April/May 2023
In this edition:
  • 2023 Conference Agenda
  • May 10 Hill Day
  • NADEC Priorities
  • Access your legislator
  • Conference Sponsors

  • US Dept of Commerce & DEC Events
  • Ganing Access: Congress webinar
  • To help you export: Content Marketing:
Make your concerns heard! Join us for the DEC Visit to the HIll

Wednesday, May 10, 2023
Senate Visitors Center, SVC 212-10
7:45 a.m. – 11:45 a.m.
8:15 am Welcome to The Hill Breakfast - Jonathan Szucs, NADEC Chair
Special Remarks by the US Global Leadership Coalition

The objective of the NADEC Capitol Hill Day is to increase awareness and understanding among members of Congress regarding the importance of exports to the U.S. economy, including significance of securing new and improved market access.  Key committee staff from the following committees will speak to our group:
  • Panel Discussion with House and Senate Small Business Committee Staffs
  • Panel Discussion with House Ways & Means (Trade Sub-Committee) and House Agriculture Committee Staffs
  • Panel Discussion with Senate Finance Committee (International Trade Sub-Committee)
  • Conclusion
Members of Congress will periodically ‘stop by’ during the morning to make presentations focused on critical trade issues. 
Missed this important webinar?

"Gaining Access to Members of Congress"
NADEC Priorities to share on the Hill

Market Access is our #1 issue

Did you know that these firms substantially impact our economy and are dependent upon…

U.S. Global Competitiveness
·       China and the European Union each enjoy more than twice as much advantage from trade agreement tariff reductions than the U.S?[1]
·       The U.S. has 41 active Bilateral Investment Treaties while China has over 100?[2]
·       The U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement, signed in 2019, is our most-recent Free Trade Agreement and that China is actively negotiating eight new FTAs right now?[3]

Impact of Small Businesses
·       America’s small businesses export over $1 trillion each year?[4]
·       Two thirds of small exporters have fewer than five employees and three quarters have fewer than ten?[5]
·       42% of all small-employer businesses fit into SBA’s definition of ‘tradable industries’?[6]

Impact on Jobs
·       Over 9m jobs across the U.S. are supported by exports?[7]
·       Jobs supported by exports pay 18% more than the national average?[8]
·       6,000 new jobs are created for every $1b increase in U.S. goods exports?[9]

The Time for New Free Trade Agreements is NOW!

Potential markets include:
·       Taiwan, ·       United Kingdom, ·       European Union, ·       Kenya, ·       
Abraham Accords signatories, ·       Vietnam,·       Philippines

Check out the sources here
NADEC would like to thank the 2023 Spring Conference Corporate & DEC sponsors:
Global Risk Mitigation Foundation

Please share your local DEC events with the NADEC Network!

To submit an event for posting, fill in the form on the NADEC webiste here
Q: contact Heidi Whitman, NADEC Admin Coordinator
& Urszula Wojciechowska, Communications Officer

Recordings of previous webinars can be found here
World Trade Month
About Export Week
In celebration of World Trade Month, the U.S. Commercial Service will host a number of export sessions during the week of May 1-5, 2023!
The sessions, led by both private and public sector experts, will feature tradecraft programs and industry focused opportunities. Many of the programs are being offered free of charge and you can choose as many as you’d like to attend. Whether you are new-to-export or an experienced exporter, Export Week will provide valuable information on forward thinking strategies and invaluable resources to increase your global sales.

Doing Business with Africa Conference

4 May 2023
11:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. GMT

Location: Hotel Carmichael
1 Carmichael Square
Carmel, Indiana 46032

The African continent will experience the world’s fastest economic growth for the next quarter century. Rich in resources and opportunity, it will be home to more than half of the world’s population increase through 2050, while also demographically being its youngest.

Join us for a dynamic seminar on exploring trade opportunities between Indiana and the nations of Africa. Our keynote speakers and panelists bring a wealth of knowledge on African customs and commerce and how best to engage for long-term business success.

For more information contact: Andrew Reinke, [email protected]

12 May 2023
12:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. EST webinar

The Foreign-Produced Direct Product Rule (FDPR) was first implemented in 1959 to control transfers of foreign manufactured items made with U.S. technology for national security purposes, and the Rule remained largely stagnant until recent years.

Today, the FDPR has become a go-to tool for regulators to extend the reach of U.S. export controls far beyond our borders to cripple foreign production of and access to sensitive technologies. This trend famously began in 2020, when the FDPR was used to choke off Huawei’s supply of foreign-produced semiconductors. In early 2022, the FDPR was further expanded to encompass Russian and Belarussian entities and military end users, blocking access to a broad range of items, in an attempt to limit Russia’s military capabilities. Late 2022 saw perhaps the most impactful use of the FDPR, when a pair of companion rules was issued to significantly restrict China’s ability to access and produce advanced computing, semiconductor and supercomputing technology.

Most recently, in 2023, the FDPR was again used to target Russia’s military capabilities, adding restrictions on certain foreign-produced EAR99 items and adding restrictions against Iran, in an attempt to curb Iran’s production of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs, or drones) used by Russia.

Join us to learn about the expanded controls under the FDPR that are significantly impacting U.S. and foreign companies that are directly or indirectly doing business with China, Russia, Belarus and Iran. You will learn about how federal regulators are strategically using the FDPR, with an outlook for what may be next, including enforcement—April of 2023 saw the largest standalone administrative penalty ever issued by the Bureau of Industry and Security, which was for a FDPR violation (read more). You will also gain insight on compliance risk mitigation strategies for doing business in this complex, high-stakes and dynamic environment.   
What is Content Marketing?

Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach that provides users with valuable, relevant and consistent content that attracts your target audience whilst influencing them to take a desirable action (e.g. to get in contact with you, browse through your products).

Content is the present and the future of marketing. Going beyond highlighting your products or services, you are offering your target audience content that helps solve their issues and engages them.

Don’t be that company that gives informational garbage to try and sell you “stuff”. Companies unload users with information all the time and most of this content is ignored. Stand out from the crowd by creating content that understands customers “pain-points” and addresses their problems. This will result in them finding out more about your brand, products and services.

Click the link below to learn more!

Connect with your fellow DEC Chapters!
