
Andrea Grinage. Lauren Wallen. Dasheria Barksdale.

Recent horrific stories of domestic violence in our region once again remind us how this takes a terrible toll on women, children and communities. But the reality here at MSP is that we work with clients every day whose stories don’t make the evening news because we help them find safety.

MSP’s stories have happier endings. A few months ago, a pregnant young mother was held captive by her abuser, suffering almost daily knife wounds. Then she found one of MSP’s wallet cards slid under her door. She called MSP‘s Hotline, desperate for help, and we answered. Our staff rescued her and she is now recovering and rebuilding her life. She is not another TV news tragedy. 

But we know it's been too long since we’ve told you about MSP. The truth is we’ve been busy saving and changing lives. And we’ve been working to prevent domestic violence too—recently we worked with media on a BET article about “toxic masculinity ,” and a NBC4 story about how victims can develop safety plans .

Now we want to share our stories with you .  Starting with this September newsletter below, we will keep you updated every month with news you can use.  We hope this empowers you to get involved, volunteer, donate, and help engage everyone in preventing the epidemic of domestic violence.

So, I’d like to ask you to take 5 minutes and tell 5 people you know about My Sister’s Place. Like us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter.  You never know—you might just save a life.

Warmest regards,

Carol Loftur-Thun
Executive Director