During Tuesday morning's General Session, Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)
Matt Lohr addressed attendees, where he talked about the importance of collaboration and recognizing every individual when it comes to creating conversation and taking action. He recognized the hard work of conservation districts and the crucial role that public service plays in creating change.
"Every person matters,"
Lohr said. "Figure out how you can go above and beyond in every day challenges and encounters."
Lohr also joined
NACD President Tim Palmer in presenting the 2019 Earth Team Award to the
Virginia Dare Soil and Water Conservation District from Chesapeake, Va.
In addition to Lohr's address,
Professor Barry Perryman from the University of Nevada-Reno welcomed the general session audience with advice on moving past their comfort zones and looking at challenges from different angles.
"Surround yourself with people who are going to help you be successful,"
he said.
During Tuesday's Board of Directors meeting, NACD's Board of Directors elected
Michael Crowder of West Richland, Wash., to serve as the association's president-elect.
Crowder will serve a one-year term as president-elect alongside Palmer. He previously served as the organization's first vice president and was elected to the NACD Officer team in 2017 as second vice president.
“Locally-led conservation is the backbone of conservation delivery,”
Crowder said
. “It’s an honor to be selected by my fellow district officials to represent and advance conservation work at the national level for farmers, ranchers and my fellow conservationists.”
Last night, NACD recognized winners of its national service awards at the association's annual Appreciation Banquet.
“There are so many people doing great work every day in the name of conservation,”
NACD President Tim Palmer said
. “It’s an honor to be able to recognize them for their dedication.”
Palmer and Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)
Matt Lohr
presented the National Conservation Planning Partnership (NCPP)’s Hugh Hammond Bennett Awards for Conservation Excellence.
David Daigle
of Radley, La., received the award for producers in recognition of his innovative conservation efforts on his land.
Emma Chow
of Santa Maria, Calif., received the award for conservation planning, in honor of her over 10 years working one-on-one with farmers and ranchers to help them improve and protect their land.
Chief Lohr and President Palmer also presented the NACD/NRCS Olin Sims Conservation Leadership Award to
Robby Bevis
of Scott, Ark., for his extensive leadership ensuring conservation-minded farming techniques throughout the state of Arkansas are in good partnership with nature.
Tony Dean
of Dean Farms Cover Crop Sales and Service in Bryan, Ohio, received the 2019 NACD Friend of Conservation Award for their contributions to conserving the nation’s natural resources. The Deans work closely with
Williams Soil and Water Conservation District
, even offering to host their annual field Technology Day when the district’s budget had been cut.
The 2019 NACD Distinguished Service Award recipient,
Angela Ehlers
, is the executive director for the South Dakota Association of Conservation Districts (SDACD). Ehlers has been dedicated to the conservation mission for over 38 years. Her work for SDACD has made an outstanding difference in furthering conservation efforts in South Dakota.
The 2019 NACD President’s Award was presented to
Jim Harreld
of Madison, Miss. Harreld is a lifetime member of Friends of NACD and has recently served as the NACD Southeast Region Executive Board Member.
The National Conservation District Employees Association (NCDEA) also presented annual awards yesterday, recognizing
Anita Cowan
Marshall County Soil and Water Conservation District
, Miss., as the 2019 Outstanding Conservation District Board Member and
Celia Miller
Madison County Soil and Water Conservation District
, Miss., as the 2019 Outstanding Conservation District Employee.
- Today's Conservation Innovation Symposium and Urban Agriculture Conservation Symposium both begin at 8:30 a.m.
NACD Offices Closed Next Monday for Presidents Day
NACD's offices will be closed next
Monday, Feb. 17, for Presidents Day.
Tuesday's General Session Features
Panels on
Conservation Innovation
Tuesday morning's General Session featured two panels on conservation innovation.
The first panel, "Investing in Conservation Innovation," featured (pictured above from left to right) Ecosystem Services Market Consortium (ESMC) Executive Director
Debbie Reed as the panel's moderator; panelists
Dr. LaKisha Odom, Foundation Food and Agriculture Research (FFAR) Scientific Program Director;
Amy Saltzman, Walton Family Foundation (WFF) Program Officer; and
Dave Gagner, National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) Senior Director of Government Relations. .
The second panel, "Industry Pathways to Conservation Innovation," featured (pictured from left to right) Field to Market Vice President, Science and Research
Allison Thomas as moderator;
Jason Weller, Land O’Lakes SUSTAIN Truterra Senior Director of Sustainability;
Ryan Sirolli, Cargill Global Row Crop Sustainability Director; and
Jeff Hanratty, General Mills Applied Sustainability Manager.
Both panels highlighted the importance of collaboration between public and private partners across industries.
"You need partnerships and people who understand the land in any region,"
said Sirolli.
Following this year's meeting theme of conservation innovation, both panels discussed how conversations around conservation are evolving and changing.
"Conservation isn't something to dust off in the attic,"
Weller said. "It means 'together we serve and protect,' and there's nothing old and dusty about that."
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With this week winding down, please don't forget to take our Annual Meeting survey, so we can get your feedback on what you thought of this year's meeting and how we can make future meetings even better!