Thank you for the tzedakah, letters, and bracelets you trusted me to deliver on your behalf. Each gift made a difference and reinforced the connections between our community and the people of Israel. I made contributions to the causes listed below. You can read more about these organizations and the good work they do in the blog. There is so much need and so many worthy causes. I tried to donate to every organization we visited on our trip. In addition, I made donations at every synagogue I visited. We also ate at a few restaurants and I was able to treat a few tables of soldiers to their meal.
Dani’s Farm — A therapeutic horse farm treating soldiers and families dealing with PTSD
Friends of the IDF
Hand in Hand — A Hebrew/Arabic bilingual school in Jerusalem
Magen David Adom — Israel’s emergency response agency
Bring Them Home Now — The hostage families forum
Kibbutz Nahal Oz — One of the many communities in the “Gaza Envelope” attacked on October 7