Thank You For Celebrating National #TeachAg Day

The National #TeachAg Day Celebration was held in Portland, Oregon on September 21, 2023. We are so thankful that so many of you were able to celebrate the BEST. CAREER. EVER! Thank you CHS Foundation for partnering with us to encourage others to teach school-based agriculture and recognize the important role that agriculture teachers play in our schools and communities.

To celebrate, NAAE distributed 100 #TeachAg Agent Lesson Plans in a Box and 36 collegiate and state association and celebration kits. The impact of both kits are expected to reach over 20,174 students, teachers, pre service teaches, post secondary educators, and agricultural education supporters.

The National #TeachAg Day Webcast was held at the Sabin-Schellenberg Professional Technical Center in Milwaukie, Oregon. A huge thank you to Kathy Mayfield, the North Clackamas Agriculture Program & FFA Chapter, and the Broadcasting and Journalism students for assisting in making this event happen. The webcast was viewed in over 1500 classrooms, offices, homes, and other digital platforms across the nation. Didn't get to tune into the webcast? View the archived version.

A Future Agriscience Teacher Symposium was held in conjuction with the celebration. 11 pre-service educators representing 8 institutions participated in the 2023 NAAE National #TeachAg Day Future Agriscience Teacher (FAST) Symposium. FAST is professional devleopment experience for pre-service students which provides customized professional development, networking, and mentoring with current and future agricultural educators from across the country. FAST is sponsored by the CHS Foundation, Corteva Agriscience, BASF, Bayer, and Growth Energy.   

Join us for the 2024 National #TeachAg Day Celebration, Thursday, September 19, 2024

$75 for 75 Campaign

Donate $75 to NAAE and recognize a person or program who has impacted you through agricultural education or NAAE. Learn more.

In 1948, the world looked a lot different than it does now.

President Harry S. Truman signed Executive Order 9981, ending racial segregation in the U.S. Armed Forces.

The first polaroid camera went on sale at the Boston Jordan Marsh department store in Massachusetts.

The average loaf of bread cost just 14 cents, and average annual wages for Americans was $2,950.

At the American Vocational Association convention in Milwaukee, agricultural educators met and formed the National Vocational Agriculture Teachers’ Association.

From this first meeting, NVATA (now known as NAAE) has been a grassroots organization dedicated to the professional development of agricultural educators across the United States. 

We salute the initiative taken by that group of agricultural educators all those years ago. Their decision to form a professional organization has benefited thousands of agriculture teachers over the decades. We’re celebrating NAAE’s 75th anniversary this year with several special events.

75th Anniversary Celebration at NAAE Convention

We’ll be celebrating our 75th anniversary at a special event in Phoenix during this year’s NAAE convention. Stay tuned to learn more and purchase tickets to attend!

"Throwback Thursdays"

on NAAE Social Media

Keep an eye on our social media accounts every Thursday through the end of the year for callbacks to an earlier era. Have your own special memories you’d like to share? Tag our social media accounts so we can enjoy!

Ready to Commit $75 for 75 Years of NAAE? Click Here!

NAAE at the 96th National FFA Convention and Expo

NAAE Agriscience Learning Labs- Rm 145, ICC

Be sure to check out the NAAE Agriscience Learning Labs, sponsored by Corteva Agriscience on Wednesday, November 1, Thursday, November 2, and Friday, November 3. 

View the Complete Schedule of Labs Here

Educator's Lounge- Rm 210, ICC

Need a place to sit down and catch your breath while at the National FFA Convention and Expo? Be sure to visit the NAAE Educators Lounge powered by the CHS Foundation. We welcome you to relax and recharge in our educators only lounge area, grab an Ag Teacher Wellness Pack, re-energize with light refreshments, and a charging station.

ACTE Spotlight: Applications Available for Perkins Innovation and Modernization Grant Program

The Department of Education’s Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education (OCTAE) has posted a noticeinviting applications for new FY 2023 awards from the Perkins Innovation and Modernization Grant Program for their Career-Connected High Schools program. Approximately $24 million is available for these competitive grants from funding allocated to the Perkins Act’s National Programs line item in the FY 2023 appropriations bill. 

Applications must be submitted by October 13, 2023

Learn More About the Grant Opportunity 

Register for the 2023 NAAE Convention

Don't forget to select Agricultural Education under the the Field of Specialization when registering!


Valuables Vault 

A vault is where we keep our most prized possessions and the things that are valued most. The Valuables Vault in the By Choice Newsletter is designed to equip teachers with jewels and valuable tools to help them carry onward in the profession. The Valuables Vault will highlight information, tips, and tricks that hold value in agricultural educators' professional and personal lives. 

Unlock the Potential of the Month

Tired of always waiting in long lines with "hangry" students? Make reservations for your students at restaurants ahead of time during the National FFA Convention. Most restaurants know that the convention is happening and prefer a heads up on large parties. Call ahead to make the best use of your time at National FFA Convention.  

Check out these moderately priced restaurants near the convention center and give them a call.

Make Reservations Ahead of Time Here

Combination to Happiness

During a very difficult season we often notice all of the things we would like to do better next time. This month, try writing five positive things about yourself. It could be about a recent accomplishment, a task that you were hesitant to mark off of your to-do list, or you've finally found the perfect school lunch on the go.

Either way, practice some self compassion and find the joy in all of the unique qualities that make you who you are.

Follow My Local Cooperative on Social Media 

Make sure you are following the NAAE My Local Cooperative social media platforms for agriculture cooperative career profiles, agriculture cooperative facts and ways to access My Local Cooperative workshops, toolkits and grants. You can follow My Local Cooperative on Facebook and Twitter.

Click Here to Gain Access to the My Local Cooperative Learning Modules

My Local Cooperative is an initiative of the National Association of Agricultural Educators with funding support from the CHS Foundation.

Partner Spotlight

Learn More About Opportunities with Lincoln Electric 


November 1-4- NAAE Educators Lounge and #TeachAg Booth at National FFA Convention

November 1-4- NAAE Teacher Workshops in ICC 145 at National FFA Convention. View the list of NAAE offered workshops here.

November 28- December 3- NAAE Convention, Phoenix, Arizona

August 2023 Impact and Engagement Overview 

On ALL NAAE Social Media accounts:

NAAE posts reached 101,000 users.

NAAE posts were shared 207 times.

13 email campaigns were sent totaling 39,101 unique sends with an average 48% open rate.

The National Association of Agricultural Educators is a federation of state agricultural educators' associations with more than 9,500 members. NAAE members are involved in school-based agricultural education at any level, from middle school through postsecondary, and state and national agricultural education leadership.

NAAE is committed to advancing, in our organization and communities, inclusion, diversity and equity. The choice to create a just and equitable organization is not accidental. We intentionally prioritize fostering an inclusive environment that ensures people are respected and valued. We are committed to creating and supporting programs and policies that build an organization that values open communication and is respectful of differences.

National Association of Agricultural Educators | #TeachAg |

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