Fall Festival on October 15
A Saturday of fun awaits at Monona's Fall Festival!
There will be a mix of paid and free attractions at this event. Paid attractions include balloon sculpture, pony rides, arm painting, hay wagon rides, and pumpkin decorating. Free attractions include a disc golf course, cow milking contest, arts and crafts, and much more
The Hoot Hoot Hustle 8K/5K/2K benefits the Winnequah School PTO and Monona Parks and Recreation.
For the schedule, to register for the Hoot Hoot Hustle, or for more information visit the event page.
Fall Leaf and Brush Collection
The last brush collection of the year is in October, beginning with District 1 on October 3. Leaf collection will also begin in October as the leaves begin to fall. Unlike brush collection, there are no districts for leaf collection, so leaves can be raked to the curb for collection at any time. Please make sure to keep piles out of the street and keep brush and leaf piles separate at the curb because mixed piles cannot be collected.
Updating Monona’s Public Safety Facilities
The City of Monona has been studying the need for updated or new facilities for our Police and Fire Departments since 2012. A space needs assessment and site feasibility analysis was recently completed and presented to the City Council, and the City Council is expected to determine how to proceed in the coming weeks. Go to mymonona.com/civic to read about the long process and where we are today.
Committee Members needed to implement DEIB Workgroup Recommendations
In June, the final report of Monona’s Ad Hoc Workgroup on Diversity and Equity Issues was accepted by the City Council. The workgroup then held a successful community forum to discuss the final report on July 14. The report can be found here.
The workgroup made a series of recommendations they would like the city to implement which can be found beginning on page 21 of the report. They also suggested appointment of an implementation committee to work on prioritizing which recommendations to start with, develop timelines, and analyze the fiscal commitment required.
Mayor Mary O’Connor plans to appoint an Implementation Committee which will be an extension of the Diversity & Inclusion Workgroup. It most likely will meet once each month in the late afternoon or evening to start. Dr. Karen Reece and Harry Hawkins of the Nehemiah Center will provide support to the committee. Residents interested in applying for appointment to the committee should complete the city’s committee application form. A paper copy of the application can be obtained by calling Leah Kimmell at (608) 222-2525.
The applications of those who applied for appointment to the original workgroup but ultimately were not appointed will be considered for the Implementation Committee. There is no need to reapply.
K9 Handler and Officer Andrew Hoffman Wins Rookie of the Year Award
Officer Andrew Hoffman, was recently awarded “Rookie of the Year” for K9 Handlers in the State of Wisconsin. The recognition is given by the Wisconsin Law Enforcement Canine Handler Association. Each year, the award is given to a single police K9 handler who has excelled in their role. This includes an evaluation of the number of successful K9 trackings, illegal drug detections, and safe apprehensions. In addition, the Association also takes into account the Officer’s participation in a variety of community events, fundraising efforts and other activities.
The canine dog, training, vet bills, food and supplies are all made possible through community donations. The annual K9 Golf Outing fundraiser will be on Sunday, October 9 starting at 8 a.m. at The Oaks golf course. It is a four person team scramble. Contact Officer Hoffman at ahoffman@ci.monona.wi.us to sign up or for more information.
School Year Off to a Great Start
School is back in session and the teachers and staff of Monona Grove School District couldn't be happier! The first days of school were filled with smiles and positive, inviting energy as our students filled the halls and classrooms. New and old friendships are blossoming and engaged learning is taking place, so our hearts are full and ready to take on the upcoming 2022-2023 school year!
To go along with the new school year, we have also launched a new and improved MGSD website where families will experience a more intuitive and user-friendly experience. See for yourself at mononagrove.org.
The Monona Fire Department partnered with the Madison Public Art Project to paint fifteen of our city hydrants with their vision of hope and remembrance for September 11th.
Monona Fire and EMS Chief Jerry McMullen stated, “I personally vetted each project to confirm the visibility and background effect of each hydrant having art added to it. The project was required to paint them to the same standard as our public works department, which included sandblasting, epoxy primer, epoxy paint, and clear top coat.
This project was done to provide artists the ability to express their vision of hope and togetherness for the day of reflection that September 11 is, as well as uplift the hearts of all those driving through our amazing city.”
Fall Pickleball
Join us from 5:30 - 7:30 pm on Tuesdays for beginner and intermediate pickleball play at the Winnequah courts. Drop-ins are always welcome and the cost is $7.00 per session. An instructor is available for assistance. Click here for information on Saturday classes for beginners.
The First Annual Monona Pickleball Beginners Round Robin is on Sunday, September 25 from 10 am - noon at the Winnequah courts!
A rotation of partners, with points tallied for each individual, promises to be a friendly competition with those who have taken Saturday classes this year. It is appropriate for all who have taken lessons and really serves as the final lesson—tournaments. This is a low pressure event with folks that are basically at the same skill level. Click here to register.
Biergarten at San Damiano on September 24
South Winnequah Road Improvements
Here is the current timeline for the remainder of the project:
Sept. 23-Oct. 7 - Preparation of road bed, fixing damaged curb, finish curb sections in all locations, mill asphalt surface, prep for paving, and finish sections of sidewalk where poles or private utilities have been in conflict.
Oct. 10-14 - Final paving and striping, landscaping restoration.
Click here for more details on Public Works projects.
PFAS Testing for the City of Monona
You may have seen or read in the news recently about PFAS, which are a large group of human-made chemicals that are used in, among other things, firefighting foam. PFAS have been detected in Dane County, with the highest amounts in Starkweather Creek.
The City of Monona tested for PFAS at its three water supply wells in 2019. Results came back as ND, Not Detected, which means there were no PFAS detected in drinking water from any wells in Monona. The City issues an annual Water Quality Report which explains in detail where our water comes from and the quality of our water. You can view these reports.
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources is undertaking a PFAS sampling project from 2023–2025. This project is being funded through the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the City of Monona Water Utility will be participating in this project. To learn more about this project and about PFAS in general, please visit the Wisconsin DNR PFAS page.
Other Upcoming Meetings & Events
Download the Discover Monona App
The Monona Eastside Business Alliance has released an app to connect Monona residents with area businesses and City Hall.
The app has a directory of recreation activities, stores, restaurants, government services, and much more.
Click here to download the app or search Discover Monona in the app store.
Registration is required
Monona Public Libary
Learn About Development In Monona!
Senior Center News & Events
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98.7FM WVMO -The Voice of Monona
Monona's community owned, locally programmed, volunteer driven radio station.
WVMO - The Voice of Monona