Book Fair during Fall Fest.  The school will be open for book purchases (and for bathrooms!)

Did You Know?

Shepherd is active on Twitter!  Find out more about what is happening day-to-day at Shepherd. View tweets from Shepherd on the Shepherd ES homepage or click on the links here in the Mustang (left panel) to follow Shepherd on Twitter and Like Us on Facebook.  Keep up the great work, Ms. Charles and Ms. Moorefield - you are Twitter stars!
Other Reminders:

Walk to School Day

Join students, parents, and staff for Shepherd's annual Walk to School Day celebration on Wednesday, October 7th!  Participation is easy-just walk to school. Either walk from home along your customary route, or meet us at one of two meet-up locations to join a walking school bus led by parent volunteers. The meet up locations are: 
  • Marvin Caplan Park at the corner of Alaska Avenue and Holly Street, NW. This walking school bus leaves promptly at 8:10 a.m. 
  • The triangle park at the corner of Luzon Avenue and Van Buren Street. This walking school bus leaves promptly at 8:00 a.m. 
Click here for a map of the walking routes.  Interested in helping with this event? Please contact Jim Elliott at jamesbelliott@gmail.com. We need parent volunteers to help lead the walking school buses and distribute refreshments and other goodies at the school.

Shepherd Gear

Update: T-shirts and sweatshirts will be available at the Shepherd Fall Fest on Saturday, October 17th.

PTA Board Vacancy - Election at October PTA Meeting

The position of PTA First Vice President is currently vacant. We will hold an election to fill the position at the October PTA Meeting on Wednesday, October 21st.   To nominate yourself or someone else, please contact Leonie Stephenson at leoniestephenson86@yahoo.com.  Before nominating someone else, please discuss with them and confirm their interest!  

Nominations must be received by Wednesday October 7th @ 11:59 PM to be included.  Please send the following:  candidate name, email address, telephone number, and brief candidate statement.   To run for the vacant office AND to vote in the election, you must be a member in good standing with the PTA at least 14 days prior to the election.  This includes payment of the annual PTA dues of $20 per family.  

Please click here to pay your PTA dues by Wednesday October 7th so you can participate in the election as a candidate or voter!  Thank you to those of you who have contributed to the 180 Fund to date ($180 = $1 per day to support initiatives for our students, teachers and staff).  If you have contributed to the 180 Fund, please also pay your PTA dues of $20.  Thank you for your support!! 

Shepherd Elementary | (202) 576-6140 | mustangshepherd2@gmail.com 
7800 14th Street NW
Washington, DC 20012