My Daily Minute
60 second inspiration from Norval United Church
November 6, 2022

Today's Bible Verse
....."Let everything that has breath praise the Lord."
~ Psalm 150:6, New International Version

A Few Thoughts
.....You have breath. Or at least I assume that you do if you're reading this Daily Minute! You have breath!! So this verse from Psalm 150 is directed at you. You are being encouraged to praise the LORD, to praise God, to say "Thank you, God" for life, for breath, for all your blessings. 
.....I don't know what the weather is like where you are but where I live we have had some simply stunning autumn days, way warmer than normal. Gorgeous Fall colours. Warm days.. Cool nights. Days that take your breath away.
.....One thing this Daily Minute thing was meant to do was to help us all to intentionally focus our thoughts on God and our own spiritual life for at least a minute a day. 
.....So today, breathing person that you are, pause for a moment, just to be thankful to God for this very day.

We Pray
.....OK God, I put my life in your hands. You know what I've been through this week. You know all that I've had to face. Hold me now. Hang on tight to me. Don't drop me. Don't let me down. And while you're at it, hang on tight to those people that I'm thinking about today. I place them in your hands as well. Give them strength, support and encouragement today and always. Amen.

Quote of the Day
....."I took a deep breath and listened to the old bray of my heart. I am. I am. I am."
~ Sylvia Plath
Watch This
.....We try for variety in our music videos. Two choral pieces in a row may be too much for some, but I couldn't not play this one. The Georgia Boys Choir sing a version of Psalm 150 at the Basilica of San Francesco d'Assisi in Assisi, Italy. The music AND the venue are stunning. Click on the right.
Today's photo
.....Cool shot of the dairy cattle on a foggy, Fall morning in Norval, ON with thanks to Maureen Wilson.
Live Online Sunday Worship
with Norval United Church
.....Seeing God - How do you see God? Today we'll be showing the responses of a number of people. Come and see how people see God. We'll also pause at the beginning of our service and give thought to Remembrance Day drawing near. We pray for peace. Perhaps there would be more peace if would stop to see God in everyone we meet.
.....Join us for live online worship today at 9:00 am Eastern. Find us on Facebook or YouTube. Or recorded there through the week.