National #TeachAg Day Celebration Planning Guide - Now Available! | |
The 2024 National #TeachAg Day Premiere Party Planning Guide is HERE!
Our guide will help you plan a celebration that reflects your unique style and vision. Make the most out of the week leading up to National #TeachAg Day and the day itself. Whether you prefer tried-and-true traditions or want to add your own creative flair into the mix, this guide is here to support you every step of the way.
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2025 NAAE Award Revisions | |
Applications and information related to the 2025 NAAE Awards, featuring revamped categories and criteria, are now live on our website. All award updates and changes will go into effect in 2025. | |
2025 NAAE Membership Excellence Awards
Outstanding Early Career Teacher Award
Outstanding Agriculture Teacher Award
Outstanding Middle/Secondary Agricultural Education Program Award
Outstanding Postsecondary Agriculture Program Award
Teacher Mentor Award
Ideas Unlimited Award
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2025 NAAE Impact Awards (Formally Regional Citations)
Outstanding Service Award
Lifetime Achievement Award
Visionary Impact Award
Rubrics will be updated for all awards to include supporting materials as part of the evaluation, and will be available Fall 2024
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We'd like to thank the NAAE Awards Revision Committee Members for their dedication to this process. | |
Shari Graffunder, WI – Co-Chair
Bill Newsom, TN – Co-Chair
Jason Bullock, WA
Kolby Gilbert, LA
Joe Ramstad, MN
Brian Welch, KY
Jeremy Fair, TN
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Robin McLean, NJ
Amanda Ferguson, CA
Kelly Hoelting, KS
Barb Lemmer, IA
Alicia Flowers, MO
Farrah Johnson, FL
Jessica Jones, VA
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Join us for the 2024 NAAE Convention in San Antonio, Texas! Early Bird Registration Ends July 31! | |
Join us in San Antonio this year and experience the premier ag ed professional development event of the year: the 2024 NAAE Convention. Find the piece to your professional development puzzle in over 80 different ag ed specific professional development workshops or network with your peers from across the nation. There is no better way to invest in yourself as a professional! You won't want to miss it!
Registration is now open for the 2024 NAAE Convention! We encourage you to register early to take advantage of the early bird registration rate, which closes on July 31.
Convention Lodging
The 2024 NAAE Convention will be held at the Grand Hyatt San Antonio River Walk. We expect the NAAE Housing Block to sell out quickly. Please do not hesitate to make your hotel reservations if you would like to stay at the Grand Hyatt.
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2024 NAAE Regional Conferences | |
A big thank you to NAAE members across the United States who joined us for a 2024 NAAE Regional Conference! Information related to 2025 regional conferences coming soon! | |
State of Distinction Highlight - Illinois Association of Vocational Agriculture Teachers | |
In 2023, the NAAE Professional State Award application was updated to showcase how state associations are working to serve their membership through advocacy in agricultural education, member experience, professional development and teacher recruitment, retention, and recognition. This month, we would like to highlight the Illinois Association of Vocational Agriculture Teachers (IAVAT) as the recipient of the 2023 NAAE State of Distinction Award in Teacher Recruitment, Retention, and Recognition.
The IAVAT worked to increase the retention of agricultural educators and improve career satisfaction through their New Hoot Mentoring Program. The program successfully connected 35 mentees with mentors with many opportunities to engage with each other throughout out the year in person and through email. The support and structure of the program allowed the mentees and mentors to build deep and lasting relationships that will lead to retention success. Congratulations IAVAT on executing this successful activity!
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2023-2024 NAAE Membership Year Ending Soon | |
The 2023-2024 NAAE Membership Year ends on June 30, 2024. This means your NAAE membership benefits, such as professional liability insurance through Forrest T. Jones & Company, access to NAAE professional development and more will be unavailable until your 2024-2025 NAAE membership has been received and processed by the NAAE office. Your state ag teacher's association leaders should contact you soon in regards to 2024-2025 NAAE membership. | |
Out Now: Draft National Career Clusters Framework and National Validation Survey | |
Advance CTE just released the draft modernized National Career Clusters Framework to the Career Technical Education (CTE) community. Your voice matters to ensure Advance CTE will gather as many perspectives as possible to validate that the Framework is learner-centered, industry-responsive, and aligned with changes in the world of work before it is finalized later this summer.
The National Validation Survey is open now until July 7 for your input about the draft modernized Framework. Advance CTE is inviting all members of the CTE community — local and state CTE leaders, K-12 and postsecondary educators, industry representatives, and members of national organizations connected to or impacted by the Framework — to respond.
Here's how to get started:
Watch the webinar recording to get a walkthrough of the Framework.
Access the full Framework and explainer materials by visiting the first page of the validation survey. The survey introduction includes the full Framework and a PDF of survey questions, along with details about the methodology used to create the Framework. We encourage you to take some time to explore and process the draft Framework — you have plenty of time to respond.
- Respond to the survey.
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National #TeachAg Ambassador Applications Due July 1
NAAE is looking for the nation’s most outstanding agricultural education majors to represent the profession as National #TeachAg Ambassadors! NAAE National #TeachAg Ambassadors communicate with a variety of audiences to recruit future agriculture teachers and spread the #TeachAg message. Ambassadors are required to attend the National FFA Convention and participate in virtual seminars. National #TeachAg Ambassadors receive customized training and lessons to use at local, university, and state levels. Learn more here.
National #TeachAg Collegiate Lesson Plan Contest
NAAE will be hosting a National #TeachAg Collegiate Lesson Plan Contest in conjunction with the 2024 NAAE National #TeachAg Day. The goal of contest is to empower pre-service agricultural educators to advocate for the agricultural education career by using their creative ability to develop a lesson plan highlighting teaching agriculture. Submissions are due August 15, 2024. Click here to access the contest outline, scoring rubric, and more.
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My Local Cooperative Interactive Notebook | |
If you're looking for ready to use resources for teaching students about agricultural cooperatives, be sure to check out the NAAE My Local Cooperative Interactive Notebook! | |
My Local Cooperative is an initiative of the National Association of Agricultural Educators with funding support from the CHS Foundation. | |
June 30 - 2023-24 NAAE Membership Year Ends
July 1 - NAAE National #TeachAg Ambassador Applications Due
July 8-12 - National Agriscience Teacher Ambasador Academy - Lexington, KY
July 31 - NAAE Convention Early Bird Registration Closes
August 15 - #TeachAg Lesson Plan Contest Submission Dues
September 15 - Professional State Association Award Applications Due
September 19 - National #TeachAg Day
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The National Association of Agricultural Educators is a federation of state agricultural educators' associations with more than 9,500 members. NAAE members are involved in school-based agricultural education at any level, from middle school through postsecondary, and state and national agricultural education leadership.
NAAE is committed to advancing, in our organization and communities, inclusion, diversity and equity. The choice to create a just and equitable organization is not accidental. We intentionally prioritize fostering an inclusive environment that ensures people are respected and valued. We are committed to creating and supporting programs and policies that build an organization that values open communication and is respectful of differences.
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National Association of Agricultural Educators | #TeachAg |
(859) 967-2892 or (800) 509-0204
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