April 2023

Check our Facebook Page for updates!

Dearest Friends,

As Spring Break, Easter, and the Augusta National have us all moving to a new rhythm, we remain excited about the challenges and activities ahead.

Recently the NAACP modified its vision and mission. While I have your attention, I'll share it here for you to pause and consider:

Our Vision

We envision an inclusive community rooted in liberation where all persons can exercise their civil and human rights without discrimination.

Our Mission

Our mission is to achieve equity, political rights, and social inclusion by advancing policies and practices that expand human and civil rights, eliminate discrimination, and accelerate the well-being, education, and economic security of Black people and all persons of color.

While the guiding words have been updated to reflect the dynamics of our present times, we remain committed to our steadfast posture of ensuring the civil rights of all.

A few quick things before I close,..

  1. Please encourage you circle in School District 1 and North Augusta to exercise their right to vote on April 11 and April 25, respectively.
  2. I enjoyed the Branch walk last month so we'll try it again on April 8th. Join us!
  3. We received some interesting responses to last month's survey. We are learning a a great deal and have decided to keep it open for another month.
  4. Bring a non-perishable item to the General Membership Meeting on April 4th. We will place them in the Blessing Box at the Aiken Unitarian Universalist Church.

Finally, please join us for Earth Day Aiken on Saturday, April 22. It should be a great time!

Onward and upward,


Let us know how we are doing and how we can improve. Please click HERE or on the image to take a quick survey. We'll use your response to help us plan this year's events! Responses are anonymous!

Our First Branch Walk!

To enjoy the weather and each other, move a little, make some new friends, converse about a WIDE variety of topics, and to enjoy nature, a few of use met to take a few laps around Beverly D Clyburn Generations Park on a perfect Pre-Spring Day!

Our April walk is scheduled for Saturday, April 8 again at 11 am at the Beverly D Clyburn Generations Park

Don't miss out. See you there!

Thank you, Aiken Chapter of the Links, Incorporated!

We teamed with the Aiken Chapter of the Links, Incorporated and the UMOJA Village to host a FREE Healthy Homestead Webinar on Heirs Property and Real Estate Investment.

This session was jam packed with information! If you have family land and are not sure how to make it work for you, or if you want to take the next steps into the real estate investment realm, them this was the session for you.

Contact us if you would like to view the webinar materials or recording.

You can can click to learn more about the services offered by the Center for Heirs Property and Atlantic Bay Mortgage.


Africa Sonul International!

Thanks to the Generosity of the Center for African American History Art and Culture, we were able to support African Soul International's Etherridge Center Cultural Series performance.

This performance took us on a journey through time and space and allowed us to connect directly with the Ancestors.

Click HERE to learn more about this dynamic group, and please consider supporting Cultural Series performances in the future. They make our community better!

City of Aiken Redistricting

On Monday, March 27, the Aiken City Council unanimously approved the second reading for an ordinance to adjust the boundaries of the six single member city council election districts to the 2020 Census. These new lines are based on shifts in population in the city and support the One Person; One Vote right, guaranteed by the US Constitution.

We appreciate the City of Aiken's collaborative posture in soliciting and considering community input during this process, and we look forward to continuing this process in ten years!

Click HERE to see the vote, and click HERE to see the new districts. These lines will be used in the November 2023 City Elections. Click HERE to check your precinct information and voter registration status.

Closing Out Women's History Month!

To close out Women's History Month on a high note, a panel of NAACP high-fliers and all-stars gathered to talk about journeys to leadership in the organization. While they shared their stories, the encouraged all members to to soar above all obstacles in the tradition of the wonderful leaders who have gone before us.

Click HERE to view the recording of this session.

KIRKLAND Candidate Facebook Page
TYLER Candidate Facebook Page
KLAPKO Candidate Facebook Page
LIVINGSTON Candidate Facebook Page

Join us for Earth Day!


No More PayPal Fees with Cash App.

Can be used for Donations, Membership payments or merchandise purchases.

Aiken NAACP GroupMe
Scan the QR code or click the link below to join our group to stay in the know! We will send out text messages, announcements and polls to the general body for better communication.

You can download the GroupMe app in your Apple store apps or play store (android). You can also receive them as SMS through your general text messaging platform.

Join NAACP GroupME

The Youth Council has resumed regular monthly meetings via Zoom. Officers will stay in touch with members via REMIND texting. Please sign up by texting @aikenyc to 81010.

You can also follow their Instagram at @naacpaiken_yc and like their Facebook page - Aiken NAACP Youth Council.

Thank You Youth Council PARENTS and VOLUNTEERS for all of your support of the Aiken Youth Council! We cannot do it without YOU!

Saturday Morning Volunteering at the Second Baptist Church Foodbank

The Youth Council prepare food bags at the Second Baptist Church on Saturday Morning and other special days during the month. If you would like to volunteer with the youth on food bank Saturday's, please let us know by sending an email.

Contact us at aiken.naacpyc@gmail.com

Young Council serving neighbors

The NAACP Youth Council continues to show up in service to our neighbors.

Tirelessly helping feed the hungry through partnership with ACTS

If you would like to volunteer with the youth council at ACTS, please let us know by sending an email to aiken.naacpyc@gmail.com

Youth Council Membership
Interested in having your children or grandchildren volunteer more? Please consider giving them the New Year's gift of membership to the Aiken County NAACP Youth Council. Membership is $15 for the year
UofSC Aiken Chapter NAACP

The UofSC Aiken College Chapter has been working diligently to make their voices heard on campus.

President: William Javis

1st Vice President: Nadya Watson

2nd Vice President: Breanna Kennedy

Secretary: Vacant

Treasurer: Vacant

Membership Chair: Terrance Williams

Committee Chair: Dwalyan Bull

Public Relations: Charles Washington 

If you are interested in contributing to the USCA NAACP College Chapter please contact naacpaikencountybranch@gmail.com.

Follow them on social media:

Instagram - USCANAACP Facebook - NAACP of USCA


SILENT PROTEST for Lives Taken

This is power! Our USC Aiken Chapter called the community together to honor the lives taken due to violence in the African American community! We shall overcome racial inequality and thrive as a community!

Re-Watch the Live Stream on IG

SCNAACP Combats Low-Income Tenant Evictions

Click the photo below to read the full document

SCNAACP Housing Stability Services

Housing Advocacy Program Ending

SC Stay Plus program has ended and our housing advocacy services will conclude as well. However we will continue to distribute the wealth of resources that we have found during this process and we strive to combat Housing Instability in the CSRA.

Help is still available, we will continue to keep you informed.

Due to the program’s success, the SC Homeowner Rescue Program will begin to wind down, as similar federally-funded emergency homeowner assistance programs are doing in many other states. The program will stop accepting new applications at 11:59 p.m. on April 20, 2023.

South Carolinians in need of mortgage or utility assistance after the April 20 deadline may sign up for a waitlist on the SC Homeowner Rescue Program website starting April 21, 2023. When the waitlist link goes live, interested parties may complete an Expression of Interest Form, which adds them to the waitlist.

Important Note Concerning Eligibility:  To be approved for this program, any expenses for which you are seeking assistance must be past due. Eligibility does not guarantee approval of funds. Final approval will be determined by your mortgage company or utility provider.  

What's Covered? (Types of assistance this program may provide)

  • Delinquent Mortgage Payments (if approved by your mortgage company)
  • Delinquent Property Taxes
  • Delinquent Utilities
  • Government or Nonprofit Down Payment Assistance
  • Delinquent Homeowner Association Fees (HOAs)
NAACP Official Facebook

2022 Resolutions

Click on the photo to download a copy of the 2022 Resolutions adopted to the 2022 National Convention.

2023 NAACP Annual Board Meeting

The NAACP National Board of Directors held its Annual Meeting in New York at Times Square, for the first time since 2020! It was an exciting day, and it was live streamed on Facebook so everyone could attend.

This year's election results are below:

Re-elected by the board were Leon W. Russell, Chairman; Karen Boykin-Towns, Vice Chairman; Jesse H. Turner, Jr., Treasurer; Yvonne White, Assistant Treasurer; Alphonso Braggs, Assistant Secretary.

Derrick Johnson, President and CEO, and Janette McCarthy-Wallace, Secretary, both retook the oath of office and were unanimously reaffirmed by the National Board.

In accordance with Constitutional requirements, the Board elected members Francesca Mitchell (Florida), Youth, student at Elon University; Freada Kapor Klein (California) who were newly elected. The three returning members were Peter Rose (New York); Rev. Dr. Gina Stewart (Tennessee); George Gresham (New York). 

Regionally elected members were Rick Callender (California); Joseph Cotton (New Mexico); Richard T. Smith (New Jersey); Raoul Cunningham (Kentucky); Steve Ricard (Missouri); Rev. David Walker (South Carolina); Akosua Ali (District of Columbia).

Alice Huffman (California) was elected by the Convention in Atlantic City and was installed at the February meeting for her new term.

Rev. Dr. Wendell Anthony (Michigan); Gary Bledsoe (Texas); Rev. Dr. Roslyn M. Brock (Maryland); Michael A. Curry (Massachusetts); Rev. Theresa Dear (Illinois); Gloria Sweet-Love (Tennessee); Robin Williams (Maryland) were elected At-Large by all units of the Association for new terms and were sworn in at the February meeting.

Re-Watch the Live Stream
Join Today

April is National Minority Health Month!

About National Minority Health Month

The foundation for National Minority Health Month was laid by educator, author, and civil rights leader Booker T. Washington, who, in 1915, established National Negro Health Week (NNHW) to bring awareness to the health disparities affecting African Americans caused by poor working and living conditions. NNHW was recognized until 1951 and formed the basis for many of the health-focused observances we celebrate today.

In 2000, HHS launched Healthy People 2010, the third iteration of the Healthy People framework, with the explicit goal of eliminating health disparities for racial and ethnic minority and AI/AN communities. In 2002, as part of a response to this call for action, the U.S. Congress resolved that “a National Minority Health and Health Disparities Month should be established to promote educational efforts on the health problems currently facing minorities and other health disparity populations.”


Learn about National Negro Health Week founded 1915-1951

Medicaid Renewals Begin April 1

Back By Popular Demand!

The Concerned Black Nurses of CSRA will host its annual Salad Festival Scholarship Fundraiser. This event has been a community favorite and will return this year after a being postponed for a few years due to COVID restrictions. All proceeds will go towards Nursing Scholarships for local nursing students.

Tickets on sale soon! Purchase on Eventbrite or from any CNBN Member

(Contact Madame Secretary ,Tracy Miller, for information)

Community Resource Fair

As a law enforcement agency, we know all to well the importance of proactive and reactive policing which ultimately go hand in hand. The reactive side of law enforcement is where our strong partnerships are formed and programs are created to increase public trust and we are committed to doing just that. On April 15, 2023 our agency is hosting a Community Outreach Resource Day at the Barnwell County Airport Grounds. 

Lt. Eric Kirkland

Click photo for vendor information

Complete the Survey

Edgefield Residents - Health Needs Assessment Survey

Edgefield residents needed to complete the SC Community Health Needs Assessment Survey. You can complete over the phone if you are unable to do so online!


Crystal Renew, CRS-DC, CRS

Office & Resource Manager

Aiken County Help Line 2-1-1


Office Admin: 803-648-9900  |  211 Resource Center: Dial 2-1-1 or toll free at 1-877-648-9900

Fax: 803-262-4202  |  Cell: 803-646-4432

Cumbee Center Professional Training Conference

Free Accredited Training with Cumbee Center

2023 Connect-Empower-Prevent Conference will be held on Friday, April 28th 9:00am-4:00pm at USC Aiken's Student Activity Center (2nd floor) located at 471 University Parkway Aiken, SC 29801. The theme is all individuals, organizations, communities and institutions must work towards a future without sexual violence.

There will be dynamic speakers from across the state of South Carolina speaking on the following topics:  

  • Exploring the connection between individuals and communities and sexual violence
  • Focusing on and understanding the bigger picture through a systems approach and a holistic view
  • Defining sexual violence and South Carolina laws
  • Nationwide and South Carolina statistics
  • Agency services and prevention efforts/strategies
  • Networking

There will be a 1 & 1/2 hour break for lunch on your own.

Sign in begins at 8:30am and the conference will start promptly at 9:00am

This will be an accredited training for CEU, CLEE and VSP hours.

This will be an accredited training for CEU, CLEE and VSP hours.

Any questions regarding the conference can be directed to April Jordan, Director of Outreach at 803-641-4162, ext. 7009 or ajordan@cumbeecenter.org.

Register here

Financial Wellness

Walton Options for Independent Living is offering a workshop on financial wellness starting on April 4th. We will cover 4 topics in 4 sessions- Debt (4/4), Bills (4/18), Credit (5/2), Savings (5/16). The workshop will be hybrid- on zoom and in person at our Augusta office. I wanted to reach out to let you all know that this series is open to anyone with a disability so we would love for you to share about it with the people that you serve.

For our Georgia Resident Aiken Branch Members

Double click photo for downloadable pdf

SRMC Website
Black Carolinians Speak
The goal of this initiative—Black Carolinians Speak: Portraits of a Pandemic—is to gather first person testimonies, letters, music, images, art and other documents that capture the experiences of African Americans in South Carolina during the global pandemic of 2020. Unlike earlier pandemics, such as the 1918 Spanish Flu, we have a unique opportunity to share and preserve stories documenting how African Americans in South Carolina lived, connected, loved, found hope, and survived a public health crisis. 
What effect has this pandemic had on your personal life, family, business, church, organization or community? What feelings are you experiencing? How have these changes affected your political or economic outlook? How have you or others in your community showed resourcefulness or learned new skills as you have adjusted to the crisis? What advice would you give to others who may face similar crises? 
Feel free to use these questions as prompts for your response. Such insights are essential to creating a powerful narrative of how African Americans in South Carolina experienced this historic moment. Please upload your experiences to our database and share your thoughts with future generations.

Please join us in person at Smith Hazel Recreation Center at 7:00pm on Tuesday, April 4, 2023

or via Zoom

Click Here to Join!

Meeting ID: 832 8979 8948

Passcode: 671949


Call 1-301-715-8592

Meeting ID: 832 8979 8948

Passcode: 671949

Access meeting documents (agenda, minutes, reports, documents) by clicking HERE.

We need your help to continue the important and relevant work of the NAACP.

Branch Priorities 2021-2022
The Six Game Changers
Economic Sustainability Initiatives
Educational Initiatives
Health Initiatives
Public Safety and Criminal Justice Initiatives
Civic Engagement Initiatives
Youth and Young Adult Engagement


President: Eugene White, Jr.

1st Vice President: Rev. Westley Guyton, Sr

2nd Vice President: Alinda Anderson

Secretary: Tracy Miller

Assistant Secretary: Rev. Dr. Leona Guyton

Treasurer: Linda McKie

Assistant Treasurer: James Gallman, Sr.

Youth Council President: Morgan Thompson

College Chapter President: William Javis

Executive Committee At Large
Mae F. Carroll, Harold Crawford, Jr., Anthony Daniels, Annie Dicks,
Rev. Debra Guthrie,
Rev. Westley Guyton,
Dr. Melencia Johnson, Dorothy Scott,
Richard Johnson, Elizabeth Morris,
Dr. Teresa Pope, Goldie Randle
ACT-SO, Armed Services & Veteran Affairs, Communications, Press & Publicity, Community Coordination, Criminal Justice, Economic Development, Education, Finance, Freedom Fund, Health, Housing, Labor & Industry, Legal Redress, Membership & Life Membership, Political Action, Religious Affairs, Young Adult, Youth Works, and Women in the NAACP (WIN).

If you would like to join any of the standing committees, please email naacpaikencountybranch@gmail.com.
Interested in staying updated on NAACP Aiken happenings more than once a month? Sign up for text messaging https://www.remind.com/join/naacpaiken or text @naacpaiken to the number 81010
Download Membership Form HERE.
Aiken County Branch NAACP
803.810.1909 | naacpaikencountybranch@gmail.com | facebook.com/naacpaikencounty
Adult membership fee is $30/year. Youth membership fee is $15/year.
Facebook  Instagram