July 2021
In this Issue:
  • Jeff Corwin Receives 2021 Distinguished Service Award from NABT
  • Early Bird Registration Ends July 31
  • Last Call for NABT Papers & Posters
  • Sponsor Spotlight: Biology Demo and Q&A with Pivot Interactives
  • NABT Names Enya Granados Outstanding New Biology Teacher
  • CSSS and Flinn Release Updated Safety Documents
  • Quantitative Biology @ Community Colleges (QB@CC) Announces New Opportunites
  • Reminder: NABT Membership Sale
Jeff Corwin Receives 2021 Distinguished Service Award from NABT

The National Association of Biology Teachers (NABT) is proud to announce that Jeff Corwin, American biologist and wildlife conservationist, has been named the recipient of the 2021 NABT Distinguished Service Award for Enhancing Education through Biological Research.
“For over 20 years, Jeff invited us to tag along on his adventures, where he introduced us to animals, ecosystems, and scientists,” said Dr. Julie Angle, president of NABT. She added “He also helped raise awareness about issues that affect Earth’s animals, from the microscopic viruses that are causing cancer in sea turtles to the global threats of species extinction brought on by climate change. He has inspired and educated millions of viewers, and is so deserving of this award”
The NABT Distinguished Service Award was established in 1988, to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the association. This award recognizes individuals who have made significant contributions to biology education through their research, writing, and teaching. Notable recipients include Lynn Margulis, Francis Collins, E.O. Wilson, Sean Carroll, Neil Shubin, Rita Colwell, Temple Grandin, and Bonnie Bassler.
“The challenges we face to protect our global natural heritage are unprecedented. Our pathway to a biologically rich and healthy earth will only be achieved through stewardship, ingenuity, grit and science! Real science! Today’s biology students will be tomorrow’s explorers, scientists and conservation heroes. A robust scientific education will be paramount to their success because we are the last generation to salvage our wild planet! As someone who has always enjoyed greatly sharing the wonders of the natural world with students of all ages, I am honored and humbled to be recognized by this incredible award,” wrote Jeff regarding his award.
Jeff Corwin is a leader in conservation, recognized through his work as a television host, producer, journalist, author, explorer, and wildlife biologist. For nearly three decades, Jeff has been telling stories of wildlife and nature to a global audience through his many celebrated television series on ABC, NBC, CNN, Travel Channel, Food Network, Disney Channel, and Discovery Networks. Jeff’s television work has been awarded with multiple Emmys and the top broadcast industry awards.
Jeff is currently executive producing and presenting a new, groundbreaking television series debuting on a major network in October 2021. This incredible series will explore the remarkable story of wildlife conservation while highlighting heroes working to save endangered species and wilderness. The details about this exciting TV series will be revealed in September 2021.  

Beyond television, Jeff’s acclaimed NBC documentary and book, 100 Heartbeats, engaged both the readers and broadcast audience in the 21st Century plight of endangered species. Jeff is the author of 10 other books on wildlife and nature, including Living on the Edge, Amazing Relationships in the Nature World. 
Jeff's education includes Bachelor of Science degrees in Anthropology and Biology from Bridgewater State University and a Master of Wildlife and Fisheries of Conservation from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Jeff is the recipient of numerous Honorary Doctorate Degrees in Education and Environmental Science.  
His lifelong global exploration, academic training, and partnerships with top scientists allow Jeff access to the compelling stories from the battlefront of conservation. He has been striving to change the world one species at a time and leave a vital legacy for future generations. 
As Jeff reiterated, "We cannot protect what we do not cherish, and we will not cherish what we do not know."
The NABT Distinguished Service Award will be presented to Jeff Corwin at the 2021 NABT Professional Development Conference in Atlanta, Georgia. After the award presentation, Jeff will be the closing general session speaker on Saturday, November 13th at 4:00 PM Eastern.
Early Bird Registration Ends July 31

Early-bird registration for the 2021 NABT Professional Development Conference ends on July 31st, so you only have a few more days to Register & Save. In addition to a great program, your registration also includes a boxed lunch so you can take a break to visit the exhibit hall, network with your colleagues at Level Lunches (previously Section Luncheons), or find a quiet space and really take a break (or nap).

But wait, there's more! If you need more motivation to register, the NABT Program Agenda is now online. Get a sneak peek at all the great sessions and speakers (like Anne Schuchat and Jeff Corwin). Details are being updated frequently, and expect more special workshops, symposiums, more speakers to be posted in the coming weeks.

If you act now, you'll also be able to quickly add tickets to our amazing field trip (get hint here) and a truly magical Saturday Night Adventure.

It's easy to register for the 2021 NABT Conference by July 31st. Just go online or download the 2021 Registration Form.

NABT will continue to offer discounts for groups of three or more individuals registering with a single payment. We're defining "group" very loosely (one payment transaction), so gather your bio bunch to register and save together.

Contact NABT at for details.

Last Call for NABT Papers & Posters

This special symposium invites everyone from all levels of biology and life science teaching to share your work on inclusive teaching in life science education during the 2nd Annual NABT Inclusive Teaching Symposium. This session will be presented as a free online event on Friday, December 3rd from 4:00pm to 6:00pm Eastern.

The deadline for papers is August 1st, and you can learn more at 2021 Inclusive Teaching Symposium. Proceedings and the recording for the 2021 Symposium are available here.

NABT invites both faculty and students to present their work in research and teaching at the 2021 Biology Education Poster Session. This event will occur as part of the 2021 NABT Conference being held in Atlanta, Georgia from November 11-14, 2021. 

Posters highlight practices, programs, and research in three distinct categories: general strategies for teaching biology, scholarship of teaching, and mentored student research. Posters presented by students are eligible for two competitions, and students and advisers are strongly encouraged to review the 2021 rubrics before submission. 

The deadline for poster submission is August 15, 2021. Visit NABT Call for Posters for details.
Sponsor Spotlight
Biology Demo and Q&A with Pivot Interactives

Research shows students learn more when actively engaged rather than watching or listening. Pivot Interactives makes it easy for teachers to fill their classrooms with active learning. 

With Pivot Interactives, students learn lab skills and science content by interacting with real events. On our platform, you and your students escape the constraints of the traditional science lab with the ability to manipulate, measure, and observe otherwise inaccessible biology phenomena. 

Join us for a live demo and Q&A on Wednesday, August 11 at 3pm EST to learn how our biology activities can enhance your teaching and activate your students’ learning. Click to reserve your spot now.
NABT Names Enya Granados Outstanding New Biology Teacher

Enya Granados starts each unit in her biology curriculum the same way. Students watch a video highlighting a phenomenon, and that video becomes the basis for creating a discussion question board. She then designs her instructional approach for the unit to center on those questions and ideas. 

"I see a lot of gaps and opportunities in life science both in the representation of identities and curriculum. In my classroom, I use phenomena-based and storyline units that center real-world issues as a way to be culturally responsive," said Enya. She also asks her students to provide input about her lessons and practice, using surveys to collect feedback. As a result, Enya's students are highly engaged, and most importantly, they feel seen and heard.

This highly collaborative approach is just one reason why NABT is proud to award Enya Granados the 2021 Outstanding New Biology Teacher Achievement Award

Enya has been a high school science teacher for only three years, but her teaching career started soon after entering college. She served as a teaching assistant for three years, and during her sophomore year, she completed an internship at the University of Wisconsin–Madison’s Summer Education Research Program (SERP). During her junior year she completed another internship, this time at the University of Georgia’s Undergraduate Biology Education Research (UBER) program. She was also the founder of Heidelberg University’s first Latinx organization, Berg Latinx Unidos.

Upon graduating from Heidelberg University in Tiffin, Ohio with a BS in Biology and Education in 2018, Enya started her first position at Russell County High School in Seale, Alabama. While at Russell she taught Pre-AP Biology, Biology, and Environmental Science. She then moved to Alabama Connections Academy, where she teaches Biology and is co-sponsor for the Gay Straight Alliance (GSA).

In addition to her classroom teaching, Enya is currently pursuing her Masters of Education at Auburn University. She is also a Knowles Teaching Fellow, an active member of the NABT community, volunteer at the Kresher Preserve and Nature Center, knitter, swimmer, friend, partner, and main cuddler of her chihuahua.

"My future goals are to become a teacher leader within nationwide organizations and within my school to help schools and teachers become more anti-racist and inclusive by making spaces and opportunities for teachers (and students) to talk and work together," said Enya. "I have so much more learning and growing to do, and am excited for what the future might hold".

Congratulations again to Enya Granados, winner of the 2021 Outstanding New Biology Teacher Achievement Award. She will be honored with other NABT Awardees at the NABT Professional Development Conference being held in Atlanta in November. 
The NABT Outstanding New Biology Teacher Achievement Award is sponsored by
the Neil A. Campbell Educational Trust and
CSSS and Flinn Release Updated Safety Documents

The Council of State Science Supervisors (CSSS) in conjunction with the safety professionals at Flinn Scientific Inc., have updated the former CSSS safety documents into digital formats and modernized these three individual resources for use by educators across the USA.

CSSS is the only professional science organization whose members have direct accountability to the government agencies given the constitutional authority for education. Within their own jurisdictions, each of these supervisors plays a key role in directing efforts at improving school science and to ensure excellence and equity in science education.

With the increasing emphasis on ‘hands-on / minds-on inquiry’ instruction at all grade levels in the multiple science education frameworks that exist across the various states as a baseline for scientific investigation and courses of study, it becomes more incumbent upon science teachers to be as knowledgeable as possible about laboratory safety issues and their own responsibilities and accountabilities.  

The objective of these documents is to provide a handy, concise safety reference guidance resource for science and STEM teachers, primarily at the elementary/middle school (K-8) and secondary (9–12) level. 

More information and sustained references are available at

Contact Flinn for the necessary safety resources, additional professional learning opportunities, and the products you need to offer the safest and most comprehensive science and STEM program possible. Investigate their wide assortment of science and STEM solutions for your students at
Quantitative Biology @ Community Colleges (QB@CC) Announces New Opportunities

The QB@CC project is pleased to announce new opportunities to participate in developing and using quantitative biology modules. Community college mathematics, statistics, and life sciences faculty are invited to apply for an Incubator or the Faculty Mentoring Network
Incubators are a wonderful way to develop an educational module with colleagues with a little logistical support from a facilitator. Incubator modules are published as OERs, providing the authors with a citation as well as a new resource. The Incubator application can be accessed from here.
Incubator applications are due August 22, 2021.
Faculty Mentoring Networks (FMNs) are for faculty who would like to implement new quantitative biology modules in their classrooms. FMN participants work with a mentor and a peer community to learn more about teaching quantitative skills as they implement modules in their classrooms. The FMN application can be accessed from here.
FMN applications are due September 10, 2021.
Learn more about these opportunities at
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NABT Summer Sale
Use code Thanks-To-You
to save 25% on your NABT membership until August 31st.

November 11 - 14, 2021
Atlanta, Georgia

NABT logoware is now available from Lands’ End.
P.O. Box 3363
Warrenton, VA 20188
Phone: (888) 501-NABT 
Are you hosting a workshop?
Use our easy online form to order free items from NABT such as copies of ABT, membership coupons, and other NABT merchandise.
Notices that appear in News & Views are announcements only and do not indicate an endorsement by NABT. Permission is granted by the National Association of Biology Teachers for libraries and other users to make reproductions for their own or their client's personal, noncommercial, or internal use. 

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