St. Mark's

Episcopal Church

St. Marks lion

The Lion is on the move!!!

Visit here: The Lectionary Page for Upcoming Weekly Readings

2024 St. Mark's Vestry

Tim Frawley: Sr. Warden (979) 429-0841

Robert Butler: Jr. Warden

Don Ahysen

Bill Cornman

Jesse Deshotels

Bruce Grover

Ed Larsen

Poth Leissner

Lisa Morales

Hunter Powell

Terri Rafter

Nathan Russell


September & October

  • Sept. 11th: Last Day to take Holy Cow Survey!!!!
  • Sept. 14th: Myers sendoff party at Robert & Carol Butler's. This is for adults from 5-8. Nancy Kubecka has a signup sheet.
  • Sept. 15th: Myers Final Sunday sendoff party: Water slides, water balloons, Hamburgers, etc. Nancy Kubecka has a sign up sheet to help with food, setup, etc.
  • Sept. 22nd: FIRST DAY OF SUNDAY SCHOOL!!!!!!
  • Sept. 24th: Vestry at 6:30
  • Sept. 29th: Parish Meeting-----HOLY COW results will be shared with all!
  • Oct. 2nd: Weekly Bible study resumes with the book of Acts.
  • Oct. 8th: DOK at 6:00
  • Oct. 13th: CRASE training after service
  • Oct. 27th: Kids Lead
  • MANY DATES OPEN FOR FELLOWSHIP HOST----see signup sheet in Parish Hall
  • COME EARLY, STAY LATE: Pre-Worship fellowship & adult education beginning at 9:30 in the Parish Hall every Sunday.
  • Look for the “suggestion/criticism/compliment cards in the pews. They can be put in the box at the back of the Church.

Serving this Sunday

Sept. 15th, 2024

17th Sunday after Pentecost

Usher: Pat Fox

Acolytes: Addison & Clara Dodd, Hayes Heard

LEM: James 3:1-12: Nancy Kubecka

Lector: Isaiah 50:4-9A, Psalm 116:1-8: Martha Johnson

Prayers of the People:  Buzzy Romine

Altar Guild: Nancy Kubecka/Marilyn ZIegenhals

Vestry: Jesse Deshotels

Fellowship: Farewell/Retirement Party

Altar Flowers: Poth & Tyler Leissner

Heart & Hands: Lindsay Deshotels

Parish Search Committee

  • Linda Allison
  • Carol Butler
  • Patricia Frawley
  • Watt Hinson
  • Poth Leissner
  • Lisa Morales
  • DeDe Powell
  • Debra Shield
  • Jonathan Sneed
  • Kathy Westmoreland

Parish Profile Committee

  • Lynette Cooper
  • Tyler Leissner
  • Terri Rafter
  • Ron Warnock


We are inviting you to complete the HolyCow! Church Assessment Tool (CAT), an on-line survey that will help us gauge the strength, vitality, and trends in our church. The information gained from this assessment will be valuable in helping the Vestry and Parish Profile Committee of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church as we make decisions about the future of our church. The results from this survey will be used to develop our Parish Profile, which is needed to support the new Rector search process. Your response is very important to us.

We are asking you to go online by clicking the link provided and tell us about your experiences in and priorities for our church. Please do not discuss the survey or your answers with others as this may influence their answers. We ask that you take the on-line assessment as soon as possible, but before August 31, 2024. If you prefer to use a paper copy, please come to the office, and we will provide one for you.

All answers are strictly anonymous. We have no way of matching any assessment to a particular person, so please feel free to candidly share your perceptions, opinions and experiences. The assessment will take approximately 35 minutes to complete. Please set aside enough time to complete the survey all at one time. Our future together is dependent on your participation and honest answers.

Considerations while taking the HolyCow! Congregational Assessment Tool Survey:

·        Focused thoughtful attention, Complete in one sitting, Start with a Prayer.

·        Questions referring to ‘Our Rector’ should be answered in the context of our current Rector.

·        Make sure you thoroughly read the instructions and the questions. 

o  Some of the questions are negatively worded and seem to imply something is wrong.

o  This is a surveying technique to help keep people’s minds engaged.

o  This does not imply that there is something wrong with the church.


When you are ready, click this link and begin:

Hard copies available in the office.

If you have questions, please contact Tim Frawley at 979.429.0841 or Martha Johnson at 979.245.2557.

Many thanks and Blessings,

Tim Frawley

Senior Warden, Vestry

St. Mark’s Episcopal Church

September 22nd


Lindy Heard or Lauren Kubecka will be contacting you with details.

Interested in teaching---contact them. If you taught last year, you are already on the list.

Interested in Becoming a Lay Leader

If you are interested in helping out by becoming Lector, Prayers of the People reader, Usher/Greeter-----just call or email Martha at the Church office and let us know. Then, Jack will contact you about training.

Also, if you think you are on the list and haven't been scheduled, please let Martha know.

praying hands

Our Current Pastoral Prayer List

Charlie Allison, Maggie Bradshaw, Avery Coney, Aaron Erwin, Mike Finster, the Folmar family, Dave Fortuna, L. C. Green, Millie Guzman, Devin Jackson, Elaine Jankowsky, Jex Family, the Matchett family, David Morgan, the Quintana family, Tim Ridgeway, Cadell Robertson, Marilupe Romero, Tom Rupakus, Ryan Savage, Matt Shay, Bill Stuhler, Donna Watson, Walt Wendtland, and Nicole

If you would like detailed prayers for someone call Fr. Jack.

Please help us keep our prayer list current.

If you added someone to the "Prayers of the People" during our worship service please follow up with a phone call to the office and we will add them to next Sunday's prayer list. Also, let us know how the person you requested prayer for is doing.

Call the office to add or take someone off the list. 979-245-2557 or or

You've heard of "Fractured Fairy Tales"!!! Well here is a parishioner's version called:

"Skewed Scriptures"

"As a man or woman think in their hearts, so he or she "is." What is your heart thinking about?."

Proverbs 23:7

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Paypal Donate button, or follow instructions for VANCO MOBILE, Found in the App Store or Google Play IT'S FREE!!!!

+ PLEASE, communicate with Fr. Jack by phone! 337 802-9428

Saint Mark's Episcopal Church

2200 Avenue E

Bay City, TX 77414

(979) 245-2557

Message Our Office