Hello. Season is in full swing and NABOR® is keeping busy providing classes, services and products to support your business. Please make note of the following valuable presentations.
Feb 7 – MLS Learning Lab: Learn how to create and edit a listing
Feb. 10 – Lunch and Learn: Surviving Condo Sales
Feb. 14 – NABOR® Sales Contract Training
Feb. 20 – FR/BAR Contract Training
Feb. 24 – NABOR® Listing Contract Training
Feb. 28 – Year-End Real Estate Market Conference
Board Motions:
MOTION: Made, seconded, and carried that the Board of Directors of the Naples Area Board of REALTORS® and Association of Real Estate Professionals, Inc. (NABOR®) approve all Board of Director members to attend MLS Committee and Budget and Finance Committee meeting every month by zoom, off camera, with no permission required from the chair.
MOTION: Made, seconded, and carried that the Board of Directors of the Naples Area Board of REALTORS® and Association of Real Estate Professionals, Inc. (NABOR®) approve the Professional Standards Committee names submitted.
MOTION: Made, seconded and carried that MLS Committee recommends to, and the Board of Directors of the Naples Area Board of REALTORS® and Association of Real Estate Professionals, Inc. (NABOR®) to allow SDE (Sold Comp) listings to be distributed in the IDX data feeds.
MOTION: Made, seconded, and carried that the Board of Directors of the Naples Area Board of REALTORS® and Association of Real Estate Professionals, Inc. (NABOR®) approve sending the MLS of Naples listing data, to RPR for distribution on their platform. This agreement can be cancelled at any time.
MOTION: Made, seconded, and carried that the Board of Directors of the Naples Area Board of REALTORS® and Association of Real Estate Professionals, Inc. (NABOR®) approve creation of a task force, in MLS, to review and recommend a policy dealing with the fines procedures and a policy dealing with the waiver process. The task force members are not limited to the current committee members.
MOTION: Made, seconded, and carried that the Board of Directors of the Naples Area Board of REALTORS® and Association of Real Estate Professionals, Inc. (NABOR®) approve conducting the required reforecasting for tax purposes, however only reforecast the dues amounts, and document the board approved committee budget modifications, and provide this report to the Board of Directors.
MOTION: Made, seconded, and carried that the Board of Directors of the Naples Area Board of REALTORS® and Association of Real Estate Professionals, Inc. (NABOR®) approve creation a task force regarding the Costa Rica Ambassador program with NABOR. Treasurer Wright and Director Davidow Co-Chair it.