The Lamplighter
Chabad of Washington Heights' Weekly Newsletter 
6 Tammuz 5773 | June 14, 2013 
| Torah Portion: Chukas | Issue #269
My Bubby OB"M
This week's Lamplighter is dedicated to my beautiful Bubby, Mrs. Fanny (Fanya) Kirschenbaum, OB"M, who passed away this past Sunday,
 2nd day of Rosh Chodesh Tammuz. 

The following is an article about her that appeared on link to article 
May the Omnipresent One comfort her sister Zoya and four sons, Moshe, Avrohom, Sol and Sam, may they live and be well, among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.
Previous Rebbe
in honor of
12-13 Tammuz  

The "Festival of Liberation" of the Previous Lubavitcher Rebbe from Communist imprisonment and exile (1927)
Thursday, June 20 at 8:00 PM    
 At Chabad of WH
             50 Overlook Terr. side entrance   
Living With the Times; 
The Weekly Torah Portion

What's the Story?

Bar Mitzvah Emerges From the Holocaust's Horrors
Discovery in Ukraine Inspires a Community
By Eli Wolfe
Rabbi Alexander Feingold and local Jewish residents at the burial of Jewish bones found at a building site in Netishyn, Ukraine

When a large number of human bones mixed in with pages containing Hebrew words were discovered at a building site in the town of Netishyn, Ukraine, the few local Jews turned to the only rabbi they knew for assistance.


It all began with a phone call, says Rabbi Alexander Faingold, director of Chabad-Lubavitch of Khmelnitsky, Ukraine, who frequently travels throughout the area to help the small Jewish communities there. "They told me that I should come immediately to the city. They were building a mall, and tractors had unearthed a large grave where many bones were found alongside pages of Jewish books."

Levana Cooks
Lasagna with Roasted Vegetables Recipe. Gluten-Free-Friendly
By Levana Kirschenbaum 
To read about Levana's books and recipes, please visit 

Lasagna can be made with a variety of fillings (vegetables, tomato sauce, spinach, etc.), all good. Try this no-tomato variation, my favorite. Gluten-free: You should have no trouble finding GF lasagna noodles at your health food store.
The Jewish Joke
Mid-Life Crisis    

   mid-life crisis50 year old Fay is talking to her best friend. "I think I've reached that mystical thing, Rose, they call the mid-life crisis.""Why do you say that?" asks Rose."    
"Because I was talking to my son Paul the other day and he just didn't seem to be listening to me. All he seemed to be doing was concentrating on his precious J-phone, or is it an I-phone, I don't know? He was continuously staring at the phone's screen, pressing one part of the screen after another, talking to himself, and fiddling with various buttons. I just couldn't get him to look up at me. It was just as if I didn't exist. And it was then that I said to myself, "And for this, Fay, it was worth getting stretch marks for? 

Shabbat Candle Lighting

Previous Rebbe
Light Candles: 8:10 pm
Shabbat Ends: 9:19 pm 
Find out more about Shabbat candle lighting
Shabbat Schedule 
Kiddush not-yet sponsored
Shabbat P. Chukas
June 14-15


Minchah, Kabbolas Shabbos: 8:15pm

Chassidus: 9:00 am

Say Shema before: 9:09 am

Shacharis: 10:00 am 


Davening followed by a kiddush

Pirkei Avos Class: 7:10 pm
Minchah: 8:10 pm

Maariv/Shabbat Ends:9:19 pm 

Followed by havdalah and a a large-screen viewing of the weekly Living Torah video program 
Anticipating the Redemption
Preparing the Red Heifer
From a talk of the Rebbe on Shabbos Parshas Sisa, 5747 - 1987. Taken from "From Exile to Redemption," published by Sichos in English. 
red heifer
When Moshiach comes he will prepare a Red Heifer, the tenth in the series of atonement offerings begun by Moshe. And since, when the dead of all past generations will be resurrected, Moshe and Aaron will be among them, it may be assumed that it is Aaron who will be entrusted with the actual fulfillment of the detailed laws governing its preparation.

True enough, the first Red Heifer was prepared by Elazar, the son of Aaron ("it was to be prepared by the deputy [to the High Priest]"). This was because it was intended to atone for the sin of the Golden Calf, which was made by Aharon, and a prosecuting attorney cannot serve as a defense attorney.[95] At the time of the future Redemption, however, when the spiritual blemish caused by the sin of the Golden Calf will have been completely remedied,[96] this reason will of course not apply. Accordingly, Aharon will certainly not forego his prerogative, and he will no doubt prepare the Red Heifer himself.

Weekly Classes at Chabad of WH

Schedule for Week of June 16-22


torah scroll
Sunday at 11:00 am   
Insights & Inspiration

Monday at 7:00 pm  
Hebrew Reading Crash Course
Wednesday at 9:00 pm  
"Overcoming Folly"

Thursday at 12 Noon
Parshah at NYP

Shabbos at 9:00 am 
Chassidus on the Parshah 

Shabbos at 7:05 pm
Pirkei Avos - "Ethics of Our Fathers" 

Good Shabbos 
and next week in Jerusalem! 
Rabbi Yakov and Elisheva Kirschenbaum


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"Everyone must regard himself and the world as evenly poised between good and guilt...If he performed a good deed, he has shifted the balance of his fate, and that of the entire world to good, and has brought deliverance and salvation upon himself and upon them all."
-Maimonides, Laws of Teshuvah Ch. 3, Law 4