Register for MyCTSavings now so your employees can start
saving for retirement in the New Year.
MyCTSavings, a state-sponsored retirement program, is free to employers and provides your employees with the option to save for retirement with payroll deductions into a Roth IRA. The program is offered through the Office of the State Comptroller.
Employers with five or more employees that do not offer a qualified retirement plan are required by state law to participate in MyCTSavings. The deadline to register for this year has passed, but employers can still enroll. Visit for more information and how-to videos. You can also register your business or certify the exemption at or call 1-833-811-7435.
If you sign up now, your employees can start the New Year by saving for the future!
Information is available in English and Spanish on the website, and translation services are offered through our call center.