Dear Chamber/Industry Executive:  

Please share this MyCTSavings program information with your membership!

October is national Retirement Security Month! Enroll in MyCTSavings to give your employees the opportunity to save for a more secure financial future.  

MyCTSavings is free to employers and provides their employees the option to save for retirement through payroll deductions into a Roth IRA. The program is offered through the Office of the State Comptroller.  


Employers with five or more employees that do not offer a retirement plan are required by law to participate or certify that they offer a qualified retirement plan. The deadline to enroll for this year has passed, but employers can still enroll.  Visit for more information and how-to videos. Information is available in English and Spanish.  You can also register your business or certify the exemption at or call 1-833-811-7435. 

More than 50 % of

MyCTSavings accounts

are owned by savers

between 19 and 39

years old!

If you are self-employed or don’t work for an employer registered for MyCTSavings, you can self-enroll and contribute directly to your own Roth IRA.  

Individuals can enroll directly in MyCTSavings and set up a Roth IRA account with automatic deductions from their designated bank account. Go to to learn more or sign up.  


Gusto users:

With our new Gusto integration, submitting your employees’ contributions to MyCTSavings can be a seamless part of your current payroll process. This connection will even adjust the contribution amounts when employees update their savings rate - which means less maintenance for you! Help Center.

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MyCTSavings is overseen by the Connecticut Office of the State Comptroller (“Comptroller”). Vestwell State Savings, LLC, dba Sumday Administration (“Sumday”), is the program administrator. Sumday and its affiliates are responsible for day-to-day program operations. Participants’ who use MyCTSavings beneficially own and have control over their Roth Individual Retirement Accounts (“IRA”), as provided in the program offering set out at