My Parents

with Elizabeth Pyjov, JD MTS

Life-Changing Program


We can't move forward to a happy, healthy, successful life until we have peace in our hearts about our parents. Most of the trouble we have in personal and romantic relationships is just unresolved scenarios regarding our parents.

What do you do if your parents were amazing and you miss them?

What do you do if your parents were mean and abusive?

What do you do if they were distant?

What do you do if they were somewhere in between?

What do you do if you didn't know your parents?

There's a way to be psychologically well in all those situations, and you will learn and practice how!

“The ache for home lives in all of us. The safe place where we can go as we are and not be questioned.” — Maya Angelou

We will find that safe place in our hearts and in how we relate to our parents, no matter the story and no matter who they were.

In this program, we will resolve a lot of that!

Included are four recorded sessions, ancient energy practices, deep healing, connection with your parents and the ancestors that went before them, and special signature meditations.

This class will help you go right to the roots and create peace and joy in your own heart, and share that with the world. 


There are many ways for us to keep in touch, even daily.

 DAILY TEXT: If you want to receive occasional inspiring teachings from Elizabeth Pyjov, you can sign up here, and you'll receive fresh inspiration each morning. These daily texts are about mindfulness, self-compassion, gratitude, intention, happiness, energy, and growth. They're usually very short. They are completely free and you can unsubscribe any time. You can also text back. Elizabeth sees them and often replies :)

 INSTAGRAM: To see visual reminders of upcoming programs, follow @happinesssangha on Instagram here and to see more about what I'm up to follow @elizabethpyjov here.

 FACEBOOK: To receive Facebook invites, join the Continuing Compassion group on Facebook here.

 LINKEDIN: To stay up to date with everything I do, connect with me here.

See you soon in the program, in the realm of social media or anywhere our paths happen to cross!

❤️ Elizabeth