Chamber and Industry Executives:  

Please share the information below with your members – the MyCTSavings registration deadline is 8/31/24.   


If you are looking for speakers for your fall/winter meetings, MyCTSavings can provide a 30-minute webinar, present at a meeting, speak for 5 minutes at an informal meeting, or set up a table at events. We want to collaborate and help you educate your members on how to comply with state law. Please share the information below with your members.  


Thank you,   

Lisa Kidder  

MyCTSavings Strategic Communications Manager  

The MyCTSavings Registration Deadline is August 31, 2024.  

In July, MyCTSavings sent newly eligible employers sign-up notifications for the state-sponsored retirement savings program. The deadline to register is August 31, 2024. Businesses with five or more employees that have been in business since the beginning of last year must either register for MyCTSavings or provide their own retirement plan. 


Businesses that previously received notices and have not yet registered can still sign up at Registering today gives employees the opportunity to save for a more secure financial future. 


If employers with an existing qualified retirement savings plan receive a notice, they should visit with their access code and check the exemption box. 


MyCTSavings is offered at NO COST to businesses and offering a retirement option gives businesses a competitive edge in hiring and retaining talented staff. 


Employer Resources - MyCTSavings 

The MyCTSavings website offers resources with step-by-step instructions and how-to videos for registration, employee enrollment, and sending employee payroll contributions. Live webinars on payroll processing are offered twice a month to participating business. also offers resources to help your employees learn more about their finances, with topics including budgeting, banking and credit, as well as retirement.   


Visit MyCTSavings
Employer Registration Checklist
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MyCTSavings is overseen by the Connecticut Office of the State Comptroller (“Comptroller”). Vestwell State Savings, LLC, dba Sumday Administration (“Sumday”), is the program administrator. Sumday and its affiliates are responsible for day-to-day program operations. Participants’ who use MyCTSavings beneficially own and have control over their Roth Individual Retirement Accounts (“IRA”), as provided in the program offering set out at