If you own a business with 5 or more employees and do not offer a qualified retirement savings plan, state law requires that you provide a retirement savings option by August 31, 2023. Employers can register with MyCTSavings at no cost to the business, or provide a private retirement plan to comply with the law.
MyCTSavings is free to employers, quick to set up, and easy to manage:
- Register through a secure online portal: myctsavings.com
- Upload payroll and employee information to the system
- Keep staff lists updated and submit employees’ contributions on your payroll schedule
MyCTSavings will reach out to your employees to explain their options. There is a 30-day auto-enrollment window to allow employees to make a choice:
Do nothing and a Roth IRA account in their name will be set up with a 3% payroll contribution into a diversified targeted date fund (based on year of birth).
Customize their savings choices by logging into the portal and setting the payroll contribution rate and choosing from a variety of investment mixes.
Opt-out of the program. They can opt-back in later if they wish.
If your organization already offers a retirement plan and received a notice from MyCTSavings, you must log on to the www.myctsavings.com, click on “Certify exemption” and enter your access code to comply with the law.
Visit myctsavings.com for details. For questions, call 1-833-811-7435 (9 am – 6 pm, M-F), or email clientservices@myctsavings.com