NAAE Committee Applications

The NAAE membership committees are an important part of our grassroots organization. If you are interested in applying to serve on a NAAE Committee for the 2024-2027 term, please make sure to complete an application which requires a MOU by December 31st. To learn more about the committee process, visit


NAAE Virtual Committee Meetings for January:

  • Advocacy in Agricultural Education - Tuesday, January 23, 2024, 6:30 p.m. ET
  • Financial Review - Thursday, January 25, 2024, 6:30 p.m. ET
  • Member Experience - Wednesday, January 24, 2024, 6:30 p.m. ET
  • Professional Development Thursday, January 18, 2024, 6:30 p.m. ET
  • Teacher Recruitment, Retention, and Recognition - Monday, January 22, 2024, 6:30 p.m. ET
Apply Here!

NAAE in Phoenix, Arizona

NAAE members and guests had a wonderful week in Phoenix, Arizona celebrating the award winners, conducting the business of our organization, electing new leadership, attending professional development workshops and being with colleagues.

2023 NAAE Convention by the Numbers

  • 875 registered attendees
  • 18 NAAE Sponsors and Partners made the NAAE Convention possible
  • 61 agricultural educator award winners recognized
  • 12 regional citation award recipients recognized
  • 2579.5 hours professional development awarded 
  • 89 professional development workshops offered
  • 12 middle/high/post-secondary school programs recognized
  • 17 past National NAAE Officers in attendance 
  • 91 preservice teachers attended, representing 14 institutions 
  • 37 early career teachers participated in the Teachers Turn the Key program, earning 444 hours of professional development 
  • 20 mid-career teachers participated in the XLR8 program, earning 240 hours of professional development 
  • 19 mid-career teachers participated in the XLR8 2.0 program, earning 57 hours of professional development 
  • 75 pre-service teachers participated in the Future Agriscience Teacher Symposium, earning 1050 hours of professional development 
  • 62 former National Agriscience Teacher Ambassador Academy participants attended the National Agriscience Teacher Symposium, earning 186 hours of professional development
  • 23 partners participated in the Members and Partners Reception, attended by more than 500 members. 27 door prizes were given away to members who participated in the reception
  • 200 total delegates 
  • $8061 raised for the Ag Ed Relief Fund

Post Convention Photo Folder 

Check out the #NAAE23 photos for a full gallery of images from the week in Phoenix. The folder contains photos from every angle of convention including the state photos, professional development sessions, general sessions and more. You can download and use photos directly from the Dropbox link provided. You do not need a Dropbox account to access the photos.

NAAEC Photo Folder

NAAE Convention

Digital Welcome Bag & Professional Development Certificate

Quick and easy access to the latest products, grants and information from our partners. You will also find information on how to access your NAAE Convention Professional Development Certificates. Those are now loaded in your MyNAAE account.

Digital Welcome Bag

Meet the 2023-2024 NAAE

Board of Directors and Regional Secretaries

2023-2024 NAAE Board of Directors

President - Eric Tilleman, MT

President-Elect - Bill Newsom, TN

Region I Vice President - Kyle Stapleton, ID

Region II Vice President - Cameron Dale, OK

Region III Vice President - Paul Aarsvold, MN

Region IV Vice President - Jeff Voris, MO

Region V Vice President - Nelson McCracken, GA

Region VI Vice President - Aaron Geiman, MD

Past President - Deanna Schnuck, MO

Chief Executive Officer - Alissa Smith

2023-2024 NAAE Regional Secretaries 

Region I Secretary - Sharon Metzger, AZ

Region II Secretary - Lauren Emerson, LA

Region III Secretary - Desi Severance, ND

Region IV Secretary - John Hammond, KY

Region V Secretary - Ruby McCracken, GA

Region VI Secretary - Darla Romberger, PA

Save the Date for the 2024 NAAE Convention!

Join us December 3-7, 2024 in San Antonio, Texas for the 2024 NAAE Convention! More details to come. #NAAE24

September/October Edition of The Agricultural Education Magazine

Enrollment for 2024 State Teach Ag Results (STAR) Program is Open!

The NAAE STAR program offers in-kind and tailored support to states to recruit, retain, and recognize highly qualified and diverse agriculture teachers. Enrollment for the 2024 STAR program is underway.

Interested in becoming a STAR State? Learn more by completing the 2024 Enrollment Form.

2024 NAAE STAR Enrollment Form 

Valuables Vault 

A vault is where we keep our most prized possessions and the things that are valued most. The Valuables Vault in the By Choice Newsletter is designed to equip teachers with jewels and valuable tools to help them carry onward in the profession. The Valuables Vault will highlight information, tips, and tricks that hold value in agricultural educators' professional and personal lives. 

Unlock the Potential of the Month

The winter months are here. The winter season can also mean the season of sickness. It always seems easier to go to school ill rather than create sub plans. Take some time to prepare a sub folder created to ensure that you can take care of yourself. What should you have in a sub folder? Check out this great resource for sub folder essentials here!

Combination to Happiness

Celebrate making it through the first half of the year with your favorite meal prepared by yourself, a family member, or your favorite restaurant. Make a plan and schedule an evening to enjoy your comfort meal. You deserve it. Nourishing your body is the ultimate form of self-care.  

Follow My Local Cooperative on Social Media 

Make sure you are following the NAAE My Local Cooperative social media platforms for agriculture cooperative career profiles, agriculture cooperative facts and ways to access My Local Cooperative workshops, toolkits and grants. You can follow My Local Cooperative on Facebook and Twitter.

Click Here to Gain Access to the My Local Cooperative Learning Modules

My Local Cooperative is an initiative of the National Association of Agricultural Educators with funding support from the CHS Foundation.

Partner Spotlight

Thank you BASF for your commitment to advancing agriculture through your investment in agricultural education.

Check out BASF and their initiatives to ensure a diverse and inclusive agriculture industry.

Visit BASF


December 25-January 1- NAAE Office Closed for Holiday

January 15 - NAAE Office Closed for Martin Luther King Jr. Day

February 1 - NAAE Committee Leadership Training @ 6:30 pm EST

February 9-11 - NAAE Board of Directors Meeting (Lexington, Kentucky)

March 22-24 - Region VI Conference (Hershey, Pennsylvania)

November 2023 Impact and Engagement Overview 

On ALL NAAE Social Media accounts:

NAAE posts reached 242,000 users.

NAAE posts were shared 502 times.

21 email campaigns were sent totaling 15,702 unique sends with an average 54% open rate.

The National Association of Agricultural Educators is a federation of state agricultural educators' associations with more than 9,500 members. NAAE members are involved in school-based agricultural education at any level, from middle school through postsecondary, and state and national agricultural education leadership.

NAAE is committed to advancing, in our organization and communities, inclusion, diversity and equity. The choice to create a just and equitable organization is not accidental. We intentionally prioritize fostering an inclusive environment that ensures people are respected and valued. We are committed to creating and supporting programs and policies that build an organization that values open communication and is respectful of differences.

National Association of Agricultural Educators | #TeachAg |

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