April 2022
Don't Miss Out!
Annual Conference, May 19 & 20

Contact Michael Salerno by April 29 to get your company or DEC on the list!
DEC Sponsor options:

  • Platinum: $7,500 – includes host of the networking reception, four free registrations, special mention at the conference, logo on sponsor board, logo printed on event materials, and company logo and link on the website for a year.
  • Gold: $5,000 – includes host of one of two lunch breaks, two free registrations to the Annual Export Conference, logo on sponsor board, logo printed on event materials, and company logo and link on the website for a year.
  • Silver: $2,500 – includes host of one of two breakfast breaks, one free registration to the Annual Export Conference, logo on sponsor board, and name recognition as coffee break sponsors.
  • Bronze: $1,000 – includes coffee break host, one free registration to Annual Export Conference, and logo on sponsor board

COVID-19 policy: Currently, Washington, DC has eased some COVID restrictions. However, please be prepared to bring both masks and your vaccination card,
in case COVID numbers increase again and restrictions are reimposed.
A sneak preview:

India Panel at Conference, May 19, 2022

India has always seemed to be either an elusive or a challenging market for small and mid-size US. Firms. With the more recent moves by large American (and other) multinationals moving into India together with the supply chain diversification push, there is an increasing interest by the smaller firms in the U.S. as to how best to overcome the unique challenges that this market has posed for U.S. importers and exporters in the past.

This program is focused on the very practical challenges U.S. firms face in getting sufficiently networked within the Indian business community. Among the “takeaways” from this program will be the interesting opportunity of attendees to engage in a digital beta test of an entirely new B2B supply chain marketplace for India.

Stacy Standley (Nevada DEC), Formerly, the Joint Managing Director of Sikand-Standley Ent Pvt Ltd.
Samir Kapadia, Chief Operating Officer and Principal at The Vogel Group.
Trade Policy Update
Ukraine’s Impact Upon Trade Policy
David Day, Co-Chair, Trade Policy Committee

It seems like it never ends. As if the supply chain disruptions commencing with the U.S.- China trade war and then exacerbated with the covid era and its attendant lockdowns (Omicron), followed by China’s own power shortages and then its own crippling covid lockdowns, were simply challenge enough for business firms to navigate—there is now the Russian invasion and the war in Ukraine to pile onto the long list of risks and challenges that must be overcome.

The Ukraine war underscores for many of us how little we knew about that country. It is a country rich in natural and human resources that has been basically obliterated from global supply chains in terms of food security, energy, tech firms, and many, many other areas.

Given the apparent devastation of the country that we are witnessing, it will be years, if not a generation, before that country can right and repair itself. Then we have the seemingly endless list of sanctions and business departures from Russia. The Ukraine war has essentially eliminated both the Ukraine and Russian markets for most firms.
So how does the war in Ukraine begin to shape our trade policy going forward? One shift that is starting to happen is in the form of new transatlantic trade cooperation.

We just saw the steel and aluminum tariffs eliminated between the U.S. and the U.K. a few days ago. Next, the White House recently brokered a special briefing between EU representatives and the NADEC trade policy committee. The subject was a proposal from the EU that the NADEC join in with the EU in an undertaking called the Enterprise Europe Network in an undertaking where both organizations and their members would look to assisting each other in helping their respective firms do business in each other’s market(s). This is a complex proposal which the NADEC will be working through carefully. More on this later.

From the Board
Update from the Outreach and Education Committee
Tom Dustman, Co-Chair

The NADEC Outreach and Education Committee has had a successful 2021 list of webinars, and began 2022 with a high energy level.

Our committee mapped out a schedule of timely and beneficial webinars for all of 2022. Our first quarter 2022 webinars included subject matter such as The Southbound Trade Initiative, How to Successfully Manage International Employees Working in the USA. (See links below in the "In case you missed it" section)

Next up on April 6 is Grass Roots Advocacy presented by the NADEC Advisory Board, and later in April our partner organization NASBITE will have a program on April 28, Using Trade Credentials to gain a Competitive Advantage. The April 28 webinar will be following a panel discussion format.

Additionally, the full slate of webinars includes topics involving:
  • Crypto Currency 
  • Travel & Tourism for International Visitors
  • Update on the International Supply Chain and Foreign Trade Zones just to name a few of the webinars targeted to those involved in International Trade.

An initiative of our committee, focused on Outreach is to develop programs benefiting students as well as the underserved communities. While we have not finalized the content for the programs, we expect to focus on some basics of international trade with High School and Junior College students, as well as programs focused on Native American communities and the urban areas of large cities with our goal to catch the attention of entrepreneurs and individuals as well as groups who will gain knowledge to apply to their personal growth.

Coordinating with other committees within DEC, our Outreach and Education Committee will continue our efforts throughout 2022 to educate and inform individuals and DEC’s throughout the USA.

Please be sure to register and book your hotel for the NADEC Annual Spring Conference being held May 19-20, 2022 at the Washington Marriott at Metro Center. This conference will covering more topics of importance to the Export trade community.

I look forward to seeing you there!

Tom Dustman 
Local DEC Events
Please share your local DEC events with the NADEC Network!
Send event details to Heidi Whitman, Admin Coordinator
& Urszula Wojciechowska, Co-Chair, Communications Committee, Newsletter Editor
Grassroots Advocacy: Gaining Access to Members of Congress

April 6, 2022 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. EST

The NADEC Advisory Board is presenting a webinar on this topic which is extremely important to all U.S. exporters and importers. 
This presentation by Richard Grana and John Saylor will provide each registrant to the National Conference, with proven methods to gain appointments with Senators, Members of the House and their respective staffs to educate and inform them regarding concepts to international trade, specifically issues regarding expanding exports.   

Richard Grana and John Saylor are exceptionally well qualified to speak on this topic. With years of experience, both Richard and John can share steps that can assist you in gaining the ear of members of Congress.    

Export Compliance

April, 12, 2022 - 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Join us for an export compliance talk by renowned business leader, Mike Allocca.

Mike will lead this hands-on solid training program that is idealfor exporters of all experience levels. We will discuss many topics, from licensing and documentation to HTS classification and common errors with EEIfilings.

Upon completion of this program:
  • You will be aware of the new export security requirements for all exporters.
  • You will have an 11 point checklist to guide you to full compliance on every export.
  • You will become aware of the required 8 lists that must be checked on all exports and understand what common red flags mean to you.
  • We will review the 5 questions that you are required to know about your customer in every export transaction and discuss strategies on how to implement these into your organization.
  • You will walk away that day with a better understanding of the regulations and with specific tools & instructions on how to begin building a secure and compliant department & company.

If you haven’t been to a recent export compliance training, this is one you won’t want to miss.

Using Trade Credentials to Gain a Competitive Advantage

April 28 at 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. EST

Join us to learn how becoming a Certified Global Business Professional (CGBP) benefits you, your career, and your employer.

International Trade specialists from the National Association of Small Business International Trade Educators (NASBITE) will be joined by manufacturers and service providers in a roundtable discussion of the advantages of becoming a Certified Global Business Professional.

What you will learn:
  • Why a CGBP certification is important to those involved in international trade
  • How to attain the CGBP certification
  • What are the four basic trade skills which are covered during the CGBP process
  • Global Business Management
  • Global Marketing
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Trade Finance
  • Important but often overlooked aspects of international trade
  • Documentation
  • Legal and Regulatory Compliance
  • Intercultural Awareness
  • Technology
  • Resources

World Trade Week New York City
May 1 - 31, 2022

The World Trade Week NYC Kick-off Event, Keynote Address & Global Supply Chain Panel takes place on May 5, 2022 at 2 PM EDT.

The Keynote speaker this year will be Bethan Rooney, Port Deputy Director, The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. The topic of her presentation will be "Port Infrastructure to Support World Trade and Global Supply Chains."

Registration for this virtual event is at: www.worldtradeweeknyc.org
World Trade Week NYC is hosted by the New York District Export Council.

This initiative is active network of more than 70 organizations in the New York metro region working together to underscore the importance of international trade, logistics, and port operations to the region's economy and to use their collective expertise to help the region's businesses grow through international trade.

Watch the WTW NYC 2022 website for more information about upcoming webinars scheduled for the months of April, May, and June 2022. WTW NYC award winners will be announced on the WTW website in May.

Andrea Ratay, Chair, New York District Export Council
Robin Van Puyenbroeck, Executive Direct-Business Development, World Trade Centers Association
Sam Ruda, Director, Port Department, The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey
In Case You Missed It
How to Effectively Manage International Employees

March 24, 2022

The webinar recording is now available on our YouTube channel. View here. 

Discover how to increase productivity, reduce conflict, and improve cross-cultural communication with your International Employees.

Learn practical techniques and long-term strategies to leverage their expertise and maximize your ROI, while enhancing their professional growth & development.

In the presentation, Kelly Watkins, offered a free copy of her “5 Step Guide to Improve Executive Professionalism™.”
The Guide can be viewed here. 
South Bound Trade Initiative

A Fresh Approach to Trade and National Security in the Americas webinar, was held on February 17, 2022.

This program, presented by Ernesto Pinal,
Co-Chair, Trade Policy & Legislative Affairs Committee, NADEC, brought an innovative prospective on how to leverage the implementation of the new USMCA.

These are Mexico’s and Latin American competitive reshoring options, with the existing FTAs in the Americas, creating healthy and diversified regional business strategies, more local and less vulnerable to geographical and geopolitical challenges.

View here.
From the U.S. Department of Commerce
A New eCommerce “Coffee Chat” Series

Organized by U.S. Commercial Service and by market, the series will include: market observations, business opportunities and highlights from distinguished presenters worldwide: 

• Southeast Asia: April 5, 8pm EDT/5pm PDT. Register HERE 

• South America: April 19, 11:30am EDT/8:30am PDT  Register HERE 

• Europe (Nordic region): April 27, 11am EDT/8am PDT  Register HERE 

• Canada and Mexico: May 25, 11am EDT/8am PDT Register HERE

Questions? Contact Jay.Park@trade.gov and James.Bledsoe@trade.gov
Export Week, May 2-6, 2022

In celebration of World Trade Month, the U.S. Commercial Service kicks off the first week of May with Export Week 2022!

The sessions, led by both private and public sector experts, will feature tradecraft programs and industry focused opportunities. Many of the programs are being offered free of charge and you can choose as many as you’d like to attend.

Whether you are new-to-export or an experienced exporter, Export Week will provide valuable information on forward thinking strategies and invaluable resources to increase your global sales.
Learn more: https://www.trade.gov/us-commercial-service-export-week

Questions: Brian.Beams@trade.gov, Rosanna.Masucci@trade.gov, Anthony.Sargis@trade.gov, or Taylor.Little@trade.gov
Discover Global Markets: A New Age
in Ocean Technology, Sustainability and Logistics

September 20 - 22, 2022
Providence, RI

Discover Global Markets business development forum is the U.S. Department of Commerce’s flagship event series for U.S. exporters. The forum features a dynamic mix of plenary sessions, topical round-tables, prescheduled one-on-one meetings with U.S. commercial diplomats, buyers and ministry officials from key markets around the globe, and plenty of networking!

In Focus
Let's Increase DEC Member Engagement!

The NADEC National Committee has prepared a:

All Board Members have special expertise in international trade and are dedicated to helping businesses across the nation develop global sales. Contact them if you have any questions or if they can be of any help.

Useful Links
SBA works to ignite change and spark action so small businesses can confidently start, grow, expand, or recover. SBA is the only cabinet-level federal agency fully dedicated to small business and provides counseling, capital, and contracting expertise as the nation’s only go-to resource and voice for small businesses. More
We're Here to Help You Export Successfully
Whether you are a new or experienced exporter, the U.S. Commercial Service's global network of export experts in more than 100 U.S. cities and 80 global markets can help you find opportunities, reduce uncertainty and make new export sales.

US Department of Commerce, Int'l Trade Administration manages this global trade website to provide access to ITA information on compliance with trade laws and agreements and strengthen the competitiveness of US industry.
