National Agriscience Teacher Ambassador Academy | |
The National Agriscience Teacher Ambassador Academy (NATAA) was held July 11-15, 2022 in Tulsa, Oklahoma. NATAA is a professional development institute available to all members of NAAE. The process and selection to become an agriscience ambassador is rigorous, with a limited number of openings each year.
22 agricultural educators from 19 states were selected to participate in this year’s professional development academy. The training was led by four NAAE Mentor Facilitators representing four different states. While at the training, it was calculated that this year alone, 11,248 students would be impacted by the science-based inquiry training. This academy is a hands-on approach designed to energize teachers and make them comfortable enriching their classes when they return home.
Congratulations to the 2022 National Agriscience Teacher Ambassador Academy participants!
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Corey Alleman, LA
Laura Allen, MO
Matthew Bernia, MI
Lu Boren, CO
Tiffany Bushman, NV
Katelyn Dei, WI
Amanda Ferguson, CA
Marc Gauthier, FL
Kendall Gonzales, NM
Amanda Haeberlin, MO
Jeremy Hall, KY
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Jennifer Hamlin, OK
Samuel Hoffman, ID
Amy Kidd, NC
Shelby Lee, IN
Ruth Ann Myers, KY
Kayla Pohle, PA
Tori Poole, WV
Matthew Price, KY
Christy Reynolds, AR
Desi Severance, ND
Corrine Wascher, IL
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Virtual Book Club
The 2022 Virtual Book Club took off in June of 2022. Participants read The Legacy of the New Farmers of America, by Dr. Antoine J Alston and Dr. Dexter B Wakefield. The NAAE Virtual Book Club has been a fun way for agricultural educators to personalize their professional development. Throughout the experience, participants have engaged in unique activities, discussions, and virtual meet ups and connections.
For the 2022 Virtual Book Club, we have had 172 teachers from across the nation register. These teachers represent 32 states. Teachers who complete the full program will receive 12 hours of professional development. This program has been under the direction and leadership of Dr. Robin McLean this year. Dr. McLean has highlighted some incredible moments we want to share:
- Participants have been sharing personal/family connections they had with NFA.
Activities from the book club have inspired teachers to use them in their classes (not just NFA related lessons).
- Currently, participants are working on the final activity which is to create a lesson about the New Farmers of America based on what they have learned.
- Participants are looking forward to the culminating event of “Author Talk” with Dr. Antoine J. Alston & Dr. Dexter B. Wakefield on Wednesday August 10, 2022.
Announcement of the 2022-2023 NAAE National #TeachAg Ambassadors
Congratulations to the 2022-2023 NAAE National Teach Ag Ambassadors! The 18 new ambassadors were selected from a large pool of preservice agricultural education majors through an application and interview process. The ambassadors will engage in multiple remote informational sessions this summer and will officially kick-off their one year of service in October where they will engage in professional development, training and staff the Teach Ag booth at the National FFA Convention Expo. The Teach Ag Ambassadors are trained to deliver recruitment workshops, presentations and events.
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Natalie Anselmo, California State University, Fresno
Brendan Black, Fresno State University
Cheyenne Bastian-Brown, Pennsylvania State University
Katie Bush, Dordt University
Stephanie Bushnell, West Texas A&M University
Haylee Davis, North Carolina State University
Marexy Guerra, Texas Tech University
Morgan Jaterka, Utah State University
Georgi Carsyn Kennedy, University of Georgia
Saydee Longhurst, Utah State University
Angelina Rivera-Benavides, University of Florida
Sidney Sanchez, Fresno State University
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2022 NAAE National Awards and Scholarships Recipients | |
The 2022 NAAE National Award and Scholarship Recipients have been announced! Click the button below to meet the award winners. | |
Outstanding Early Career Teacher, Outstanding Ag Ed Teacher, Outstanding Middle/Secondary Ag Ed Program, Outstanding Postsecondary Agriculture Program award winners and Teachers Turn the Key recipients should not take any action regarding travel arrangements, hotel reservations, or convention registration until they receive further instructions from NAAE!! Please look for those instructions by email within the next couple weeks. These will be emailed to your email address provided on the application. Please contact our office if you have any changes to your contact information.
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Calling All Teachers: $75,000 in Grants Available from CHS Foundation | |
The CHS Foundation is offering teachers $75,000 in grant funding to celebrate its 75th anniversary. Grants for agricultural education projects will be awarded at $20,000 for first place, $15,000 for second place, $10,000 for third place and $2,500 for 12 finalists. Applications close on Saturday, October 1. Visit the CHS Foundation website for more information. | |
2022 NAAE National #TeachAg Day | |
Save the Date
It's a Celebration! NAAE National #TeachAg Day is Thursday, September 15, 2022. NAAE National Teach Ag Day is designed to encourage others to teach school based agriculture and recognize the important role that agriculture teachers play in our schools and communities. The National Association of Agricultural Educators will be releasing additional resources and information later this month.
2022 NAAE National #TeachAg Day Host Site Celebration Kits Announcement
Congratulations to the agricultural education programs and institutions who have been selected to receive a NAAE National #TeachAg Day Host Site Celebration Kit! These kits will be distributed to agricultural educators, teacher educators, and state agricultural education leaders who are willing and able to host 2022 National Teach Ag Day Celebrations using a kit full of activities, promotional materials, and more in secondary and post-secondary programs across the country on Thursday, September 15. Click here to access the list of Host Site Celebration Kit recipients.
2022 Teach Ag Day Collegiate Contest
NAAE is seeking video submissions from colleges and universities across the country that offer a pathway to teaching agriculture degree or certification to be included on our 2022-2023 website, social media and during the 2022 National Teach Ag Day celebration. Institutions are encouraged to submit a video and consider this as a great opportunity to tell others why you have the best ag ed degree institution in the nation. Video submissions are due by Thursday, August 30.
2022 Teach Ag Day Tagged Photo Submissions
Submit your Tagged to #TeachAg photos to NAAE by Thursday, August 30 to be featured during the 2022 Teach Ag Day celebration. Visit the online submission form to learn more about the requirements and feature details.
2022 NAAE National #TeachAg Day Future Agriscience Teacher Symposium Selection
Congratulations to the following pre-service educators who have been selected to attend the 2022 NAAE National Teach Ag Day Future Agriscience Teacher Symposium, held September 12-15 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The Future Agriscience Teacher (FAST) Symposium is a professional development experience for preservice agricultural education majors which provides customized professional development, networking, and mentoring with current and future agriculture teachers from across the country.
Abigail Kucken, University of Wisconsin - Platteville
Tyler Newberry, University of Florida
Adrianne McPhillips, West Virginia University
Linah Darden, University of Alabama
Ruth Stoner, Purdue University
Ayres Grice, North Carolina State University
Gracie Schultz, University of Wisconsin
Brooke Wackerlin, University of Wisconsin-Platteville
Carisa Cleven, University of Wisconsin-River Falls
Iris Dukart, North Dakota University
Madelynn Green, University of Wisconsin-River Falls
Katie Loehrke, University of Wisconsin-River Falls
Monica Pinkerman, University of Minnesota
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State Teach Ag Results Program (STAR) Impact Summary | |
Tatiana Martinez participated in a signing event held by North Carolina. North Carolina is a STAR state. | |
The State Teach Ag Results Program (STAR) seeks to increase recruitment and retention of agriculture teachers across the nation. Increased efforts are being made nationwide to recruit future agriculture teachers.
- The State Teach Ag Results (STAR) Program has met with 27 of the 38 STAR states with meetings continuing into August.
- Numerous workshops, declaration/signing events, and trainings have been implemented nationwide in efforts to recruit the next generation of agricultural educators.
- Teacher recognition is at an all-time high with innovative ideas from each state to recognize and award teachers for their unwavering dedication to the profession.
- There are numerous open positions nationwide as the summer winds down, it is expected that most open positions will be filled.
- The amount of alternatively certified teachers has increased significantly since last year. We welcome them and look forward to having them in the profession.
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Join Us in Las Vegas, Nevada for the 2022 NAAE Convention! | |
Viva Las Vegas! We can't wait to see you at the 2022 NAAE Convention, held November 29 - December 3, 2022 in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Early Bird Registration Closes on Monday, August 15
Registration is now open for the 2022 NAAE Convention. The 2022 NAAE Convention schedule is planned so NAAE members can attend sessions at both ACTE's CareerTech VISION and the NAAE Convention. NAAE members will pay one registration fee and have full access to both conferences. Register by August 15, 2022 to receive the early bird registration rate. After August 15 you will have until October 14 to register for NAAE Convention at the advance registration rate. We also take registrations on-site during NAAE Convention. Click here to register.
Convention Housing Information Now Available
The 2022 NAAE Convention will take place at the Westgate Las Vegas Resort & Casino. Visit our Convention Housing and Travel page for information related to nightly room rates, reservation deadlines, and more.
Professional State Award Applications
NAAE will recognize state associations who have aggressively engaged in certain well-planned activities designed to serve the best interest of the members and the profession. Click here to access the 2022 Professional State Association Award applications, which are due September 1, 2022
Announcement of NAAE Convention Professional Development Workshops
Leading and learning together. Experience the magic of peer-led professional development by engaging in professional development workshops at the 2022 NAAE Convention. Workshop locations, dates, and times along with additional workshops will be added to our convention schedule in the weeks to come. Click here to read more about our 2022 NAAE Convention Professional Development Workshops!
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2022 XLR8 Professional Development Applications Now Open! | |
We're pleased to accept applications for the 2022 NAAE XLR8 Professional Development Program! XLR8 is a year-long professional development program that targets agriculture teachers in their 7th-15th year of teaching. The overall goals of this program include:
- develop experienced teacher leaders who will mentor other teachers in the profession;
- provide mid-career level specific professional development to participants;
- increase overall longevity and satisfaction of participants with their chosen career of teaching agriculture.
This program will include participation in an intensive professional development experience (multiple sessions) during the 2022 NAAE convention, recurring virtual learning experiences, and online collaboration.
All active NAAE members who are currently in their 7th to 15th year of teaching are eligible to apply. Each applicant must have been a NAAE member the three (3) previous years while teaching agriculture. Participants must also be active members and working in school-based agricultural education in the 2022-2023 NAAE Membership year. Click here for more information and to access the application.
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Pre-Service Teacher Opportunities | |
Sign Up for the new NAAE National Teach Ag Campaign Email List
After more than 12 years of collecting contact information for the NAAE National Teach Ag Campaign email list, NAAE staff has made the decision to rebuild the email list from scratch. A large percentage of the email addresses we've collected over the years are no longer in use. If you'd like to receive emails about the NAAE National Teach Ag Campaign, or know of a future agriculture teacher who may want to receive emails, please complete this sign up form.
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2022-2023 NAAE Membership Year
The 2022-2023 NAAE membership year began July 1 and ends June 30, 2023. NAAE is providing an incentive to get your state dues roster to the NAAE office and allow your members to have full access to the NAAE suite of benefits. States that submit rosters and full payments to NAAE by September 1 will receive one complimentary 2022 NAAE convention registration. The complimentary registration may be used to cover the advance registration for any 2022-2023 NAAE member in your state to attend the 2022 NAAE Convention (a $400 value). Rosters must be received by September 1 using the online NAAE roster form and must be at least 80% of the total membership submitted to NAAE for the 2021-2022 membership year. Remember, the 2022-2023 NAAE active membership dues increased to $65. Visit the NAAE Membership page for dues remission steps or contact Ashley Hood, NAAE Membership Coordinator.
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NAAE wants to hear from you, our members. What drives you? Who are you? What makes your life easier? What are your hopes, dreams, and favorites? We need your responses and will use them throughout our NAAE communications to build community and connection with each other. | |
Agricultural Education For All - Resources | |
504 Plans and IEPs
As you begin the new school year, it is very likely that you will have students with either a 504 plan or an Individualized Education Plan (IEP). It is important to understand these two types of plans, how they differ, and how you as an agricultural educator can support students to meet their unique learning needs.
IEP Defined
The Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) is a plan or program developed to ensure that a child who has a disability identified under the law and is attending an elementary or secondary educational institution receives specialized instruction and related services. Click here to learn more about tips for working with students with IEPs.
504 Plan Defined
The 504 Plan is a plan developed to ensure that a child who has a disability identified under the law and is attending an elementary or secondary educational institution receives accommodations that will ensure their academic success and access to the learning environment. Click here to learn more about 504 Plans and how to support students with diverse learning needs.
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A vault is where we keep our most prized possessions and the things that are valued most. The Valuables Vault in the By Choice Newsletter is designed to equip teachers with jewels and valuable tools to help them carry onward in the profession. The Valuables Vault will highlight information, tips, and tricks that hold value in agricultural educators' professional and personal lives.
Unlock the Potential of the Month
BACK TO SCHOOL! The list of items agriculture teachers need for classroom and lab instruction seem endless. Teacher supplies, new wardrobe items, new planners, new lab materials, new EVERYTHING. It’s always a great idea to have a fresh start to the year. There’s nothing like a pack of new pens and a crisp planner to bring a teacher joy. We have compiled a list to help you prepare to go back to school.
Types of Planners that Work Best - Keeping track of lessons, events, and endless meetings can be daunting. Finding a planner that works best for you will allow you to stay organized and ready to conquer the year. Check out some recommendations for teacher planners.
Create an Amazon Wishlist! Many people are looking for ways to sponsor your classroom! Once it is created, you can continue to add things as needed. People can shop directly from your link and items are shipped to your door. You can share your Wishlist via social media. Stakeholders and supporters can impact your classroom directly. A wish list is always a great idea, especially in the event that your bookkeeper has some extra money they would like to spend. It is a simple way to keep a list of things you would like and a great way for others to support your program.
Combination to Happiness
Schedule something for YOU this month! Place it in your calendar like an appointment. You wouldn’t break a promise to someone you value, why break a promise to yourself? Maybe it’s a massage, a class that you’ve been wanting to try, or a family picnic. Whatever it is, give yourself the time you need. Give yourself some grace and go for it!
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Curriculum for Agricultural Science Education (CASE) | |
CASE Awards
We're celebrating two certified teachers as our 2022 CASE Award Winners this fall in Las Vegas. Will you be one of them? Apply by Monday, August 15, 2022!
Prize Package:
2022 NAAE Convention Package that includes:
- Registration ($335 value)
- Invitation to co-present convention workshop
- Plaque presented during a business session
$500 travel stipend (2022 convention held in Las Vegas, NV)
$1,000 in products from Vernier Software & Technology
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THRIVE Group Rate
Gather your fellow CTE teachers within your district or state and attend THRIVE without leaving home. Apply for the group rate! THRIVE Virtual PD aims to cultivate digital teachers and not just those who are CASE certified. This week-long event allows you to access materials up to a YEAR afterward. We're excited to announce keynote Al Thomas from Educopilot! Visit our THRIVE Group and Pre-Service Rate Request Form and check out other THRIVE resources.
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The National Council for Agricultural Education (The Council) started the Monday Morning Monitor e-newsletter several years ago as a communications tool to connect organizations of The Council and provide information to those organizations’ members. As The Council and agricultural education evolve, so does the need to review the impact of Monday Morning Monitor. In multiple surveys and requests, you have told The Council that they need to communicate less often and provide more detailed content about the work of The Council. The Council sent the last edition of Monday Morning Monitor on July 25, 2022, and will be replacing it with The Council Connection. This new e-newsletter will arrive on the first Tuesday of each month and feature updates from The Council, opportunities for feedback, news on council initiatives and updates from The Council partners. | |
My Local Cooperative Workshops
The National Association of Agricultural Educators is working in partnership with the CHS Foundation to offer engaging and informational workshop curriculum focused on agricultural cooperative basics and careers related to agricultural cooperatives.
- As of July 2022, My Local Cooperative Workshops have been presented in 6 states with 118 agricultural educators or pre-service agricultural educators in attendance.
Workshop attendees walk away with engaging lessons on cooperatives that they can implement into their classrooms, a cooperative in a box ($100 value), and an opportunity to apply for a $100 grant to aide in offsetting the cost of implementing cooperatives into their classrooms or for a cooperative field experience.
- Over 41 boxes have been distributed along with $800 in grants to classrooms across the nation.
My Local Cooperative Learning Modules
The National Association of Agricultural Educators is working in partnership with the CHS Foundation to offer engaging and inquiry based instructional materials that have everything you need to deliver quality instruction on the cooperative business model, the impact of cooperatives on the community and cooperative career opportunities. The modules are yours to use and come with everything you need; materials list, teacher notes, handouts, presentation tools, assessments and more. Click here to access the modules.
Follow My Local Cooperative on Social Media
Make sure you are following the NAAE My Local Cooperative social media platforms for agriculture cooperative career profiles, agriculture cooperative facts and ways to access My Local Cooperative workshops, toolkits and grants. You can follow My Local Cooperative on Facebook and Twitter.
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My Local Cooperative is an initiative of the National Association of Agricultural Educators with funding support from the CHS Foundation.
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The Agricultural Education Magazine | |
The Agricultural Education Magazine is a professional journal for agricultural education published under the sponsorship and control of an editing-managing board of professional educators in the field. The publication serves teachers, undergraduate and graduate students, teacher educators, supervisors, administrators, and others interested in agricultural education.
The latest edition of The Agricultural Education Magazine, focused on Nonformal Agricultural Education, is now available.
Read it here.
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August 15 - ACTE VISION/NAAE Convention Early Bird Registration Deadline
August 27 - 28 - NAAE Board of Directors Meeting in Lexington, Kentucky
August 30 - National Teach Ag Day Collegiate Contest and Tagged Photo Submissions Due
September 12 - 15 - NAAE Teach Ag Day FAST Symposium in Minneapolis, Minnesota
September 15 - National Teach Ag Day
October 2 - 4 - Cultivating Change Summit in Washington, DC
October 15 - ACTE VISION/NAAE Convention Advance Registration Deadline
October 26 - 29 - National FFA Convention and Expo in Indianapolis, Indiana
November 8 - 10 - NAAE All-In Staff Meeting in Lexington, Kentucky
November 10 - 13 - AFA Leaders Conference in Kansas City, Missouri
November 29 - December 2 - NAAE FAST Symposium in Las Vegas, Nevada
November 30 - December 3 - NAAE Convention and ACTE VISION in Las Vegas, Nevada
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July Impact and Engagement Overview
19,531 Twitter followers/15,380 total tweets (all NAAE accounts)
40,129 Facebook followers (all NAAE accounts)
7,382 Instagram followers (all NAAE accounts)
5,981 NAAE website page views
6 e-newsletters were sent to 26,409 subscribers with an average 38.58% open rate
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The National Association of Agricultural Educators is a federation of state agricultural educators' associations with more than 9,000 members. NAAE members are involved in school-based agricultural education at any level, from middle school through postsecondary, and state and national agricultural education leadership.
NAAE is committed to advancing, in our organization and communities, inclusion, diversity and equity. The choice to create a just and equitable organization is not accidental. We intentionally prioritize fostering an inclusive environment that ensures people are respected and valued. We are committed to creating and supporting programs and policies that build an organization that values open communication and is respectful of differences.
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National Association of Agricultural Educators | #TeachAg |
(859) 967-2892 or (800) 509-0204
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