The renewal that Easter brings offers us a fresh start for spring. The April of Mysore Yoga CPH kicks off with an action-packed newsletter filled with very special events and visitors.
The climax of the spring is our birthday cake, and in addition to special events, we keep on finding unexplored depths and reaching new heights in the regular Mysore classes. All of this helps us to see the unusual in the usual - to celebrate life.
For all these reasons and more, we call the coming months a season of celebration. We hope to see you on and off the mat!
Additional restorative classes with Tanya
During the months of April and May Tanya Markul will visit Mysore Yoga CPH to teach additional Head to Toe restorative classes.
In these donation-based sessions Tanya invites you to de-stress, rejuvenate and find deep relaxation. The class times are Thursdays 19-20.30 and selected Saturdays 11.30-13. Exhale!
Workshop with Petri R�is�nen, May 10-12
Limited spaces available!
Petri is an internationally respected Astanga yoga teacher, co-founder of one of the biggest Astanga shalas in the world and author of two Astanga books.
The first two groups are almost full!
Cancellation: The Yoga of Paying Your Bills
Free copies of James' new book will be available at the shala*
James Altucher has to unfortunately cancel his visit to Copenhagen due to the publishing of his new book. His publishers have requested him to stay in New York for scheduling reasons, so we will move forward without his insight on the "Yoga of Paying Your Bills".
We hope to see James in Copenhagen in the future, but for now he will kindly send us signed copies as soon as the new book is published. We and James apologize for the short notice and any inconvenience!
*A limited # of books will be provided at no cost, starting with those who have signed up.
Being friends pays... for you and your friend!
Do you know someone who still doesn't know about Astanga Yoga, Mysore Yoga CPH and our community? Well, we would love you to tell them about it!
If your friend signs up for at least 3 months, we'll offer you one free month. The more friends you refer the more months you get for free.