M u s t a n g  N e w s l e t t e r
In This Issue
Dates to Remember
Wednesday 9/23:  
Room Parent Orientation
5:45 - 6:30 PM

Friday, 9/25:
Picture Day
Students must wear their school uniform. 

Wednesday, 9/30: 
State of DC Public Schools, Conversation with Chancellor Henderson
7:00 - 9:00 PM
Dunbar High School

Wednesday, 10/7:
Walk to School Day

Friday, 10/9:
Professional Development Day - No school for students

Monday, 10/12:
Columbus Day - No school for students or teachers

Wednesday, 10/21:
Shepherd PTA Meeting
6:30 PM

Don't Forget!

Shop for Shepherd!

Did you know that many local stores like Giant and Safeway will donate a percentage of your purchases to Shepherd?

Visit the PTA website to find out how:   Shop for Shepherd!

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IB Learner Profile

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Dress Code

Shepherd Elementary is a uniform school. The uniform consists of a white top and navy blue bottoms. All students are expected to adhere to the uniform policy.

Spirit Day

Every Friday is Spirit Day! Everyone is encouraged to show their Mustang Pride by wearing the school colors, gold and green along with any other Shepherd apparel.

Star Achievers
Payment for  October is due October 1, and late fe es are charged per day after October 5.  (You will not receive a bill, the amount of tuition is the same each month through May).

New activities are being added each week.

Soccer - on the lower field from Sept 14 to October 16.  Classes will form teams and have a tournament in mid-October.

PE - includes organized games with and without equipment, stretching exercises and Martial Arts

Art - a new art teacher, Mr. Mensa Kondo, will begin teaching in the art room on Tuesdays and Thursdays for grades 1 - 5. 

Star Achievers has a new website.
PLEASE visit our new virtual space at sesstarachievers.com.
Construction and Modernization

2015/2016 Shepherd Parent Handbooks

The 2015/2016 Shepherd Parent Handbook and the Shepherd Handbook on Food Allergies are now available on the Shepherd Elementary School website.

Click  here to review the Parent Handbook.

Click  here to review the Handbook on Food Allergies.

September 21, 2015 

Over 200 parents attended Wednesday's 
Back-to-School Night!!!
A Message from Principal Brawley

Dear Shepherd Families and Friends,

Thank you for making Back-to-School Night a huge success! 
From our teachers and support staff to our partners and PTA, everyone contributed to making Wednesday's meeting an informative one. 


Jade L. Brawley

Hispanic Heritage Month
September 15th - 
October 15th

During Hispanic Heritage Month, students will learn about the contributions of Hispanic Americans both past and present.
September 15th is significant as the start of this celebration because it is the anniversary of independence for five Latin American Countries - Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua. On Sept 16th, Mexico declared its independence followed by Chile on Sept. 18th.
On Monday, October 5th at 2:00 pm, the Smithsonian Associate's Discovery Theatre will put on a performance for students in PreSchool through First Grade.
Parent Feedback Needed for the Office of Food and Nutrition Services
DCPS' Office of Food and Nutrition Services (OFNS) is seeking feedback from parents about the meals served at their child's school. OFNS is writing a new Request for Proposals (RFP) to invite vendors to compete for a new contract to serve meals in DCPS schools, and their team needs parent feedback to inform how the upcoming solicitation can better meet the needs of DCPS schools and families.  Please fill out this survey by September 30 to share your thoughts with DCPS. If you have any questions, please contact  allison.daurora@dc.gov .  

New Morning Arrival Pilot 
Morning arrival continues to run smoothly.

Look for a survey in next week's Mustang to share your thoughts. 

Entering The Building
Students who are not in Before Care are admitted into the building at 8:20, which is also the time that breakfast begins.

Grade Level Entrance
Pre-Kindergarten 3 and 4 Pre-Kindergarten Wing
Kindergarten thru Grade 3 Auditorium
Grade 4 and Grade 5 Main Entrance

Visiting Classrooms
Parents are encouraged to contact your child's teacher in order to arrange a classroom visit. In addition, all visitors must sign in at the front desk and obtain a visitor's pass from Mrs. Brooks (or a staff member in the main office).
A Word About Safety
Due to construction, it is imperative that we strive to maintain a safe and orderly drop-off and pick-up. To this end, we need your support and cooperation. Please adhere to the following:
  • The area designated by the cones is the morning drop-off/afternoon car pool pick-up zone. Please do not park and leave your vehicle. If you need to enter the building, please find an alternate parking space.
  • When arriving, please drop your students off on the side of the street closest to the school building. 
  • When dropping off on the opposite side of the street, please have students walk to the crosswalk so that drivers and staff members can ensure their safety. Avoid allowing children to cross in the middle of the street in between cars.
  • Please steer clear of making u-turns in the middle of 14th Street.
  • Remind students to look both ways when crossing the street and follow the directions of the crossing guard (when available).
Outdoor Recess
We will continue to play soccer during outdoor recess.
Thank you for keeping those footballs at home for now.

Internation Baccalaureate PYP Update
International Peace Day
Each year Peace Day is observed on September 21st and celebrated around the world. This year, the theme is "Partnership for Peace - Dignity for All". The focus is for people around the world to work together to strive for peace. Please take some time to reflect with your student on how we can contribute to making our world more peaceful. 

A Message from the PTA
Room Parent Orientation/Room Parents Needed

Please join us for a room parent orientation this Wednesday September 23rd from 5:45 - 6:30 PM.  We have a number of new room parents this year.  Thank you for volunteering!  If you are an experienced room parent, please join us as well to share your experience and suggestions.

As of Back-to-School Night, room parents were still needed for the following classrooms:
  • Ms Gibbs
  • Ms Holt
  • Ms Pethtel
  • Ms Walker
  • Ms Hamer
  • Ms Trogisch
  • Ms Ulba
Please contact Anne McLeer at anne.mcleer@gmail.com to volunteer.  Also consider coordinating with another parent as co-room parents.

Shepherd Gear

Still need some Shepherd gear for your Shepherd student or yourself?  T-shirts and sweatshirts next available at the October PTA Meeting on Wednesday October 21st.

PTA Board Vacancy - Election at October PTA Meeting

The position of PTA First Vice President is currently vacant. We will hold an election to fill the position at the October PTA Meeting on Wednesday, October 21st.

To nominate yourself or someone else, please contact Leonie Stephenson at leoniestephenson86@yahoo.com.  Before nominating someone else, please discuss with them and confirm their interest!  

Nominations must be received by Wednesday October 7th @ 11:59 PM to be included.  Please send the following:  candidate name, email address, telephone number, and brief candidate statement. 

To run for the vacant office AND to vote in the election, you must be a member in good standing with the PTA at least 14 days prior to the election.  This includes payment of the annual PTA dues of $20. 

Please click here to pay your PTA dues by Wednesday October 7th so you can participate in the election as a candidate or voter!


VIOLIN CLASS - Limited Space Open to ALL
There are still a few spaces left in beginner Tuesday morning Violin Class and Thursday morning intermediate violin class.
Please go to sesstarachievers.com and take a look at the description and schedule of violin classes.  If interested, please email sesstarachievers@gmail.com and state your child's name, grade and which class you are requesting.  We will contact you with details of the next selection process.

Shepherd Elementary | (202) 576-6140 | mustangshepherd2@gmail.com 
7800 14th Street NW
Washington, DC 20012