Say Hello to the New NAAE Brand!
We're ecstatic to finally share our brand with you! Our brand logo was designed to convey a sense of unity, energy, and value for our members. We're excited to launch our new brand with the inspiration it brings. Thank you for being a part of our journey as we continue to provide fresh, modern, and relevant programs and services that best serve school-based agricultural educators.

Our website has also been refreshed to include the new colors and logos. If you visit the website and see the previous logo on our home screen, try clearing your browsing history or opening a private web browser. Depending on your device and how often you visit our website, it may take time for all assets of the updated website to show up.

Over the next few months, you may still see older assets that include the previous NAAE logo and branding on our website. Our communications team is working diligently to update our digital and printed NAAE assets with our new branding. We appreciate your patience as we work to fade out our previous logo and branding as quickly as possible.
New NAAE Brand Resources
NAAE Rebranding FAQs
We know you may have questions related to our new brand. For more information, see the frequently asked questions below. Click here to access the NAAE Rebranding FAQs.

Updated NAAE Brand Center
Our updated branding center is your one-stop-shop for accessing the new NAAE logo, colors, fonts, and more! Take a look today!

NAAE Brand Member Webinar
Join NAAE staff members on Thursday, March 31 at 6:30 p.m. EDT to learn more about the updated NAAE brand including the process, what members need to know about using the brand and how and where to access merchandise with the NAAE logo on it. Click here to register.
NAAE Membership Opportunities
Applications for the 2022 National Agriscience Teacher Ambassador Academy are due today!
The National Agriscience Teacher Ambassador Academy (NATAA) has over 15 years of successfully cultivating agriscience and inquiry-based learning in agricultural education. The Academy serves to train agriculture teachers on how to enhance the science that is already present in agriculture, as well as develop students as problem solvers and thinkers through the inquiry-based teaching method. If selected as a National Agriscience Teacher Ambassador, you will be required to attend a national training session. The session is scheduled to be held the week of July 11-15, 2022. Please note that the dates for the 2022 academy have recently changed. Applications are due today at 11:59 p.m. EST. Click here to learn more.

NAAE Award Applications are now live!
NAAE maintains an extensive awards program to recognize the accomplishments of our many talented and dedicated members. We have awards for agricultural educators in every stage of their careers, from scholarships to lifetime achievement. The 2022 applications are now open on our website. You can find more information here.
Pre-Service Teacher Opportunities
NAAE Creating an Inclusive, Diverse, Equitable, and Accessible Program (IDEAP) Future Agriscience Teacher (FAST) Symposium Selection
Congratulations to the following pre-service agricultural educators who were selected to attend the NAAE IDEAP FAST Symposium that will be held March 30 - April 2 in Lexington, Kentucky. This event is a targeted preservice professional development experienced designed to provide meaningful context on what it takes to build an agricultural education program that celebrates and welcomes students as their authentic selves. Preservice attendees will engage in tours, sessions, and experiences that encourage them to expand their understanding of inclusion, diversity, equity, and access.
Katherine Berryhill, Mississippi State University
Elizabeth Bierman, Louisiana State University
Anna Buckentine, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
Grace Dicke, Wilmington College
Amador Gonzales, New Mexico State University
Gwen Heimerdinger, University of Illinois Urbana - Champaign
Carson Littleton, Mississippi State University
Karly Marshman, Ithaca College
Shawnee Michaels, West Virginia University
Rebecca Ruffi, University of Wyoming
Faith Scheffler, Michigan State University
Hailey Schulenberg, University of Wisconsin - Platteville
Saralyn Smith,West Virginia University
Taylor Thomas, Wilmington College
Curt Todd, Mississippi State University
Brooke Wackerlin, University of Wisconsin - Platteville
Kallie Wallace, Mississippi State University
2022-2023 NAAE National Teach Ag Ambassador Program
Each year, the National Association of Agricultural Educators selects agricultural education majors from across the United States to serve as NAAE National Teach Ag Ambassadors. The primarily goal for the ambassador program is to promote agricultural education in an effort to address the high demand for agriculture teachers. More information about the 2022-2023 NAAE National Teach Ag Ambassador Program will be available in June.

Sign Up for the new NAAE National Teach Ag Campaign Email List
After more than 12 years of collecting contact information for the NAAE National Teach Ag Campaign email list, NAAE staff has made the decision to rebuild the email list from scratch. A large percentage of the email addresses we've collected over the years are no longer in use. If you'd like to receive emails about the NAAE National Teach Ag Campaign, or know of a future agriculture teacher who may want to receive emails, please complete this sign up form.
Organizational Updates
Save the Date for the 2022 NAAE Regional Conferences
Attending a regional conferences is great way to connect with other agricultural educators, get involved in the organization and stay up to date on the latest news, events, and professional opportunities. For the most up to date information related to regional conferences, including agendas and registration information, click here.
Region I Conference
(AK, AZ, CA, HI, ID, MT,
April 27-29, 2022
Blaine, Washington

Region II Conference
(AK, CO, KS, LA, NM, OK, TX)
June 26-29, 2022
Ruidoso, New Mexico

Region III Conference
(IA, MN, NE, ND, SD, WI)
June 20-22, 2022
Orde, Nebraska
Region IV Conference
(IL, IN, KY, MI, MO, OH)
June 28-30, 2022
Effingham, Illinois

Region V Conference
(AL, FL, GA, MS, NC,
June 19-22, 2022
Orange Beach, Alabama

Region VI Conference
(CT, DE, ME, MA, NH, NJ,
April 30, 2022
Tagged to Teach Ag Kits Temporarily Paused
NAAE has temporarily paused the sales of Tagged to Teach Ag kits. The sale of these kits will continue later this spring after the new NAAE brand is released and staff are able to rework the kits. We appreciate your patience.
Getting to Know You
Codi Montes-Dennis
Agricultural Educator at Hagerman Municipal Schools, New Mexico

Where is your happy place? Spending time with my kids (both biological and students)

Dream classroom field trip? Ag Industry-based road trip across the USA!

What is something that has simplified your life? Learning it's okay to set boundaries and say no.
Mark Stone
Agricultural Educator at New Prairie High School, Indiana

Hidden talent? Playing the guitar and singing.

If you opened a business what type of business would it be? Crop consulting.

What will you do differently this year? Concentrate on what students learn vs. what I teach.
Jaysa Fillmore
Agriculture Instructor at the College of Southern Idaho, Idaho

What would you sing at karaoke night? "Goodbye Earl" by the Dixie Chicks

Your best organization tip? Keep it all in one place! Digital or paper, keep your notes and calendar in only one format.

Describe your perfect day in three words. Hot springs hike
NAAE wants to hear from you, our members. What drives you? Who are you? What makes your life easier? What are your hopes, dreams and favorites? We need your responses and will use them throughout our NAAE communications to build community and connection with each other.
Curriculum for Agricultural Science Education (CASE)
A sticker for your thoughts?
CASE wants to learn more about supporting secondary agriculture teachers in post-pandemic education. Take our 4 minute survey and receive a free Support Agricultural Education sticker. 
Apply to attend TAA this summer at no cost thanks to the National Science Foundation!
In partnership with AgCentric, we're excited to announce the Technical Applications in Agriculture (TAA) CASE Institute openings. This CASE Institute is a 9-day professional development preparing teachers to implement the TAA curriculum in the classroom. The Institute runs from July 31-August 11. A second Institute may be added from July 24-August 4. For those selected to participate, professional development, room, board, and travel will be 100% funded by the NSF ATE grant.Participating teachers will also receive $1000 in materials to implement the course. Apply for TAA by March 15.

Registration is OPEN for 34 CASE Institutes this summer - virtual and in-person options!
Since 2007, CASE has certified more than 3,000 teachers in 11 courses at CASE Institutes nationwide. These 9-10 day professional development events, hosted by affiliate institutions, take teachers through 150 days of the inquiry-based, STEM-centered curriculum. CASE will offer virtual and in-person events in 2022. Want to join in? Learn more and register here.

Paying for your 2022 CASE Institute
Did you know CASE can take payment for Institute registration via credit card? CASE accepts and prefers credit cards so you can immediately register for the course and location you need. Make sure your purchasing secretary/bookkeeper has our W9.
My Local Cooperative
My Local Cooperative Learning Modules
The National Association of Agricultural Educators is working in partnership with the CHS Foundation to offer engaging and inquiry based instructional materials that have everything you need to deliver quality instruction on the cooperative business model, the impact of cooperatives on the community and cooperative career opportunities. In early 2020 a third module will be available that provides a real-life mock cooperative experience for your students. The modules are yours to use and come with everything you need; materials list, teacher notes, handouts, presentation tools, assessments and more. Click here to access the modules.
My Local Cooperative is an initiative of the National Association of Agricultural Educators with funding support from the CHS Foundation.
The Agricultural Education Magazine
The Agricultural Education Magazine is a professional journal for agricultural education published under the sponsorship and control of an editing-managing board of professional educators in the field. The publication serves teachers, undergraduate and graduate students, teacher educators, supervisors, administrators, and others interested in agricultural education.

The latest edition of The Agricultural Education Magazine, entitled Going Global, is now available.

Read it here.

March 10 - NATAA applications due

March 21-23 - National Policy Seminar in Washington, DC

March 23-26 - National MANRRS Conference in Jacksonville, Florida

March 30 - April 1 - IDEAP Future Agriscience Teacher Symposium in Lexington, Kentucky

April 27-29 - Region I Meeting in Blaine, Washington

April 30 - Region VI Meeting, Virtual

May 2-6 - National Teacher Appreciation Week

May 15-17 - Cultivating Change Summit in Raleigh, North Carolina

June 19-23 - Region V Meeting in Orange Beach, Alabama

June 20-22 - Region III Meeting in Ord, Nebraska

June 26-29 - Region II Meeting in Ruidos, New Mexico

June 28-30 - Region IV Meeting in Effingham, Illinois

July 11-15 - National Agriscience Teacher Ambassador Academy

September 15 - National Teach Ag Day

October 26-29 - National FFA Convention and Expo in Indianapolis, Indiana

November 30 - December 3 - NAAE Convention and ACTE VISION in Las Vegas, Nevada
February Impact and Engagement Overview

19,255 Twitter followers/15,021 total tweets (all NAAE accounts) 

31,402 Facebook followers (all NAAE accounts)

6,855 Instagram followers (all NAAE accounts) 

5,340 NAAE website page views

17 e-newsletters were sent to 25,635 subscribers with an average 37.41% open rate 
The National Association of Agricultural Educators is a federation of state agricultural educators' associations with more than 9,000 members. NAAE members are involved in school-based agricultural education at any level, from middle school through postsecondary, and state and national agricultural education leadership.

NAAE is committed to advancing, in our organization and communities, inclusion, diversity and equity. The choice to create a just and equitable organization is not accidental. We intentionally prioritize fostering an inclusive environment that ensures people are respected and valued. We are committed to creating and supporting programs and policies that build an organization that values open communication and is respectful of differences.
National Association of Agricultural Educators | #TeachAg |
(859) 967-2892 or (800) 509-0204

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