My Thoughts on People Who Walk Away from Their Faith
Every person I have ever met who so-called walked away from the faith, actually, upon closer examination, walked away from a false image or idol of God. They didn't walk away from the God who was reflected in the life of Jesus. They walked away from a false construct that was built upon religious theology, usually established on a performance-based foundation of their own perception of who God is. Therefore, they didn't walk away from God; they turned their backs on an idol and stopped worshiping a false image of God. Since religious people are unable to see the difference, as they too worship the same false idol of God, they believe that one can lose one’s salvation. If you believe you can lose your salvation, it means you must also believe you can earn it.
In some cases, these people who walk away from the false idol of God are in a better position to see the truth about God, who has never stopped loving them.
This is why religion is so dangerous; it convinces people they can be right if they follow the rules. However, when they struggle to keep the rules, troubles, trials, and calamities are seen as God’s judgment. Consequently, they question God’s unwillingness to help or even forgive them.
Over time, they grow weary and exhausted, trying to appease a God who seems impossible to please. So they walk away, but the truth is they don’t walk away from the God Jesus revealed, just the false image of the one religion fed to them.
All anyone has to do is ask these people who walked away, “Can you describe God to me?” As soon as you hear their answer, you will know immediately that the god they walked away from isn’t the one Jesus portrayed. So the truth is they didn’t walk away from God; they walked away from a false idol or image of God. Personally, I see that as a good thing because when you find no joy in the religious counterfeit of God, the real one becomes a much sweeter experience.