New Blog Posts Available!
The latest blog posts from NADTC feature volunteer driver recruitment strategies, accessible transportation for people living with Dementia, planning for accessible pedestrian infrastructure and how human services transportation programs are managing services in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. To review each of these exciting new postings, check out our website.
Transportation Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Initiative: Lunch and Learn Series
Our Transportation DEI Lunch and Learn webinar, held on December 8th, featured Monica Jones, Chief Equity Officer, Central Ohio Transit Authority, who presented on the topic, "What an Equitable Transit Service Looks Like: Putting Equity into Action." In case you missed this webinar, you can access the materials and recording here.
Lunch and Learn sessions are designed to be brief informational webinars that allow participants to learn about promising practices in transportation equity. We are looking forward to continuing our Lunch and Learn series in 2022. See you then!
Say HELLO to Jane Mahoney!
Jane joins NADTC as Training and Technical Assistance Specialist and will be providing valuable resources to assist your transportation programs. She brings a breadth of experience working in the aging network and has spent the last 12 years as an Older Americans Act Consultant and Caregiver Support Specialist for the Greater Wisconsin Agency on Aging Resources. Jane brings a passion for coordination and caregiver transportation, so please reach out with any questions or share a best practice so we can all learn from each other and understand what is happening out in the field.
Jane lives in northwest Wisconsin with her husband and children and enjoys running, music, hiking, and spending time with her family.
Thank you Coordination Campaign Committee Members!
Earlier this year, NADTC launched a Coordination Campaign designed to provide education and technical assistance around coordination activities. This campaign was designed with input from the Coordination Advisory Committee. This committee consists of 11 professionals from the private and public sector who dedicated their time to strategically plan the campaign and develop coordination resources and tools that will be released soon. Several committee members participated in our Coordination Connections webinar series, each of those recordings can be found on NADTC's Training and Events page.
We sincerely thank our committee members for their time and talents that helped guide our work in this Coordination Campaign.
Ken Pollock Transit Director, Bay Aging, Virginia
Jess Maurer Executive Director, Maine Council on Aging
Denise Jess Executive Director, WI Council of the Blind and Visually Impaired
Jordan Hall Mobility Manager, Statewide Independent Living Council of Georgia
Kate Williams Executive Director, Denver Regional Mobility & Access Council
Michelle Lichtig Project Manager, MnDOT Office of Transit and Active Transp.
Shelley Horak Project Manager, Iowa Department of Human Services
Kristine Sande Program Director, Rural Health Information Hub
Amy St. Peter Deputy Executive Director, Maricopa Assoc. of Governments, AZ
Josh Massey Founder/CEO, Carepool
Kirby Wilhelm Program Associate, National Center for Mobility Management
If you are interested in participating in the Coordination Campaign next year, please send a message to Carrie at
In the coming months, NADTC will highlight one of the best practices featured in the Best Practices Compendium, all of which are based on the work of grant projects supported by NADTC from 2017-2019.
This month’s Best Practice Showcase, Engagement and Outreach for Transportation Programs, highlights the experiences of several former grantees. Major lessons learned from these programs was that building trust among riders, communities and partners is critically important. Grantees valued outreach as a way to raise awareness and increase community support when new transportation services are launched.
Medicare Advantage Transportation Plans
NADTC released a Transportation Trends Report that reviews trending topics in transportation from 2020. The Trends Report provides an overview of what’s happening in the industry and important transportation issues in communities across the U.S. This month, we are focusing on transportation benefits through Medicare Advantage Plans.
This informational brief highlights the Medicare Advantage Programs available to diverse older adults and people with disabilities, and how these transportation benefits are allowing riders to go where they need to go. December's Spotlight also includes information on current research findings and recommendations for addressing the transportation needs of these populations.
Federal Mask Mandate Extended to March 18, 2022
The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has extended the face mask requirement for all transportation networks, including public transportation, through March 18, 2022.
While this announcement extends the date of enforcement, all other aspects of the requirement remain unchanged, including exemptions and civil penalties. To learn more about FTA’s guidance to the transit industry on the Federal mask requirement for public transit at the FTA Transit Mask Up webpage.
FTA Seeks Input for Potential Updates to Title VI Circular
FTA is seeking input through a Request for Information (RFI) from transit agencies, transit planners and especially those who ride and use transit systems regarding improving equitable access to public transportation nationwide. FTA will use these public comments to update its Title VI guidance, the primary policy document addressing Title VI Regulations for transportation services.
The RFI, published in the Federal Register, solicits input on potential updates for FTA’s Title VI Circular, which outlines requirements and guidelines and was last updated in 2012. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, along with the DOT Title VI regulations, prohibits discrimination based on race, color, or national origin in federally funded programs, including public transportation services.
FTA hopes to encourage transformative change and ensure a stronger commitment to equity throughout the transit industry. In addition to transit agencies and transit industry organizations, FTA wants to hear from riders, advocacy groups, and stakeholders, particularly from underserved communities, on how FTA can update its Title VI Guidance. Comments are requested by January 3, 2021.
Social Isolation and Loneliness Among People with Disabilities Living in Rural Communities
Social connection is the experience of interacting with and feeling connected to other people; including friends, family, colleagues, and neighbors. Having social connections is a basic human need that helps us get through life’s ups and downs and build resiliency in difficult situations. The University of Montana Rural Institute released a report that examines data from the National Survey on Health and Disability (NSHD), to identify factors associated with social isolation and loneliness, including living in a rural location and a lack of transportation availability.
To review the entire report, visit their website here .
Higher Education and Mobility Management
The National Center for Mobility Management (NCMM) seeks to understand what future transportation professionals are learning, specifically about mobility management, disability, and accessibility. This assessment will support NCMM to develop an understanding of what is already being done to prepare our future transportation professionals with the content they need to respond to the mobility needs in communities across the U.S. The intended outcome will be to develop resources and supportive materials for educational institutions in their curriculum.
Mapping of Social Isolation in Older Adults
The National Council on Aging’s data visualization tool maps low-income older adults by race, ethnicity, access to technology, and limited English proficiency. This resource can help professionals understand more about the characteristics of low-income older adults (ages 60+ with incomes below 150% of the Federal Poverty Level) in their area, and can also be useful in the planning of transportation services for older adults.
Mapping of Social Isolation in Older Adults is an interactive mapping tool that allows users to visualize measures of social isolation and loneliness in older adults in the U.S., and provides data on the relationship between social isolation and other state and county-level characteristics. Examples of these demographic and health behaviors include income, internet/broadband access, and the percent of adults aged 65 and older who live alone. This tool was developed by NORC at the University of Chicago for AARP Foundation with support from United Health Foundation.
FTA released a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) and availability of $2 million for the Enhancing Mobility Innovation Program to support innovations that encourages integrated fare payment systems and user-friendly software for on-demand public transportation. Eligible applicants include providers of public transportation, private for-profit and not-for-profit organizations, state or local government entities, or other organizations such as research consortia, and institutions of higher education. Projects must be submitted through by 11:59 pm ET on January 11, 2022.
New applicants are invited to submit proposals for the FY 2022 AmeriCorps Seniors - American Rescue Plan Senior Demonstration Program (American Rescue SDP) funds. Applicants are required to address one or more of the following Focus Areas: Disaster Services, Economic Opportunity, Education, Environmental Stewardship, Healthy Futures, and Veteran and Military Families. Please note this funding opportunity is available to those who do not currently have an active grant with AmeriCorps Seniors. Application Deadline: Thursday, February 3, 2022 at 5:00 pm ET. Please contact for additional guidance.
NADTC Information and Referral Services
NADTC Technical Assistance Specialists are here to assist you and answer your questions about a variety of topics related to transportation for older adults and people with disabilities, ADA-accessible services and related issues. Call us at 866.983.32220 or email us at to start a conversation today.
National Aging and Disability Transportation Center
Washington, DC
The National Aging and Disability Transportation Center is a program funded by the Federal Transit Administration and administered by USAging and Easterseals with guidance from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Community Living.