A Chance To Breathe...

Do you miss The Office? I know I do, I catch myself watching reruns constantly. This week's edition of SGN, as I'm sure you have heard, recreates one of the most iconic scenes ever from the show. So if you haven't already, do yourself a favor, and watch it. Like really watch it; turn off the email, put down the work, lock the kids in the closet (just for a few mins) and just focus on Some Good News



We all need more love and more compassion; and it can start with ourselves. We must start loving who and where we are and showing ourselves the compassion we deserve. None of this is normal, so be kind to yourself; you deserve it.


Quarantine Fatigue Is Real

Instead of an all-or-nothing approach to risk prevention, Americans need a manual on how to have a life in a pandemic.

In the earliest years of the HIV epidemic, confusion and fear reigned. AIDS was still known as the “gay plague.” To the extent that gay men received any health advice at all, it was to avoid sex.

How to Co-Parent as Allies; not Adversaries

When Shaka Senghor and Ebony Roberts ended their relationship, they made a pact to protect their son from its fallout. What resulted was a poetic meditation on what it means to raise a child together, yet apart. In this moving and deeply personal talk,

Senghor and Roberts share their approach to co-parenting -- an equal, active partnership that rolls with the punches and revels in the delights of guiding their child through the world with thought and intention.
This talk was presented to a local audience at TEDxDetroit, an independent event. TED's editors chose to feature it for you.

 Feeling overwhelmed by it all? Perhaps you need some interaction or support? Please go to the links below to find on-line support and connection.
Loeta Consulting Group has no professional or personal relationship with any of the programs at the above links, links should not be considered an endorsement of the programs,
Time for a laugh!
Laughter is so important for all of us. Sure these are serious times, but that doesn't mean we can't share a good chuckle. Laughter is healthy and needed by all of us. So on that note, see any good memes lately? Share them with everyone; because who doesn't love a good laugh!!!
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