Prescription Drug Take Back Day is Next Weekend!
Do you have unused or expired prescription medication in your home?

Prescription Drug Take Back Day is coming soon! Many communities in our region will have drop-off locations on Saturday, October 23rd from 10 AM - 2 PM. We will announce locations as we receive notice of events.

Why is it important?
The majority of people who misuse prescription drugs, particularly teens and young adults, get them from a family member or friend's home. Since Take Back Day began, our state has collected 131,935 pounds of medications!

It can save a life!
Are you hosting a Take Back Day Event? Email your flyer to us to share!

Can't attend a Take Back Day event? Visit to request FREE Deterra bags so you can dispose safely at home!
Congratulations to
Thriving Youth Taskforce!
The Community Fund of Darien, the fiduciary for state and federal grants that support the Thriving Youth Task Force, was just awarded a Drug-Free Communities (DFC) Grant. This federal grant, which is managed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, will allocate $125,000 per year for the next 5 years to support TYTF and our continued efforts to reduce teen substance use. Under the terms of this federal grant, they will expand the scope of their work to include a focus on marijuana use in addition to alcohol use.
New Teen Support Group
FREE Recovery Coach Academy: Apply by Oct. 22nd!
Teens & Young Adults
 Wanted for Podcast
Turning Point CT is looking for a few participants for their November and December podcasts. The topics are Seasonal DepressionWinter Holidays, and New Years. They facilitate the discussions over Zoom. Email for more info and to sign up.
Save the Date

SAMHSA Releases More Talk. They Hear You. Campaign Resources

SAMHSA expands its Talk. They Hear You. substance use prevention campaign resources with the release of Public Service Announcement (PSA) wallet cards and postcards. Each PSA encourages parents and educators to talk to their children and students about alcohol and other substances.

In the News
I Was A 'Functional' Alcoholic. Here's What Happened...

"I was excelling at work, widely respected by my peers, I had won several prestigious awards and I looked gym-fit. Why would anyone think I had a problem?"

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Teens say Facebook's addictive Instagram app makes them...

Instagram and Facebook are under scrutiny after being accused of harmful body-image messages. We hear from teenagers who say Instagram can be a stresser - but it's hard to quit. LULU GARCIA-NAVARRO, HOST: Former Facebook employee Frances Haugen...

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The Hub: Behavioral Health Action Organization for Southwestern CT
A division of the Regional Youth Adult Social Action Partnership (RYASAP) 

Newsletter designed and created in collaboration with Daydream Communications, LLC