July 22nd, 2022| Issue #21


We hope you are enjoying the summer sun as we approach the end of July. To close this month, our team is happy to share with you some updates!

Navozyme is privileged to host a webinar with Dr Ricardo G Barcelona, author of Dynamic Decisions and ESG expert, to explore with him how business leaders can pivot towards decarbonisation.

Read on to catch up on our latest N-EWS.

🧑‍💻 Upcoming webinar focused on decarbonisation with ESG expert
🗣️ Navozyme invited to give a keynote on e-certificates to global tech talent
📑 IAMI adopts Navozyme's Blockchain Enabled E-certificates (BEEs)
Learn more about BEEs
👋 Meet Navozyme's new talent

Connect with Enrique, Ismael, and Tomas
♻️ Upcoming webinar focused on decarbonisation with ESG expert
Maritime decarbonisation at the centre of the Blue Seas Webinar Series

This first webinar will follow the conversation between Dr. Ricardo Barcelona, ESG expert and author of Dynamic Decisions, and Anjaney Borwankar, Navozyme's Co-Founder and Chief Executive.

The session will explore how the world is changing radically as energy systems transition and how managers can create tomorrow's profitable niches while pivoting towards decarbonisation. 

Join the conversation on Wednesday, July 27th at 11:00h CEST/17:00h SGT.
IAMI adopts Navozyme's Blockchain Enabled E-certificates (BEEs)
IAMI's exam certificates benefit from blockchain capabilities

Navozyme is proud to power the International Association of Maritime Institutions' (IAMI) new examination system. IAMI has adopted the Blockchain Enabled E-Certificates (BEEs) which provide the highest data security level and allow instant fraud detection amongst many other unique benefits.
🗣️Navozyme invited to give a keynote on e-certificates to global tech talent
Transforming the maritime industry via innovative solutions

Aniket Mavlankar, Lead Engineer and Blockchain Administrator, will share with the StackUp (Tribe) community how Navozyme is using its innovative tech stacks to simplify maritime credential management on Friday, July 22nd, at 22:00h SGT.

You still have time to register and learn how Navozyme is using blockchain technology to transform the Maritime Industry.
👋 Meet our new talent!
Navozyme keeps growing and we welcome new members to the family!
Isma joins as our Technology Manager & Head of Software.

He has over 15 years of experience as a full-stack developer, technical advisor and professor. Isma is also a certified Agile Coach by the Agile Coach Alliance and EuropeanScrum.org.
Quique joins us as a Product Manager. He holds a PhD in Civil Engineering and a Master in Shipping Business.

He has over 15 years of experience as a consultant in innovation projects in the maritime sector and has led the Technical Innovation Office of the Bahía de Algeciras Port for the past five years.
Tomas is a former Navozyme intern that has now come back as a full-time Business Analyst.

He has an international background, growing up in the Philippines, going to Barcelona for his BBA in ESADE Business & Law School, and finally doing his last semester in The Wharton School.