July 2022

is a diverse group of volunteer trade professionals dedicated to helping you develop export sales and thus contribute to the National Export Program.

We are successful exporters, accountants, lawyers, freight forwarders, bankers, trade professionals, academics, and members of local government. We pool our knowledge to provide a source of professional real-world advice to businesses and to California’s international trade community.

This trade expertise complements the U.S. Commercial Service’s export promotion work.
Fred Latuperissa NADEC Board Member, California Inland Empire Representative
The California’s Inland Empire region has a very diverse industry base, and it’s well-represented on our DEC. For example, we have 3 education exporters (MSJC, UCR, CSUSB), several travel and tourism members, including representatives of two Native American tribes and the region’s primary Destination Marketing Organization (Discover Inland Empire), and other important industry sectors, such as aerospace, safety/security and energy. Five of our members are past E Award recipients, and several others were recognized with other export awards.

CIEDEC members have a long history of serving on the National DEC. We were proud to host the National DEC Conference back in 2008 which took place in Palm Springs.
California Inland Empire DEC Committee Members
Current focus:

Part of the recent focus is to accelerate regional export sales by assisting companies with established domestic operations to improve international competencies. To that extent, we piloted the CIEDEC Mentorship Program.

We also actively utilize social media, our own internal network, and work closely with the CS Ontario/Inland Empire, to disseminate the trade intel to regional businesses. In addition, our members actively participate in local speaking engagements.
Legislative efforts – This year, CIEDEC joined other California-based DECs in sending a letter to the White House in support of the supply chain efficiency.

Upcoming project: CAL-MEX Aerospace Expo, September 22, 2022.

For more information about this chapter, please contact:
Fred Latuperissa, NADEC Board Member
National DEC Webinars

Exciting webinars are planned for this fall!

  • September 8--Jim Bartlett, “What to do when the Feds Break Down Your Door!”
  • September 14--"Untangling the Supply Chain" with David Day, Co-Chair of NADEC Trade & Policy Committee
  • October – TBD--Benefits of Membership in local DEC’s
  • November 13 – DEC Chair Networking Panel – Best Practices / Biggest Challenges to local DEC’s

Local DEC Events
Please share your local DEC events with the NADEC Network!

Send event details to Heidi Whitman, NADEC Admin Coordinator
& Urszula Wojciechowska, Co-Chair, Communications Committee, Newsletter Editor

Recordings of previous webinars can be found here
July 27, 2022, 1:30 p.m. EDT

  • Do you pay duties on your imports?
  • Do you use the components that you import in a product that you export?
  • Do you want a refund from US Customs?

If the answers to all the above are “yes” then you should know about Duty Drawback.
Come to Trade Chat July 27 at 1:30pm to hear more.

Export Compliance Basics Webinar 
August 10, 2022, 10:00 a.m. EDT

The U.S. Commercial Service, New Jersey District Export Council (NJDEC) and the Bureau of Industry & Security (BIS) are pleased to offer an informative and timely webinar outlining the basics of what you need to know concerning export controls.

You are responsible for the items you export, who you sell them to, and where you sell them - not your freight forwarder. If you export to a restricted country or person, or for a restricted end use, you are held accountable.

Educate yourself so you are aware of the regulations concerning exporting. This seminar is for ALL EXPORTERS - Don't think this topic doesn't affect you because you export a non-technical product - export controls affect everyone!

Getting Goods to Market: Logistics
August 11, 2022, 4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. EDT

This webinar will address the current state of affairs in the international transportation of goods: Understanding bottlenecks (labor/space/equipment shortages, longshoreman contracts); Managing shipping costs/timelines; Preparing for the “new normal” in global supply chains. Brought to you by the Oregon DEC and US Commercial Service..

Jonathan Berndt brings more than 21 years of supply chain logistics experience to his District Manager role with Expeditors Int’l of Washington
Justin Miller, Air Export Manager, Expeditors
Kevin Postlewait, Senior Manager, Import Services, Expeditors

Moderator: Richard Biggs
Q: kelly,holloway@trade.gov

Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) Exports Compliance Webinar
October 5 - 6, 4:15 p.m. EST

This export compliance webinar is a two-day program bringing together experts from the Census Bureau, Bureau of Industry and Security, and the South Florida District Export Council to provide training on export filing requirements.

All of those who are involved in the export process should plan to attend this invaluable event:
• U.S. Principal Parties in Interest (USPPI), including Manufacturers and Suppliers
• Export Compliance Managers
• Freight Forwarders
• Exporting Carriers
• Consolidators
• U.S. Customs Brokers
• Compliance Software Providers

This is a virtual event. Instructions for participation will be provided to registrants in a separate email. Questions? Please Contact: U.S. Commercial Service – South Florida
Email: officemiami@trade.gov

Register here on EventBrite for this essential training!
Could not join us for the Spring Conference in DC?

More than 25 respected experts led interactive workshops, panel discussions, and individual presentations, providing in-depth analysis of an array of issues and challenges facing NADEC members today. 

NADEC highly recommends viewing the videos from the conference HERE.

Update on the UK-US Transatlantic Dialogue
The past month has seen continued momentum behind the transatlantic trade agenda, with the fifth US-UK SME Dialogue having taken place in Boston, MA, and legislative efforts to advance US-UK trade negotiations. June also marked the successful launch of the 2022 SelectUSA Summit, the largest Summit yet. 
From the U.S. Department of Commerce
 Building Bridges to Global Markets Event Series
July 27 – August 25, 2022

The U.S. Commercial Service’s Building Bridges to Global Markets brings no-cost, in-person exporting expertise to your community. Addressing issues most common to diverse businesses seeking international sales expansion, this series of events will introduce reliable contacts, accurate information, and ready-to-use resources that will place you firmly on the road to exporting success. There are 5 confirmed events beginning July 27 and ending August 25 – Wilkes-Barre, PA; Baltimore, MD; Jackson, MS; Houston, TX; Cleveland, OH. T

Discover Global Markets (DGM) : A New Age in Ocean Technology, Sustainability & Logistics

September 20 - 22, 2022, Providence, RI

DGM is our signature national domestic trade event. It is an industry focused multifaceted program which will provide one-of-a-kind opportunities for U.S. companies.

This year DGM will be in Rhode Island and focused on the blue economy sector which includes:
Marine Renewables, Port Technology & Services, Ocean Science & Technology, Commercial Marine, Maritime Security & Defense.

• The Discover Global Markets (DGM) business development forum is the U.S. Department of Commerce's flagship event series for U.S. exporters. Thanks go to DGM sponsoring DECs: Connecticut DEC, East Michigan DEC, Mid-Atlantic DEC, New Jersey DEC, Northern Ohio DEC, Wisconsin DEC. Additional DECs very welcome and encouraged as sponsors.

• Many state economic development offices have exhausted their State Trade Expansion Program (STEP) grants. District Export Councils are stepping up to help local exporters by sponsoring attendance at the DGM. District Export Councils wishing to sponsor companies to attend receive a discounted/promotional rate of $495 for each attendee (versus the $645 for individual corporate registrants). Contact Judy Kornfeld (judy.kornfeld@trade.com) for details.

For DEC members who provide services to exporters, this event may be a perfect opportunity to connect to exporters from across the country. Please contact Laura Barmby for more details: Laura.Barmby@trade.gov

Currently there is representation from 23 states and 20+ countries, with the goal of over 30 states represented. This is truly a national as well as international event.

• We look forward to participation at the DGM by key U.S. Commerce Department officials including International Trade Administration (ITA) Under Secretary Marisa Lago and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Administrator Dr. Richard Spinrad. Nineteen Commercial Officers and Specialists will be in Providence to discuss opportunities.

• This DGM program includes a dynamic mix of plenary sessions, topical roundtables, prescheduled one-on-one meetings with U.S. commercial diplomats, buyers and ministry officials from key markets around the globe, and plenty of networking.
Note DEC Members!

DEC members interested in attending the DGM Forum may register at the discounted DEC member rate of $545.

In addition to program aspects available to all attendees, DEC members will be invited to participate in a regional DEC meeting on September 20th, where they will have the opportunity to network with DEC members from across the country. All DEC members will also be identified with a ribbon attached to their name badge.

Women in Tech Trade Mission to Europe
Women in Tech Trade Mission to The Netherlands, Portugal and France
October 30 – November 5, 2022

This trade mission will include stops in Amsterdam, Lisbon and Paris. U.S. firms and trade associations can connect with pre-screened business prospects in each of these European Tech hubs. 

There will also be networking opportunities with local government officials, industry leaders, plus U.S. companies already doing business in the region.

NADEC Ideas Corner

Questions Exporters Should be Asking About Protecting
Their Intellectual Property Abroad
David M. Roccio, MA DEC Member, July 2022

Businesses looking to expand or solidify their global footprint while maintaining critical intellectual property protections should consider international patent filing as part of their IP strategy. It can be an expensive, complicated, and time-sensitive endeavor, but well-informed decisions made early in the process can positively impact future filings and the trajectory of a business. Companies should take a holistic view of their business operations and consider the global IP landscape when strategizing on how to file abroad.

Below are questions that exporters should be asking when formulating an international IP strategy. For example:
My invention has been publicly disclosed or sold. Can I still file for patent protection? 
Most likely not. In most countries, a previous public disclosure or sale (intentional or not) is a bar, or barrier, to patentability. However, some countries may allow for a grace period, or a set amount of time, from the first public disclosure within which a patent application may still be filed. Any grace period allowed by a jurisdiction will start immediately upon the first public disclosure. Accordingly, it is important to identify such disclosures as soon as possible.

If you would like to share some thoughts with David, he can be reached at:

Feds give shippers new power to dispute ocean carrier charges
Advisory from Federal Maritime Commission signals shift in posture that ‘cannot be overestimated,’ according to US exporter group.
American Shipper, John Gallagher, July 14, 2022

New guidance issued by federal regulators aimed at fighting unreasonable ocean carrier charges is short on detail but long on historic importance, according to a U.S. exporter group.

The advisory enacts provisions of the Ocean Shipping Reform Act of 2022 (OSRA), signed into law last month, by providing a simplified process for container carrier customers who want the Federal Maritime Commission to investigate their complaints.

“Today is a landmark moment in the history of the Federal Maritime Commission and the U.S. shipping public,” said Peter Friedmann, Executive Director of the Agriculture Transportation Coalition (AgTC), in a statement. “The provisions in OSRA calling for informal processes to facilitate effective FMC enforcement are perfectly implemented in the Commission’s Industry Advisory today.”
BritishAmerican Business Welcomes Signing of Memorandum of Understanding Between the United Kingdom and the State of North Carolina

British American Business, Mazar Ahmed, July 20, 2022 

London - In response to the announcement that the British government and the State of North Carolina have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on trade and investment, BAB CEO Duncan Edwards said: 

"On behalf of our network of chapters and members across the UK and USA, BritishAmerican Business is pleased to see the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding on trade and investment between the United Kingdom and the state of North Carolina.

The UK and USA have an outstanding trade and investment relationship but there is always more that can be done to make it better. Agreements such as this are helpful in creating ways for businesses from both markets to fully understand the opportunities available to them as they plan their expansion across the Atlantic.”

Read the British government’s announcement here. 
Get more engaged!

Let's Increase DEC Member Engagement!

The NADEC National Committee has prepared a:

Introducing the Board of the NADEC

Shawn Levsen, 2022 NADEC Chair was pleased to introduce the NADEC Board Members attending the Annual NADEC Export Conference.” L-R: Levsen, Jonathan Szucs, Vice Chair, Mariano Parlato, Jason Risner, Communications Officer, Tom Dustman, Education Committee Co-Chair, Anne Burkett, Secretary, Tee Persad, Oz Erdem, Past Chair, Urszula Wojciechowska, Communications Committee Co-Chair, and Brenda Stelly.

Most of the NADEC Board was in attendance at the June National Conference, but some were not available for the photo.

All Board Members have special expertise in international trade and are dedicated to helping businesses across the nation develop global sales. Contact them if you have any questions or if they can be of any help.

Export resources to help you succeed globally
Country Commercial Guides * Export Webinars * Exporter's Resources Data Base

This publication has very useful trade information, all in one convenient place: articles, data, and links to help you develop international business.
Export‐U delivers the training you need to make profitable export sales. Our webinars show you how to find the best export markets for your goods and how to sell into them. And now, our all new Exporter’s Resource Database offers a wealth of trade information to help you succeed at exporting.
This is a free training website operated by the Georgia District Export Council and the U.S. Export Assistance Center in Atlanta.
