Monday, 1/18:
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Wednesday, 1/20:
Construction Community Meeting with Councilmember Todd, 6:00 PM
To be followed by monthly PTA meeting
Friday, 1/22:
PARCC Parent Information Session, 8:15 AM
Awards Assembly, 9:00 AM
Records Day
Early Dismissal, 12:15 PM
Monday, 1/25:
Science Fair Open House
7:00 - 8:00 PM
1305 East-West Highway, Silver Spring
Shepherd Science Fair
9:00 AM
Prospective Family Open House
10:00 AM
Shop for Shepherd!
Did you know that many local stores like Giant and Safeway will donate a percentage of your purchases to Shepherd?
Stay Connected
Follow Us on Twitter @ShepherdDCPS
Shepherd Elementary is a uniform school. The uniform consists of a white top and navy blue bottoms. All students are expected to adhere to the uniform policy.
Every Friday is Spirit Day! Everyone is encouraged to show their Mustang Pride by wearing the school colors, gold and green along with any other Shepherd apparel.
Greetings Star Achievers Families!
It's tax time!
Our ID number is
If you would like a receipt
for your 2015 tax year payments to Star
Name of student; name of person who paid the tuition; the time period you would like the receipt to cover and the email address to send the receipt. Please allow 3 business days for the information.
Weather announcements -
If the school building is closed, before/aftercare is closed. If school is delayed in the morning, there will be NO Beforecare.
Aftercare will go on as scheduled if the building is open.
Mr. Langrock takes classes outside in aftercare if the weather permits. Please send your children bundled up on colder days!
Imagination Stage is coming to Aftercare!
Watch the Mustang for exact dates and times.
If you pay by semester your second payment is due by Monday, January 25th.
Thanks to all Shepherd Families for your Support!
Claire Riley
Program Director
A Message from Principal Brawley
Dear Shepherd Community,
The words of Dr. King ring throughout Shepherd as we strive to nurture globally-minded students who are committed to improving the world around them, not simply for themselves, but for future generations.
Jade L. Brawley
PARCC Parent Information Session
We hope you will be able to join us this Friday for our first PARCC Parent Information Session in the multi-purpose room. During this session, parents will have an opportunity to learn important information about the difference between the DC CAS and PARCC, how our students performed, as well as the adjustments that have been made based on PARCC data.
Currently, Shepherd's immunization compliance rate is 86%. Our goal is
Please ensure that Nurse Roberts has up-to-date immunization information for your child. Notices went home last week regarding students whose records or immunizations are not up-to-date.
Science Fair
The science fair is rapidly approaching and our students in grades 3-5 are diligently working to question, hypothesize, and test the world around them. Let's show our support for them by attending the Open House held at the NOAA building on Monday, January 25th from 7 PM - 8 PM. The address is 1305 East-West Highway in Silver Spring, Md. (across from the Giant, near the Silver Spring metro). All of the submitted projects will be on display. Even if your child is not in grades 3-5, you are welcome to stop by to promote and develop interest in the field of science. Please remember that NOAA is a government building and all adults must bring a driver's license to enter the building.
Welcome Back and Farewell
We are excited to welcome Ms. Hill (Grade 1) and Ms. Hamer (Grade 2) back to Shepherd ES.
We also wish Mr. Walcott well in his new position as a Behavior Technician at Brookland Middle School. He will remain Shepherd's Athletic Director and continue to serve as the coach of various sports teams.
This week, our students are wrapping up their activities related to empathy, including reading stories and participating in role-play scenarios that help them recognize and understand the feelings of others with respect and compassion.
SY15-16 Basketball Season
1/19 -
Shepherd vs. Hearst at 4:00
1/21 -
Shepherd vs. Hyde-Addison at Oyster Adams at 5:00
Support our Mustangs!
We hope that you will be able to join us for our second Awards Assembly of the school year on
January 22, 2016
. Students will be recognized for the Learner Profile traits of Thinker and Open Minded, the Terrific Kid Award and the BUG (Bringing Up Grades) Award for November and December. Students will also receive awards for Perfect Attendance during the Second Advisory. Third through fifth grade students will be recognized for proficient and advanced performance on the second Unit Assessment as well as those students who made the most growth from the October assessment to the most recent assessment in ELA and Math. You should have received an invitation in your child's back pack.
Each year, fourth and fifth grade students have the opportunity to learn to ski! This year, Mr. Langrock will be coordinating the one-day ski trip to Liberty Mountain Ski Resort, where students will learn the basics of skiing. More information will be sent home this week.
Students in grades kindergarten through 5th are currently beginning a typing program called Typing Agent in the library. Typing Agent is a web-based program that teaches age appropriate keyboarding skills through interactive lessons, tests, and games. Once students have completed the benchmark assessment at the end of January, students will be given a username and password so they can practice typing at home. Students will also be able to practice typing when they visit the library with their class.
Almost every year, DC experiences a few days of very cold or snowy weather that necessitate closing or delaying school and/or the Central Office. Below, please find information on what to expect from DCPS on inclement weather decisions.
Inclement weather decisions affecting schools and Central Office will be communicated in three ways:
1. Local Media: DCPS will submit inclement weather decisions to local media including TV, radio, and newspapers. Please check local outlets for information about closings and delays.
2. Social Media: DCPS will post inclement weather decisions on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. The DCPS username for Twitter and Instagram is @dcpublicschools, and the Facebook page can be found at
3. DCPS Website: The DCPS website will contain information on the homepage about closings and delays. Please visit in the event of inclement weather.
Construction Community Meeting
Please join us on Wednesday, January 20th @ 6:00 PM for a community meeting on the Shepherd construction with Ward 4 Councilmember Brandon Todd. Representatives from the Department of General Services and DC Public Schools will be present. Bring your questions and concerns about the construction work to date and plans for the remainder of the year.
We will hold the January PTA meeting immediately following the construction meeting.
Spring Gala
The annual Shepherd Spring Gala (with silent and live auction) is our biggest social event and fundraiser of the year. A successful Spring Gala needs help from lots and lots of parents and teachers!
Start thinking about the businesses that you patronize frequently and could ask for a donation for the auction.
Have season tickets for a sports team, concert series, or plays? Have a vacation home. Consider donating tickets or a weekend away.
Committees are forming now. Please contact Jennell Alexander at to volunteer. You can contribute as much or as little time as you have available - everyone welcome and appreciated!